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A member registered Apr 25, 2021 · View creator page →

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This is really good! Cool concept. :)

Really great. Great use of Reynolds!

Nice looking game - simple clean graphics. Chain movement seemed a little odd / unnatural. Very steep  learning curve made for a frustrating experience - constantly dying. Well done overall!

Seems like this game is about moving the mouse away from the triangles. The triangles move so fast I found it impossible to actually concentrate on controlling the ball and chain. Killing the triangles was therefore random luck and just a random biproduct of moving my mouse. An interesting idea that could be greatly improved by slowing it down and/or making a bigger play area. Good luck for the jam!

Couldn't get any gameplay happening here at all unfortunately. Tried to tether the cubes together but nothing would happen. It seemed like two separate control schemes for each cube. Yellow: mouse. Red: keyboard. They never connected. Sorry. :(

The teleport-where-you-shoot concept was very cool! Music very irritating because it restarted at every death. Very hard difficulty curve - is there a way I wonder to make it easier to start with? Great job overall! Well done!

Great level design! Brutal in places though! Great idea - clearly some real skill involved in mastering this game! I wonder would an improvement be to enable replenishing of balloons instead of restarting? Great work! Well done!

Played the browser version. Actually really fun. Very strange. Although I didn't really get the hang of it I did get a few points. I could tell there was some skill to it but I didn't quite work out what that skill was. Great work! Well done! 

Great concept. The simplicity of the controls was refreshing. I found it hard to actually position myself to get the energy though. I wonder is there a way to reduce the difficulty curve at first. Maybe giving a (limited?) ability to increase or decrease the length of the tether? Well done!

Good fun - I replayed several times!! The swarms of connected objects that seemed to arrive all at once were brutal - very hard to escape! Perhaps work on the difficulty curve for the next version! Well done!

Interesting concept. I thought the rules were a little arbitrary - I would have liked it to be a little bit more self-explanatory; i.e., I would have liked to be able to just jump in and play and understand it. The way ingredients fell twice was a little confusing too. A great achievement for a short jam though. Well done!

This was really fun! Great physics. Do you mind commenting about how it was done? 

Was really tricky to figure out how to use the chain to pull two ninjas together. I only got past that part after persisting and accidentally getting it to work. Never quite figured out exactly how to do it. Overall the strongest part here I thought was the programming - definitely challenging to get something like this working! Well done! 

Playthrough video was impressive! Way too hard. If the rotation was slower it could be easier. Cool idea for the game, and the "weight" of the ball felt right. Definite potential if you worked on the difficulty curve! Well done!

I played to the third level! Brutal that failure sets you back to the start. I desperately wanted the ability to shoot so I could blast the bad guys! Good luck for the jam!

Very evocative. Loved the non-specific, nebulous goal state. I wondered: What is the entity that needs to be fed? Why am I feeding them? (These questions do not need answering - that is the point.) Amazing feel and visual look. Well done!

Love the idea of a one button game! The countdown to 0... Was that the aim? To grow as high as possible within the timeframe? Some feedback at 0 would have been good. Well done!

Wow... the wasps and roaches are horrifying, and their SFX! Brilliant! Better instructions would help. How do I return food to the nest? I found that if I killed a few wasps then I was out of food and there was nothing I could do except be chased down and killed. Some more balancing needed I think. You actually have the bare bones of a type of horror game here! Well done!

Nice little reaction-time game. Brutal fail state! Maybe instead of insta-death when you make a mistake, just remove a floor and let the game keep going? Well done!

Very different visual experience played at the regular size vs. full screen - some kind of problem with the WorldEnvironment node glow effect I think. I stopped playing after a few minutes because the frame rate dropped to about 2 per second and there was lots of jittering - it became unplayable. Perhaps too many bad guys spawning? WAZD was a real problem. WASD should have been your choice. Well done for a short jam though! 

I played until the start of the level with the bees. Very nice simply visual style. Would have liked the respawn points to be more frequent. Getting set back to the start of the level was harsh! Well done. Fun little game.

I played with keyboard. Very hard to control! Lovely graphics though and with some attention to the control scheme would be great. Well done!

You made snake! Very good riff on the idea though! I played on the middle difficulty through both levels and noticed that at no time did I get "boxed in" by newly appearing hazards - I'm assuming this was intentional - and if so - well done! I'd like to hear about how that was implemented. Music, although truly awful and irritating ;) was perfect for the game!! And so much effort put into it! Looks like you had a team of 4 - a great achievement even for that small team in a short amount of time. Well done!

This was interesting. Quite meditative actually - the idea of harvesting basil was quite relaxing! I wonder could a future version have the cuts actually happen exactly where you click. Lots of potential for gameplay relating to pests or weeds too! Good luck for the jam!

This was interesting. Quite meditative actually - the idea of harvesting basil was quite relaxing! I wonder could a future version have the cuts actually happen exactly where you click. Lots of potential for weed-related gameplay too! Good luck for the jam!

This was clever. Basically the levels are logic puzzles that you need to figure out. I had the ah-ha moment after a few tries - using the jump that occurs when you power up with the green stuff. Good fun. "Simple" but with actually a lot of design complexity! Well done!

Nice graphics and overall game feel! I liked the concept of shooting the badguys making the bad guys bigger - classic game design: the thing that helps you hinders you along the way. I wonder could a future version give some relevance to the growing garden - the various plants could spawn powerups for you or something. Well done! 

Excellent game design: The thing that gets you closer to your goal (getting taller so you can reach the golden apple) is also the thing that brings you into more peril (getting more vulnerable to the rocks!). Lots of games take advantage of this mechanic and it's great. Well done! Congratulations to me too because I reached the golden apple. A thought: As you get taller, it gets more and more difficult to react in time to red apples / rocks. It becomes impossible in fact - I'm sure the needed reaction time could be as low as 50 to 100 milliseconds - and it also requires a mouse movement, not merely a click. How could this be improved? Something to think about for a future version! 

I'm sure this is great but I just didn't get it! I've never played a text adventure before that I can remember. I tried typing in some things similar / the same as what what the guard said to me and it just told me "blah blah blah" and something about drivel. There's a great idea in here - I know it, but I just couldn't figure out how to get it to work for me. Maybe a future version could have more explicit instructions?

(1 edit)

Really cool. Liked the simple controls. Fun programming challenge to have a game on a sphere like that. I was confused why 2 or more panels sometimes appeared when I moused-over over some items. E.g., I moused-over gold and saw descriptions for "gold" and "gold ore". Why? Which was it? Would like to see a version in the future with animations happening on the sphere! Great work!  

(2 edits)

Thanks for your comment! Maybe you meant "developing"? Glad you liked it!

This was horrifying. Visceral! Would be curious to know what you started with ahead of the jam. Seems like an incredible amount of work. Well done!