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A member registered Jul 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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Good evening,

I can only agree with "The Data Boys". The game was fun even without a different key layout but it was impossible for me to get 3 corner shapes forms because it was too weird doing it with QWER. Nonetheless it was fun which quite honestly surprised me but that just shows how well the concept worked as well as the feel of the music compared to the hits. It indeed could have been a bit more easy, especially considering this is the first level (also the only level). But considering this was your first GameJam this is totally fine and a promising start for future GameJams. Before I leave I would like to point out a minor improvement point to think about for future projects, you might want to put the volume slider somewhere where we are able to hear music. I was confused seeing the slider before hearing any sound and then got surprised by the rather loud ingame music. All in all a well start into the world of GameJams, keep up the good work!

Best run scored 2060 points for me

Thank you for the feedback! It's sadly indeed a bit hard to read the requirements (You were right and knew we had scaling problems)

No problem, you're welcome!

I'd love to try it out, sadly I am on Mac and as such am not able to play the game currently :/

It's a simple game that is fast and enjoyable to play for a while. I really like the dog on the leash mechanic, which is a nice unique selling point. The constant power ups bring some spicing up into the game which I quite like. I saw that you did do the music/sounds yourself and while it is also simple, it fits perfectly in for exactly that reason. The only two things that I can complain about is that it gets quite repetitive,  there is always only 1 crab spawning, just with more health each time. And that while you yourself speed up, the dog seemingly gets slower and slower (compared to yourself) and therefore more dificault to navigate over time. But aside these minor two complaints, it does a good job at entertaining you for a couple of minutes. Well done!

Ha, got ya, 30 ;)

I don't know if you are aware of that but you didn't upload your game properly

Good evening, great job on your first game there. I love the concept of 2 different forces moving the fish. It provides a certain challenge and some practice to steer the fishing in an appropriate manner but once you manage to move navigate more precise you gain some speed and it gets fun. Considering this is your first GameJam submission this becomes even more special and you can be proud of that. Art + programming is quite some effort and neither seemed to lack some major features and there were no bigger bugs that I found. I didn't get why the first worm was thrown in the opposite direction of where you have to go, starting closer to the incoming wall would have been better I believe but that is just some minor complaint I found. Last but not least, the entire level could have been a bit more wider to make it a little bit more easy but that is no mayor problem and nothing I can really complain about. Well done and good luck with future projects :)

Hellooo, neat game you have there. The idea is easy to grasp, after I finished the level and died into the spikes, I understood that you were supposed to carry the box to the finish :) After that is was straight forward, finishing the levels (my personal favourite were the conveyor belts). Simple, compact, rounded up. There are some Quality of Live changes that could have been made to improve the game flow, for example the box could have become a sphere since I had some problem pushing it over edges sometimes. For some reason the platforms also felt like they were immensely slowing down towards their final position, making it even hard pushing boxes over. And sometimes there were irriversable moves which made you start all over again, which didn't quite feel that nice. But all that is just bashing on a solid gameplay with multiple levels. As such I can only say good job, keep up the good work!

A masterpiece (I believe)!

The "I believe" is set in brackets because I was sadly only able to play against myself (at least in a meaningful manner) which obviously took most of the fun away but that didn't stop me from enjoying the graphics, story, physics and overall appeal. Beginning with a nice background story is always a good start (especially when monks are involved). The wiggle physics were fun to play around with especially in combination with moving the obstacles around and wiggling with the enemy. In total it seemed also very well polished, I only encountered one bug, which is that the levels loaded after the menu was closed, leaving me some frames in the old level. But other than that I didn't encounter a corner which felt odd/unpolished to me and thus my following conclusion: 

10/10, well rather (5/5) x3

Good evening,

it is quite obvious that this game lives through the amazing graphics. Maybe I wasn't able to appreciate the programming features all that much because they were overshadowed by the lovely art style. It's pretty nice getting a tutorial running through the level and the rather unique game concept is pretty amazing as well especially tied with the graphics. I sadly didn't get to play much of the level because I was consumed by the firewalls since the character was a bit too slow in my eyes. I understand the use of slow pace here and it makes part of the atmosphere but therefore I couldn't play any further as it took me 3 minutes, trying to surpass the flames, failing miserably :)
Would love to say more about the game but this is sadly not my type of game, well done in any case!

Good evening, I was about to write a comment about how I wasn't able to start the application on Mac, luckily I was saved by your introduction, thanks for that already :)
At first I wasn't quite sure what to expect from "Sticky buns" but it really lived up to its expectations :D
The idea to pick up buffs/debuffs/abilities and throw them away on demand again, is pretty neat  and I haven't seen a similar mechanic myself before. I didn't investigate the AI of this game but it didn't feel awkward and barely noticeable (which is a really good thing). It was difficult get rid of slow/poison buffs again once picked up, you basically had to throw away all your inventory to walk normal again which was a bit annoying. I am a bit sad that we only had 4 different power-ups in the level because this is definitely a scalable concept but this is not something I hold against you. Overall I enjoyed your game to most so far, considering the entire game experience.

Well done!

Good evening!

Lovely contribution. I hope that I can assume that this game was focusing more on the graphics and sound design than on its gameplay features. If not, I am sorry to assume this :)
I love the simple low poly graphics and the Ingame UI used for the houses. Together with the awesome music, it generates a well put together wholesome setting. I am truly enjoying the music, honestly!
It also totally makes up for some Quality of Life features that are missing (WASD movement, no money generation for some reason, etc.) and is overshadowing these minor drawbacks.

Good job!

Thank you very much robbo!

I am glad to see that you liked it and pleased to see that you played it more than once :)

Good evening guys,

nice concept you developed there. We were also thinking about such an idea (but rather time based) each GameJam again and again and it is nice to see it implemented here. The mechanic works pretty nice, I haven't managed to get far into the levels as my skill might not necessarily live up to the  expectations of the game :) At first I thought I am a knight with  a sword and wondered why it can shoot until a friend pointed out that it is a magic wand, which made much more sense :D

I really enjoyed that each dimension had its own theme in terms of environment, enemies and especially music. Sadly the worlds were a bit empty but of course this has to be seen as a 48h GamJam production, probably focusing on programming.

Overall I like the idea of the game, interesting and unique mechanics with lots of potential but  lacking a bit on the art side,

greetings from a humble reviewer :)

Unfortunately there are no plans to return to this game. I think every single one of us is glad that it is over for now and we need some time apart (Unity and us). But thank you so much for your lovely comment.  That is so wholesome :)

Thanks a lot for your cheerful comment! We are glad you  liked it.

You are right about that, it is hard to pull off a good throw without being detected. I think we have never even thought about doing the aiming system differently but I guess that was rather due to time constraints and only the last levels had the ornaments in them. But we are glade you liked it and thank you for the valuable feedback and have a pleasant evening.

Even though this might have been your first GameJam this is probably not your first game because it already looks pretty good complete and I don't want to think back to my own first GameJams. The graphics were well fit for the scope of the project and so were the sounds. After having found the first surprise party house, the goal of the game was clear and I managed to deliver 3 cakes on the first day  and 6 & 7 on the next two days. The replayability was of course not so high but that is also nothing that you expect from a GameJam game but through the upgrades there was at least an incentive to try them out. In terms of valuable feedback I only have that it would have been nice to see 2 rows of houses (if they have balloons) when you run horizontally like when you do when you run horizontal. But otherwise I would say that you have probably learned a lot yourself and will come more prepared next time yourself and do even better.
Have a nice evening :=)

First of all I must say that the dungeon was indeed weird but luckily (or sadly however you want to see it) it was not "that kind" of weird. Well-tied together graphics with completed gameplay, all very nice put together. It took me a while to figure out what the "ammunition" in the top right was for and still don't quite get why I throw somethings and not fight with them or why they are gone but.... as long as it kills enemies it is fine :D

The enemies were a bit stupid to only attack when running at them (which made the game fairly easy). Yet it still didn't meet my skill so I only managed to get to wave 2 and survive for 10 sec. Overall it was pretty well put together I would say. Good job!

I can only agree to that. It took a while to understand the game and I thought I had lost each team I pressed the mouse down button at first but once you got the grip it was fairly easy to get into. The graphics are pretty cool. I am still not quite sure why Santa is a mole but that is fine by me. Overall, good job! :)

Hey, I didn't download the game so I can't rate the game on it's (what I assume) current stand. While this game seems like a prototype at this point, you can clearly see where the game is heading. Interesting idea.

Hey, sadly I wasn't able to play the game because my browser wouldn't load which sadly happens with approx. 1/3 of all web games I tried here. Wish you the best luck though :)

Bold attempt to try a card based dungeon crawler but you did it anyways! It would have been nice to have the abilities/utilities explained with a bit more in detail but you were able to figure them out eventually yourself. The generated text messages were pretty cool with their dynamic values. Of course the length of a dungeon was not too long but I guess nobody expects that from you. I think it rather resembles a good prototype of what it might (have) become one day. Wish you all the best :)

Impressive that you incorporated 3 different sub-genres into your game. I liked the different mechanics that you have implemented and it is quite fun to play around with for a bit. The animations were pretty well made but sadly also took very long which meant that you didn't have too much time to plan ahead your next move because 50% of the time a card was playing its animation and the 50 saw blades surrounding oneself didn't make it easier :)

But what can I say, it was a 48h GameJam and you did a good job creating this game. Well done!

This has to be 5/5 stars.

The challenge matches the skill it is a very unique concept. The graphics are neat and the music fits well. There is really not more to add.

How to not avoid a GameJam comment. I am not a fan of dialogues but you definitely parked your game too long here so you will get a comment ;)

I can only agree to Maz. I didn't make it past the first boss and the second or third stage don't know what is up with my skill there :) But the skill of FancyHat is definitely reachable it seems, mhh. But anyways, this is a complete game in itself with dialogues and no bugs (at least that I found). Art gameplay style and goofiness of the dialogue are harmonious. Well Done!

Thanks a lot for your feedback. We are glad you liked it :)

It is not you it was quite sudden caused by our attempt to quickly put different features in. But we are glad you liked it anway!

Great to hear! :)

Neat game. It took a few seconds to realise that the settings were swapped and you had to change Left and Right but after that it worked pretty well. I managed to get to the level were the spikes close in on you at which point I rage quitted after the 50th time :D

But I guess it tells something that I managed to make it till this point and tried it 50 times.  A little tutorial would have been nice but since there weren't lots of mechanics also not really necessary. The low contrast was already mentioned and apart from that I would only say that it is a small but neatly put together game. Congrats! :)

Well I mean I know the problem all to well, that's why I saw it as a high priority this time to do it myself :P

Thanks a lot! Now you know what you missed in your childhood when you felt like Santa really existed but you just couldn't see him ;)

Thank you very much for the nice comment. You are right about the main menu it is not fully fleshed but it eventually did its job. If we had more time, we might have had more test players to get some ideas fore improvements but of course we are glad you liked it and we see that these are just improvements not vital features :)

Good evening,

First of all I have to say that I didn't download the game. So I don't know what exactly is different to the web version. I think that we can agree that the focus was more on the art than the gameplay which was rather limited.  I myself am a gameplay oriented person and therefore have less to say to the graphical side of things but I still have to say that I did like it. Especially the bottles next to the factory (but please don't read anything into that). 

Hello fellow Christmateer :)

Very neat looking graphics with a simple yet fletched out game idea. I am giving the art 10/9 just because it is so nice. The controls to run constantly are interesting though I myself find it not suiting to the rest of the gameplay especially in the kitchen where I needed multiple attempts to eat a cookie (sound weird writing it out load). The grumpy house owner made my day!  The story is a bit weird when you think about it twice but... who cares it's fun! :)

And I also must say that your game idea is surprisingly similar to ours. Even the eating and drinking is included.

Congratulations! I didn't understand how I even got to level 3 or stage 4 or windows 10... Well at least my ears didn't have to see this anymore.

Well, all jokes aside. I enjoyed the ironic touch to it.  The unknowingness and journey through the weird "story". Sadly I didn't get too far since I was about to rage quit the level with the portals as I didn't know how to get past it when I hit ESC and suddenly was in the next level which I then couldn't get past (click 15 times). The music was quiet load on game start and no option to turn it down but that was no a big deal.

That was a cool, different approach to the topic as well, here I really felt out of control at times because I was wanting to do many things at once but only could one at a time. I think this is one of the games that hit the theme very well.The art style was also very well done, neat comic'ish fighting style. The replayability is limited to maybe 3-5 iterations to test out some different tactics but of course that is not the focus of the Jam, to make a fully fletched out game. Well done!

We are happy that you liked it.

As you mentioned, fitting the theme might have not been our main focus but nonetheless we are satisfied with how it turned out and you experienced a smooth, bug free game.
(And of course there aren't any bugs in our game, especially not the ones mentioned in the comments ;) cough cough)

Thank you very much for the feedback. I am glad you like the game!