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A member registered Oct 04, 2015 · View creator page →

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Used the Mini GUI pack in my Mini Jame Gam #21 entry EXCAV8. I loved the style of these, it suited my needs perfectly, thank you!

Wow, very well done for the timeframe and in general. Love seeing PICO8!

Sadly couldn't get this running on Linux, so I can't rate it, but I absolutely had to comment to say the extremely detailed devlog is really cool! That's something I'd love to see for more jam entries, just out of curiosity

I'm not sure if I misunderstand how to play or if it's not working in my browser, but this was all I could see. I tried resetting a couples times, but most times it looked like this. It's responding to inputs but nothing seems to change sadly. Obviously I can't rate it based on this but I'm definitely interested to try it if there's some way to get it working.

This one grabbed me pretty good. I suck at it but it's nice to control and the premise is really cool, and quite addictive too.

This game is very cute and quite relaxing. For some reason, I really like how holding out the hammer causes you to drop faster. (I'm glad it's just a dream, I'd hate to be hurting real cats)

A bit overwhelming at first but a really fun concept. I'd love to see this expanded and polished at some point. (Also, there was no way to give 5 stars for cats but I would if I could!)

For such a silly concept, this is a lot more interesting than I expected! I really really dig the art style, and the upgrade choices between each attempt are a pretty neat addition to the clicker formula

Thank you! I just put out a post-jam update that should hopefully tone the difficulty down a bit. I forgot to reset block health between games, making it much harder than intended past the first play.

This is in the newest build. I was worried about UI issues at first but it seems to be fine. Thanks for playing!

Thanks! I opted to make only made a few assets and use them carefully as opposed to a big variety for that reason, I'm pretty picky about presentation. I highly recommend third party assets, especially for UI - designing UI would absolutely have taken me too long. I'm grateful for the work people have done to make prototyping progress faster and look better.

The difficulty is definitely higher than I intended due to a bug where block health doesn't reset after a game over (newly spawned blocks gain +1 health for every shift left), so the more times you play without refreshing or closing the game, the harder new games become. Ran out of time to playtest, undoubtedly due to my pickiness on presentation. lol

That issue plus hopefully all of the dying on spawn scenarios are fixed in a build I have ready for after jam voting is over. Thanks for your feedback!

Hours of sleep were sacrificed and many cups of coffee consumed in the name of jamming. lol I'm very happy with the results.

What prevented you from playing? I didn't have much time or a variety of systems to playtest on so I don't doubt I missed something. Sorry about that, hopefully it's something I can fix. Thank you for the comment nonetheless.

Thanks! The Japanese indie music scene online is seriously fantastic. There are so many talented artists putting music in just about any genre imaginable out there if you know where to look, totally free to use. I'm very grateful to them.

I came up with the core idea pretty quickly as thankfully the theme clicked with me. I got just the basic gameplay working first (falling blocks and mining) before I worried about the looping and failure states.

 I had initially wanted to include usable items as well as more detailed + directional sprites for the player but ran into so many issues with collision that I opted to cut that and make sure what I could include was as good as possible. Thanks for the comment!

Beat it, quite nice! My only real complaint is that the character feels a little unwieldy to control, sometimes I wanted to jump and just didn't, or I would slide off of the corners of platforms. Pretty minor issue though, I enjoyed this quite a bit

Great stuff, controls are tight and the pickaxe latching was consistent, always felt like my fault when I'd miss a jump. I can see myself wanting to play more of this!

Surprisingly relaxing, I love the music choice and the aesthetic is very pleasing. Getting through the debris is quite challenging, I kept forgetting which direction left and right would take me for some reason. lol

Zuma my beloved, it's neat to see a different take on that style of game. Great name by the way, gave me a chuckle

Interesting premise! I can see this becoming a really addictive game concept. Apart from some collision issues (clipping into walls sometimes), my only suggestion is to pause the timer when in the shop and make it get bigger when it's almost time's up. Otherwise, I like this implementation of the loop, and having to choose what to take with you is cool.

(1 edit)

Yeah, I dunno how I missed that one, thanks. lol It should still save it at least, I forgot to have it update on returning to the menu, only on game load. I'll fix that after the voting period.