Very cool game! I didn't really understand how the turn order worked and how slow/fast attacks affected it, but I'm probably just dumb lol. There's surprisingly a lot to this game, I didn't manage to kill the chrono tyrant and the gameplay did start to feel a bit repetitive after a loop or two, but it is a very interesting game.
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Wow I love it so much!! The game is really fun and well polished. There's a lot of content too for just 9 days!
I love the eraser bomb so much, the visuals are so cool, seeing to the next level/page is such a cool idea, I also like how it affects the gameplay by doing a lot of damage but also restricting your own movement, so it's like a double edged sword.
For some criticism, the sounds were somewhat repetitive, maybe more pitch variation? Also maybe if I shoot a ton of slimes at once (within a few ms) I think it should only play 1 hit sound for them. I also sometimes got stuck inside the eraser grenade hole, I'm not sure if this was intended or a bug, but it was somewhat annoying.
It took me a while to find the final boss, I thought he might have not spawned but I eventually got him. I do wish he was a bit harder too!
Really good entry!! I had a ton of fun playing through it :)
Yeah they do go into the walls and sometimes get stuck in there. I tried to fix it but I don't think it worked lol. They caan go through walls, I disabled the collisions because having 200 would cause huge lag with physics, so I implemented a context steering avoidance system to make them avoid hitting each other and walls which helped with performance. However in the gameplay you rarely see more than 50 so I think I could have just left collisions on lol.
Thanks for playing!!
It is endless. It's procedurally generated too so you should be able to explore infinitely. I wanted to include little nests that you could dig to and if you got 8 it would reveal the location of a boss nest to beat the game, but that was waaay out of the scope haha. In hindsight I should have at least added a wave counter so players could like get a highscore for at least some accomplishment. I think I did make the difficulty scale a biiit too hard for how much gems you get and how much it costs. Thanks for the feedback!
The music was made for the game specifically by one of our jammers, I'm glad you liked it!!
Thanks for playing! :)
I loved that you included a story and cutscenes!! The platforming was pretty fun for me. I almost didn't get to play the game though because I thought the second wall was bugged. I couldn't figure out that you needed to find a specific spot in the wall till I read the other comments here and found that out.
Cool game! I liked the variety of monsters each with different abilities.
I wasn't exactly sure of how to get past the big shop thingy when you try to get the key, as it one shot me every time. I upgraded my ammo and health a bit but it didn't help. I think visual indicators of how much damage I took from it with damage numbers or maybe health bars on it/the enemies would help to know what is happening. I also never killed the shooty bullets ghost cus it's bullets would block mine and it seemed to have a lot of health, so some sort of indicator of how much progress I was making would help. Also when the things come from offscreen it might be useful to have a danger indicator so the player doesn't get hit immediately.
Super calming. I tried my best to do everything (drink tea, make meal, light the candles) I'm not sure if I got everything. I like the style, I wish there was pop-ups for each of the interactable like the tea, I assume you also did but ran out of time! I also wish there was some audio as others have suggested. Great work though!! :)