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A member registered Jul 10, 2020

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That's really helpful feedback! Incentivizing the player to engage with the mode switch mechanic is our next priority. Thanks for playing :D

Heheh, yep it was a panel that was blocking the button raycast -- we figured it out after the deadline, but oh well :')

Your recharge system idea is really cool :o we considered putting the mode swap on a timer, but your idea gives the player a lot more agency, which is great! I think ideally we'd get to a place where switching weapons is optimal for a high score, but I agree that the weapon balance isn't there yet.

I'm curious, which mode would you stay on for a high score? We've gotten different answers from different playtesters (though one tends to get more votes than the other ^^), so I'd love to know which one you felt was better!

Agreed re. tuning! Thanks for playing :D

Wow, I figured it'd be a fun twist going in, but after playing, your version honestly feels like it has more depth than the original game! I probably didn't play optimally, but marshaling the ghosts was a lot of fun -- if only pacmac didn't eat the power-up and wipe out my ghosts right when I almost had him trapped :(

Ahh yeah, showing the control scheme swapping in-game is something we'll have to do in the future ^^

Glad you liked the art :D Thanks for playing! 

Thanks! Had a ton of fun playing your game too :D

I love the camera zoom out on the boss level, it felt really dramatic ^^ The explosive jump mechanic also gave me tf2 vibes! It'd be really cool to chain jumps, by throwing and detonating an explosive midair.

It took me a while to complete the boss level, and I wish the player had a couple of lives so I didn't have to keep restarting at the original spawn location. But overall, creative mechanic and polished, really impressive stuff!

It took us some time to get used to as well! Thanks for playing :D

Ooh I like that suggestion, it'd definitely make defeating the 'bosses' more satisfying! 

Also that's really helpful feedback! I think with our current weapon balance, the control scheme you prefer has a higher skill ceiling/floor (and vice-versa for the other control scheme), so that's something for us to keep tweaking on our end (along with enemy spawn behavior). I think most of our testers preferred the other control scheme, so that just goes to show the value of getting a varied set of playtesters! Thanks :D

Heh, the balance we were striving for was 'easy to maneuver' with mouse movement vs 'easy to aim' with key movement, but we definitely need to make mouse's weapons stronger -- on a post-deadline build, we've experimented with making key's projectiles bigger, and that's helped a lot with making the modes feel balanced

Swapping control schemes at a fixed time interval was an idea we considered, but we figured it wouldn't be necessary if the modes were balanced so that each mode was better in certain situations. Then again, auto-swapping would force the player to think about positioning a bit more carefully, so that's worth implementing and playtesting ^^

Thanks for the thoughtful feedback!

I had an unhealthy amount of fun spamming the interfere button (on everyone :>) while trying to score a goal by myself. Funny and fun to play!

Wow, that last puzzle was really cool, I'd love to play more levels with the pause mechanic! I definitely would've loved access to all actions at all times (which would be doable if wasd was replaced by arrow keys) but I'm not sure if that'd make the puzzles too easy. Very creative and well executed!

The physics felt really satisfying (I liked the bouncy balls ^^)! There was a dead spot on both ends where I couldn't move the platforms (unless that's intentional?), but it wasn't too hard to adjust once I found that out. Fun game :D

I like the idea of a game where you're the dealer - to double down on the poker theme, I wonder if adding a stage where you have to quickly determine the winning player (after the cards are revealed) might be interesting

Great observation :D Thanks for playing!

More enemy + weapon types would be great, thanks for the suggestions!

(1 edit)

Neat interpretation of the theme! Using this concept in a full game (having to juggle multiple/diverse enemies might be necessary to keep the gameplay loop engaging over time) sounds really intriguing :D

(The different art for a knight victory vs a demon victory was a nice touch ^^)

I really like the music ^^ The player movement also felt smooth, that's really well done! I wonder if it might be possible to move the blocks around without pausing, but I'm not sure if that'd allow cheesy strategies to work. Great game!

This is so polished, great execution! I especially liked how thoroughly designed the launch area is. Now I'm curious about how my team's space game would've looked with your art style ^^

Almost made it to 700m with a mouse :D

Nice explosion effects ^^ I didn't realize why I kept teleporting back at one point because there was no 'level failed" indication, but that's a minor nitpick for a game jam entry

It's a really clever idea, and I like the puzzle-esque level design. Imo you could ramp the difficulty up faster, but I still had a lot of fun (and laughed out loud when I saw the end of level 13 :p)

Took me a while to grasp the concept, but I enjoyed the game after I did! Being able to undo moves instead of having to restart might make it more approachable, but in general, really creative and satisfying to solve :)

Very nice idea! Great tower design/mechanics, going from a cannon on the first tower to a bow on the second was very satisfying :D It might be even more fun with faster tower switch animations, but that's subjective ^^

(1 edit)

Yeah, the mouse movement is easier to control -- we tried to make the mouse to shoot weapons stronger, but I'm guessing we'd need to introduce different enemy spawning behavior to incentivize mode switching (especially in the early game). Really appreciate the feedback!

In-game instructions definitely makes a ton of sense! Glad you liked it ^^

Thanks :D

Took me a few tries but I eventually got to 51 :D I loved the attack animations and generous hitboxes, but it might also be nice to explicitly show the attack radius. Great execution of a creative (and very thematic) idea!

I had several "ohhhhh" moments, great puzzles! For some of them, I wonder if it might be better to have 'incorrect' solutions be more obvious. I bashed my head against the wall trying to abuse coyote time longer than I should've :')

(1 edit)

I was salty after the first "moving on up" event :> Really neat idea though (I liked the music too)! Having a menu where you can view the history for each character might be nice, my memory isn't great so it was hard for me to keep track of / care about more than 3-4 characters at a time ^^

That bullet glow is great! It felt like the game got easier when I had just 1 alien left ^^ I didn't land a single hit till that, but still managed to complete the game :D

I loved the difficulty progression for levels 1-3! Not revealing the click mechanic till later is sneaky too :p

Very polished! I really liked the screen glow on the twilight level

That's my favorite one too ^^

Glad you liked the AI behavior :D 

Ooh, I initially didn't like how the player could shoot while there was already a bullet in-flight but then I realized I could move the magic bullet away from enemies that were already going to get hit by another bullet!

Very neat mechanic, and fun to play!

Very relaxing, great choice of audio! 

A twist could be to have the player match a mail icon to the nearest destination without indicating which one that is -- that'd add more variation to the core gameplay (to have that make sense in-game maybe the destinations could denote servers instead?)

Ahh, as someone who likes graph theory, this game makes me so happy

I initially wondered how you'd avoid letting the player continue indefinitely before I looked more closely at the scoring mechanic, clever stuff!

(3 edits)

Fun game, nice music, and neat + unique concept!

(spoilers below for anyone who hasn't played yet)

The level difficulty spike between 2 and 3 felt a bit jarring, before I realized you could aggro all 4 enemies with 1 decoy. A full game with more levels + balancing (imo shooting should be nerfed) would be a ton of fun to play

Clever idea! I wish the character moved immediately after a keypress, but I get that you wanted to allow the player to turn in place

Ahhh I got to 22, the last few attempts before the timer ran out were so stressful :') It'd be cool if the hoop jutted out a bit further from the backboard, so you could move the hoop between the time that the ball hits the backboard and gets to the basket, but the gameplay was fun regardless!

I love the art! The fire was so pretty I didn't realize/notice why I kept resetting at first :p The gameplay itself felt challenging, it took me several tries to get to the second screen because of how slippery the floor is

Either way, great first game :D