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A member registered Mar 15, 2017 · View creator page →

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Wow the visuals are great. The gameplay is also really unique. My only critique would be the turning radius, which is too big for platforming and too small for combat, at least that is how I feel about it.

The game ist great. It looks super nice and it feels pretty good. There is only one thing I would rather see changed, that is that if you just spam spacebar, due to the knockback the enemies can't reach you. I would like to see some more tactics in the combat not just button mashing. However this is only minor criticism, great job.

I loved the game. One clear idea with interesting puzzles and great minimalist visuals. Really great. It looks and feels so nice.

It looks really nice. However I would like some more feedback when you die, I was confused for a second when I was just teleported somewhere else. The concept is great, with a little more work I can see this being a really great game.

Fun little game. The drunk thematic definitly helps sell the changes to the controls. You definitly feel like the character forgets how to move properly while getting more and more drunk. Good job

Nice game. We also think about such a card game, but decided to do something else instead. Its great to see the idea realized in such a good way.

Seen the concept pretty often by now, however the execution on this one is pretty nice. The polish on the menu is really great. The idea to let the player choose the new keys is pretty great. The controls are a bit weird, but I guess one would get used to them after playing for a while.

I really liked the idea. However I would like the game to not go through credits and the menu again after each try, as it seems unlikely that someone gets it the first or second time. Therefore having to wait for the bad ending text and credits pretty often. The game looks very pretty.

The idea is great and I think the ecexution is well done to. The concept is kinda close to the game I made, therefore I would suggest something we came up with: when shifting to another character maybe push back enemies that are too close or despawn bullets that are hitting the character as you shift into it. That would get rid of the problem of dying more or less without a chance to react. Other than that, I really liked the game.

The nice controls and the polish definitly make this really good. The idea of not letting the player control the jumping was pretty common, however with the clear timer this is a way better execution than most of the other games with the same premise.

It looks really nice and feels very hectic. You really have to pay attention to a lot of things, which makes it pretty hard, at least for me. Its a pretty nice game.

The idea is great, unlucky for me I have a non-english keyboard layout and have a hard time finding the punctuation and stuff. Nontheless I enjoyed the the experience.

At first I was not convinced of the only jumpf movement, but after the first 3 levels I got pretty in to it. The game feels really great. The levels are hard but not too hard and frustrating. Definitly one of my favorites. Great job.

Wow this game is great. The shooting feels really nice and the turrets feel powerful. Really liked the gameplay.

Definitly one of my favorites so far. This is a really fun puzzle game. Love it.

Wow this game is really good. Other than the problem with leaving the screen to never return, I don't have much to criticise. Really nice work.

The game feels very nice. The looks and sounds create a nice atmosphere and the puzzles are interesting although not that challenging. I would criticise that the jumps are a bit too short. The placement of the whirlwind has to be in a very narrow window in order for the jump to be long enough. But other than that I did enjoy it alot.

It is a really lovely game. The visuals are very nice and the movement feels good too. I personally think however, that the camera should show a bit more of the level and have more leniency towards the jumping.

It is hard to see where the enmy shapes are and where you are shooting. I am unsure if my red-green colorblindness makes it even harder for me, but the visuals are very distracting from the gameplay. However I really like the effects, it is just a bit too much. Other than that it plays nicely.

Really nice puzzle game. However I sometimes find it difficult to not randomly hit someone whenever the camera suddenly changes the perspective. It is also a bit hard to control the laser at the level start. Other than that, great game.

I find the controls very difficult, but I think with a little more time it might get more intuitive. I think the idea is quite good.

The idea and execution is great, unfortunately its too hard for me. I didn't complete alot of levels therefore I can't tell how much content there is, but I feel like this game could be published nearly right away with enough levels.

I really liked the game. I am not so sure about the wind mechanic though. I would also reconsider to shorten the shooting phase, as it can slow down gameplay when you accidentally press yourself against a wall for example. It also happens that I activate it, when I really didn't intend to, because I am so hardwired for the spacebar jump. But with little tweaks I can see this game being really good.

The idea has a great potential, but unfortunately I personally find it lacking. The puzzles are a bit weird and that the character dies upon collision with any other creature serves no real purpose I would say.

Nice idea, I liked the bullet hell dodging with mouse controls. The first time I used the "Fren-Z mode" i was surprised and thought "wtf!". It could be shorter though. I would like it better if it could be used more often but for a shorter amount of time.

I ran into a "bug" in the pong section. The ball was moving practically only vertically, so that it literally took a minute to go from one side to the other.

Thank you for your kind comment. We are already working on bugfixes and trying to get the features in we initially planned but didn't have the time implement. Glad you liked it.

Thank you for the comment. We had implemented an animation that would indicate to which enemy you would swap, however we ran into problems when building the scene and didn't have the time to get it to work, so it was cut from the delivered product.  Glad you enjoyed the game.

Nice polish on this game. It seems the difficulty is not necessarily increasing between levels. I was not able to finish the last level though, couldn't get my head around it.

In the end, I really liked the game, was very fun.

Wow, I really loved it. The situation gets harder and harder to manage with a really good steady increase in difficulty. The sounds are really nice and match the level thematic.

I would like the controls to feel a little better, but other than that I am really impressed.

The idea is nice, however you are so heavily reliant on RNG, that I got two pink blocks that marched from the very left to the end, without me getting any pink bullets. You should force the game to produce one of each color at least once every X spawns. This would make the game even better I think.

Frustrating platformer with a very steep difficulty increase. I played fine until Level 5, I was at around 60ish Deaths until then, but in Level 5 I tried... and tried... and couldn't make it. I resigned at a little above 300 Deaths. I looked at the last 3 Levels, but couldn't finish any of them in the (relatively) small amount of time I put into them. It hooks you in pretty good, you really want to finish the levels.

Its a nice game all in all

Really love this game. My favourite so far. Great concept and nice visuals.

A little side note from me is, that I find myself clicking on the arrows on the bottom of the screen instead of pressing space to chose which I want to drag. I don't know why this is, but I did it up to the last level.

I am not entirely sure how the game really is supposed to be played, but it looks nice nonetheless.

Better than I would have guessed. It is really nice

I like the idea of the game. It has great potential for further development.

Really nice game. Love the voice.

Thank you for the clarification. If you know the controls it is a pretty fine game.

No idea how it is supposed to play, there are no controls that I could find in the short amount of time. The text is in some language I don't understand. For me not really playable at the moment.