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A member registered Dec 08, 2022 · View creator page →

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It seems that an object is stuck inside a server or between some rigid geometry. You can try to find the object, or try to dislodge it from wherever it's stuck using an explosion (slam a gas tank on the floor). If you can't find or dislodge the item, you'll just have to deal with it, or if it gets really bad, you can reset objects through the reset menu in the save screen.

Unrelated footnote: Wonderful keyboard, satisfying to hear :)

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I'd recommend trying to get a warranty on your laptop before trying that. Even with my new GPU (recently released hardware) it still runs at relatively low fps with how unoptimized the game is in its current state.

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Alright. So. Maze, right? If you know what maze I'm talking about, great. If you don't, go find it yourself.
I swear to god, I've been walking around this bathroom tiled hell for 15 minutes. Then I find a room. Great! This is the end. ITS A FUCKING DEAD-END ROOM.
I get it's supposed to be a secret, but this isn't even scary or mysterious anymore this is just god damn annoying. make the fucking maze smaller... PLEASE!

please don't comment that google doc (the exposure one) here, I get that it was bad, and it's gross, and I agree, but for the love of god please let me enjoy my space game you apes

It's a reference to EternityDev's old game, I believe.

About 13+ people die to being crushed by vending machines.
This number is now 14, and Dr. Kel has a long hospital bill.

Simple bug. If you ragdoll on the elevator while its going up, it does continuous bludgeoning damage and WILL kill you.
please fixie it make me sad when i die :(

A good way to fix this is to reset your player stats, and if that doesn't work... well... get used to a caffeine addiction.

I think... uhhh... alien??

but seriously, the base looks REALLY good. Major improvement. The only issue I have is that it's a little too big for comfort, and I don't like the idea of having locked doors in my own house...
Besides that the textures look SUPER nice and it adds a ton more lore just by looking at it. :D

Seen a lot of bullshit about leaks and data-miners and etc.

Someone break it down for me under this thread, please. DO NOT send actual data-mined information or you're a certified dickhead by law

whatever. this is like saying lethal company is bad because it's made with unity, which is a bad company. let me enjoy my alien game; i don't care about what lies beneath if I just

Steam version is likely to be done on a full release. Otherwise, there's no point to throwing out $100 on an unfinished game. Still great as it is, though!

Very fun, snek/10

MrDrNose... You spoiled something... Top bar.... Not gonna say it for the people who didn't see it, but it's visible when you open the image...

DAAAMN. Gotta hate quaternions... Hopefully you've got it!

I need help getting my TV to work... I have a video file with no spaces in the name, no special characters either. Just alphanumerics, and it's an MP4 file. I put it in the TV assets folder, load it, and press play. Nothing happens. Black screen. If I try to turn on looping, grab the TV, or hold it, the whole game crashes.
Can anybody help me?

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If you really want to know...

The cabin in the dream is a real place in the waking world of the game. I don't know exactly where it is, but there is a cabin within the property... There's some steps involved in the cabin which can trigger an event involving a creature, but last time I saw the cabin was like... 200+ days ago so I don't remember...

Here's an old video on the cabin... It might look familiar.
At 3:11 i believe it shows you how to do the thing with the thing you find in the thing.

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this is a spoiler. you can make it optional to view by moving the body message on a far down line...

...like this!

Apologies. I'm not in the discord (for several reasons valid personally and logistically) so I can only go off of what I see here. Thanks for confirming that the update is gonna be large, though! :D

I have a theory on why the update is taking 100+ days. When I booted the game with a faulty driver, the loading took very long. While I was loading, a bunch of assets that are not seen in-game were visible to me. I think that maybe MrDrNose is working on a large update that implements these unused assets... could be wrong though.

if you have steam, you can emulate the game through proton.
Press "Add a game" in the bottom left. Select "Add a non-steam game."
find the EXE file in the (extracted) folder, and add it to your library.

fair fair, but start with that next time please lmao
my bad lol

okay, even still you don't have to directly rash on "westerners." I never said I agreed or disagreed about the whole debacle, I just mentioned you were being a little racist yourself.

"Expecting a westerner to make that kind of effort? lmao, good luck."
ain't no way bro just said that on this reply lmaoooo

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Yeah yeah, Late reply, whatever. I don't know why you're being hostile. I'm simply recommending a solution. I'm not gonna test it for you now since you're being an ass.

skill issue/bad pc

no comment about idealistic affairs (to be neutral with both sides, not that i agree or disagree), but this is like saying you hate ALL Germans because of what [WWII starter] did. You can't objectify all of a project's worth or ideal under it's creator.
I don't particularly like Matthew Broderick because he fucking killed 2 people, but that doesn't mean I hate the Lion King because he voiced in it...
Just enjoy the game, man

If you're not already aware, you are able to emulate the game through steam's proton, or you can also try wine(Untested).

A table near the breaker has batteries on top of it. There are some trash bags under the table. Hold the roll in your hand and right-click on a pile of garbage to bag it up. You can sell these for 4P each if you get an item box, making it an easy way to get a lot of points, fast.
Use the sponge in the bathroom or next to the pool to clean the yunk off the walls, either by holding right click with it in your hand or dragging it along the walls.
The window is uncleanable for now...

I think the newest version (that wierdly does not have a devlog) is bugged

I loaded my save and like 5 events happened at once
My breakers flipped (Not transformers, the event)
Kerfus got posessed (Or activated it's protocol, referenced in a previous post) but it's screen was still on
and the check mark on the camera screen turned into an eye

help what do I do
I am scared

either the funny or the sun event. Major events like [visitor] and [sun] stop you from sleeping and pausing. If the sun isn't spicy, wait a bit for your friends to come over to your house.

No, prop kick was not on

i was using my index fingor to press W (yes and I'm sorry)

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Bug report / tip:
You can gain extra FOV while using the computer by interacting with it while the zoom function is unzooming.
Now you can see your beautiful vargfren picture nailed into your window while shopping.

I just ran full speed through the bedroom door to catch some honk shoo mimimis, and I rag-dolled. There were no objects, I'm on day 4 so no ariral, my stats were okay, but I still rag-dolled. I would also like to note that the bottom part of the doorway protrudes from the ground.
Did... did mr.dr.nose code in toe stubbing without putting it in the devlog?

Sandbox can also be (possibly) unlocked by [spoilers, click see more]

changing the first letter of your save file in your computer's file explorer to something like d. I forgot the exact letter. AppData/Local/VotV/Saved/GameSaves/d_examplesave.sav

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Not likely. Where would the [spoilers cutoff]

meat come from?

Personally and widely accepted, I think that multiplayer would kind of kill the aesthetic and fun of the game.

I have a theory regarding the [cutoff; spoilers. scroll to see]

kerfus possession event.
In short, your kerfus will turn on with no screen, go near the river, drop a pile of bloody meat, and fall into the river.

My theory is that this was NOT a possession, but a protocol. I think that (In lore terms) someone trespasses on the worksite (not kel) and a protocol activates inside the kerfus that terminates the trespasser. Hence the meat pile. I don't believe this is too far-fetched because if you pay attention, when kerfus interacts with a server, an arm protrudes and interacts with the server. This could be the device used to grind the trespasser into lemon pulp.

You can refund upgrades by pressing the \/ button

If you're not already aware, you are able to emulate the game through steam's proton, or you can also try wine(Untested).