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Willow Palecek

A member registered Apr 29, 2021 · View creator page →

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Great idea, great puzzles.  Smelting mechanic really needs to be explained better, especially since puzzle #2 forces you to not only understand it but how to avoid it.  The larger puzzles were very engaging, figuring what order to connect which keys together.

Great looking game, had some difficulty figuring out how to do stuff in it.  Found the key in the Gassaloon but couldn't get up to the beacon; kept getting stuck on the doors.  Intro music is very loud, could also use text saying which key goes onto the controls.

As someone who also wrote a game about a dog out for a walk, I was excited to see this- you went in a very different direction than I did.  Cute.

Beautiful experience, though less like a game and more like an interactive poem.  A refreshing break from more action-oriented entries.

Great concept, especially love that you have non-binary representation.  A few thoughts- Location/Gender preferences are dealbreakers right?  I had a few days where I had only one possible match, and just could not make enough matches to keep the business going.

The files on the right hand side are useful for keeping notes on the various people, but are busy work to fill out, and reset your progress between days.  Its hard enough to keep track of all the variables to see if two people would be a match without adding more on top of it.

Great concept, but frustrating not being able to figure out how to make T.  Seems like it should be simple, but somehow isn't.  If there's a concept that's not being shown maybe T needs to be ramped up to and start making words with easier letters?

Very good puzzle game, the difficulty really starts to ramp up when you get the magnets.  You nailed the classic Game Boy feel.

I definitely had that sort of vibe from it.  I was thinking on a controller you would have color coded buttons which would help keep them straight... I pressed the wrong key more than I would like to admit.

Nice easy going text adventure.  Heartwarming ending.

Love how the music changes as you move the puzzle blocks around, the early levels onboard you really well (I was pondering how I was going to line up the blocks when the clue comes in from off screen about how to pull, absolutely perfect.)  I would totally play more of this.

Fun concept.  I'm reminded of how Slay The Spire gives you choices in how to upgrade your deck after each battle; right now you really only have to make choices when it comes to what pieces to discard, having to choose between sets might be more interesting.  Its not clear how the power bar affects the spin, making that more obvious could give the player more decisions.

Neat idea for a puzzle game.

Ok, managed to hook up a post to a house with some trial and error, then slowly generate coins... then buy another post that did nothing.  There's clearly some promise here, but right now the interface is too imprecise.

I did, it gave me 120 coins, I clicked on the box in the lower right, then I had 20 coins, but nothing happened and I couldn't do anything else.

Neat concept, but hard to control the snappers.

Sniffing an object before you mark it makes it worth more points... unless it's your person's leg.  You still don't get any points for that.  And might even be... a naughty dog.

Really like the puzzle levels, but it moves to fast for me to think and figure out what beat I'm on.  Solid idea.

Couldn't get it to play, froze during the very first text box.

(1 edit)

Good puzzles, though the ones with reuseable operands are much easier.  For any two numbers X and Y that are relatively prime, a solution exists for value Z where mX - nY = Z (If you have a reusable adder and a reusable subtracter, and they don't divide by the same number, you can get literally any other number.  It might take you a while, but you can do it.)

Innovative, but doesn't seem to go anywhere.

Very cool idea, I got a bit stuck at the end since it seemed like everything was linked, but the game wanted a very specific answer.

Great idea, sometimes a little unclear about what is interactive and what isn't (I tried using the wrong end of the hose), or where you can move on the grey area.  Seeing how to get the last piece of the icon blew my mind.

Very clever, puzzles are very challenging.  Control scheme feels a little awkward.

Very cute and visually striking, great character design.  Good audio choices.  One concern is that the game gets easier the farther you get into it, as the number of potential links decreases.  Perhaps to add some challenge put in a time based scoring system, or continue to add more characters into the room as the game continues?

Original concept, fun art.  Dialogue is a bit slow... could use some robot sounds.

Love how you literally joined together two game types, in addition to joining pieces together.  Lots of fun.  Speed could ramp up a bit more gradually, it got frantic for me very quickly, but still very enjoyable.

Fun music!

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it!  The hitboxes (sniff boxes?) for the items is something I definitely want to tinker with.

Impressive for being made in such a short time period.

Fun to see how the levels change, but really only clear once you play them.  Would be nice to get more of a preview of what choices you're making.  Controls could use some polish.  I got a few game overs when it said I still had lives left.

Thanks, I just had to lie down for a bit... something about the way some of the 3D games are set up just really triggers it for me.

Beautiful art, would have liked to see more game.  Good dog, though.

Fun concept, difficult curve escalates very quickly.

Super cool concept, but gets a bit repetitive once you get the hang of it.  More variety in music would help, and some sort of score or progress meter... we see the effects of failure, but not success.  I had to reload and very much enjoyed that your profile is randomly generated.

This game gave me crippling motion sickness, but was good enough that I tried to continue anyway... I unlocked crouching but never figured out how to use it (motion sickness will do that to you...) wish I could have finished it.  The white board notes were great environmental storytelling.

A bit hard to control.  I had a bug where after getting stuck on the first obstacle with the boxes and the green tether it said I won... pretty sure that wasn't supposed to happen.

Pretty hard for me, I can't keep the rafts steady, so any clump of rocks was game over for me.  I liked the different game over messages, which is good, because I saw them a lot.

Solving the last two puzzles is very satisfying.  Could use an undo button, since you're going to be making mistakes.  Really like the aesthetic of the switchboard.  Very solid, one of my favorites so far.

I had a hard time understanding why the splitters & combiners would or wouldn't work.  Also, sometimes I could complete one line then remove a part for another, and the level would still complete, even if it was a conference call.  Love the little bits of narrative, lots of fun there.

Saw this on the GMTK Stream and saw that Mark hardly gave it a chance, so I knew I had to seek it out.

Amazing narrative, great voice acting.  Platforming sections could use some improvement, don't seem to fit with the rest.  The jigsaw puzzles combined with the melancholy narrative remind me of Braid.  I feel like the last line of the game gives a thematic hook that would be really great if linked with gameplay somehow.

Let's drive this to the top 100 so Mark has to play it all the way through. :)