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A member registered Jun 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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I really like the overall vibe, pretty chill. Gameplay loop was simple and fun. I would have liked to see more of the author in the sound and artwork. Decent adaptation of the theme. Good job!

Phenomenal artwork, felt very polished. The game loop was fun, I looked forward to exploring and getting upgrades. I have a terrible sense of direction and got kind of lost a few times so a radar would be a welcome addition. Overall a fantastic submission you should be proud of! Great work!

If you get a chance I'd love some feedback!

Simple concept, decent execution, good adaption of the theme. Nice job!

I liked the art and the sound, the controls were really tricky compared to what I would expect for this type of platformer. The concept is solid. I'm not sure that I really see the theme being applied in the game itself. Despite my difficulty with the controls I still had fun playing it, so good job and thanks for the game!

Fun game, very satisfying when you build past an obstacle. The game art and overall style was cohesive and I enjoyed the humor in the help dialog. The implementation of the theme was spot on. The physics seems to be non-deterministic as I would get slightly different behavior between runs without changing anything. I would have preferred a bit more granularity in the grid snap on placement. Overall an excellent submission, great work!

Godot power!

My humble little match 3, would appreciate any and all feedback!

I like the idea of diving into a tornado, though I wasn't very good at it. I appreciate the "blocky" look reminiscent of some early 3D games, gave me Descent vibes. Simple and fun concept even if I had some performance issues, good job!

I appreciate that hand drawn art and there was some sound to set the ambience which cant be taken for granted. I may have been bugged or doing something wrong but I could only leave the diner and there was no progression of story beyond dialog. I think maybe the scope was a bit ambitious for the development time frame but I definitely got a feel for what it could be, keep at it!

I enjoyed this game, it pulled off the Atari  aesthetic well, including the chip synth sounds. I can appreciate the "programmer art"  of simple shapes as someone who also can't draw. Easy to just pick up and play. Very nostalgic! Good job!

Great concept, I really like the characters and art. Could use more polish on the UI and interactions and I think a bit more playtesting during development. Would have liked to see some work gone into sound, it does a lot to bring a game to life. Overall a very promising start and hopefully a valuable learning experience, keep it up!

I like the concept with sneaking around out of line of sight. The camera controls were kind of frustrating, I often found myself in situations where there were no useful angles, though I appreciate the zoom which helped a bit. The lack of sound was a big detraction. In the end I got stuck and couldn't figure out where to go or what the actual objective was. Definitely saw potential though, keep it up!

Great game,  I really enjoyed the art and sound, the gameplay was simple and engaging. The mechanics of the boss fight were a bit frustrating at times, I think I would have preferred if the boss started moving before the bombs came out to better predict where to be. Overall an excellent submission, well done!

I really like the direction and the gameplay, It's unfortunate about the lack of sound as that is one aspect that really brings a game alive. I didn't see any tie-in with the theme. All in all, well done, but do try and make time for some sound in the future!

Fun game, controls seemed a bit clunky but I am no expert on clam locomotion. I liked the art direction and execution, good work!

Fun game, controls seemed a bit clunky but I am no expert on clam locomotion. I liked the art direction and execution, good work!

Simple, fun and to the point. Good job!

Would love some feedback!

My humble submission, a match 3 game

I like the concept and the gameplay was fun and to the point, good job.

Fun little platformer, I like the art style.  Crashed on me when exiting the third level after the boss, but didn't detract from the gameplay I think.

Very nice and quite polished, I appreciate the clear and concise in-game tutorial, game play is simple and straight forward in concept and engaging to play. Excellent work!

I really liked the art style though I got kind of stuck on what to do to progress.

Thank you for the feedback! There actually is a scoring system but I guess it's pretty bad and easy to miss, good feedback for next time!

(1 edit)

Ok I gave it another try based on your comment and was able to proceed, I had to walk all the way into the wall. I got stuck in a loading loop  on the second stage but was able to break out eventually and complete the game (I think) assuming killing the big boss one is the end. Fun concept with tight spaced FPS battles, would have liked to seen more effort on graphics but I think I get the vision.

I could imagine this being really fun with more mechanics and variation added!

Game seems somewhat broken on the Linux build, after shooting 5 red capsule shapes a block in the back (mirror I think) falls through the floor and then nothing happens.

I can see the vision behind the concept but I did have trouble executing it, the control felt a bit clunky getting things in place. I like the theme and idea, though!

Nice graphics, interesting concept

Loved the style and ambience!

I liked the graphics and the enemies! I agree with some of the other comments on controls, I figured out that it was the wind pushing me but I thought it was broken for a bit. Overall great job!

It took me a bit to figure out what to do, but I got there eventually. I like the concept!

I like the style and music,  could have used some in-game indications of what to do as it was a bit frustrating figure it out through trial and error. Overall nice job!

nice concept, fun game!

I liked the use of rotation to convey movement!