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Jay 'Yarheeguy' Miles

A member registered Jun 18, 2020 · View creator page →

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I played this game all the way to the end, proves that this game is really engaging.

with the assets, you managed to make it all work in a 3D environment, maybe some things are out of place, but other than that, it all comes together, I was being cautious, I was looking and shooting zombies, the rest areas are in reasonable places and I do feel like I'm going through a Doom-like level.

this is certainly one of the top game I play in this game so far.

this game was interesting with the unique 'can only jump with gun shooting. which can be  a bit difficult, but you manage to make it work.

the dark lighting is a little too dark,  make things hard to see, especially when there are crawlers, so it is somewhat unfair, especially when  you can't jump or know where they are.

other than that, decent game.

This is a really really good rogue like game with a lot coming from it, so many options and so many paths to go from, to the point where I feel this game might actually win this jam. but we will see.

my only complaint is for better music.

I lasted 2 minutes and 48 seconds.

this game is indeed hard as heck, especially when you don't know what to do. but even getting the best character first means certain death. the solution is always spamming the weaker enemies and keep spamming it, in fact it becomes a better strategy that I don't see the reason for getting any other characters.

I don't have interest in defense games, but I can see a lot of work going on here, in fact too much work, I don't see the reason for 'retreat' to be an option, and clicking on ''cancel' might as well be a game over button.

other than that, I did try again and again to last at least 2 minutes, and that's enough for me.

the gameplay is different from the rest, I do like the lighting  in darkness and having to make it brighter but also drains the battery, meaning you have to be smart. the ammo limit does make the game even more difficult, I do like it.

though, there seems to be a lack of a goal, I'm collecting coins, but what are they for? is the game about collecting coins and see how many coins I can collect before I die? as much as the unique gameplay, there seems to be no sign of an objective or why I should keep playing.

other than that, it is a good game, but need a clear goal in mind.

It's a platformer, nothing much an something that I'm expecting to see more of from these submissons.

interesting to see that this can be player in 2 players, but I think it works better for a single player as the controls on a keyboard would make the experience differcult.

there isn't really much anything to make this game stand out and there are some room for improvement.

heard that you are looking someone to work with sounds.

I certainly need sound and music for my game, if you are interested, please reply.

Thank you for playing the game and happy that you enjoyed it.

And yeah, that can be how you interpret it with the theme and the story. since we're using the transcended language diversifier, the storytelling relies much on those expressive visuals to tell the game's story.

it is an interesting game of escape, where you have to try and traverse through what feels like a prison, to make it out, it does fit with the theme of 'Make it fly'

do like a repeating cycle to show that it's a progressing story, and it was well done.

though there are a few bugs that I notice, like the screen freezing on the second attempt and being stuck on a tree when being dragged back.

but other than that, it was a good and creative idea with the theme in mind and fit well with the diversifier 

I'm happy that you like my game.

And yeah, unfortunately, we can't give much context outside of visual storytelling, since we were using the Transended Language diversifier. so it was challenging and aimed more at how the player interprets the story when looking at the visuals.

We originally planned to add a couple of things, but our progress was slow and we didn't have time to add more before the deadline. but we did our best for this game and are happy that you enjoyed what we managed to make.

Happy to hear this.

And yeah, we did have some ideas to make the game longer, but unfortunately, progress was slow could only do 2 levels with the time we had left.

love games that gives options and different endings, simple and good.
my only complaint is that I didn't see the '...' or that I have to interact with that, so for a second I didn't now what I was doing.

I now have a team of 4, a game artist, a composer and a programmer, with myself as the narrative designer.

Consider this discussion closed

Hello, I am a recently graduated game developer trying to be a narrative designer in the gaming industry.

This is my second Game Jam, and I was hoping to do it in a team. since it's a week away (as I post this), now would be the good time to ask for help.

I am skilled in 2D asset design, C# scriptwriting, using the Unity Engine, but my main skill is in narrative writing.

For a team, I am looking for anyone who wants to work in a team and maybe has skills that I lack. overall wanting to make a good experience and gain team working skills by the end of it.

Hope this interests you and can't wait for the jam to start.

When I'm Gone is a 2D side-scrolling game where you play as a girl trying to hide from a monster inside a school. To be free from this nightmare, she has to reach the roof. to get there, she has to be brave and commit.

Link to Game Page:



this game... needs a lot of improvements.

I do like the platform idea, but it seems too rushed and to certain,

I tried many times but can't able to do it.

there's also a lack of introduction and a way to make it easier, a new player going into this game, they wouldn't know what's going on and they quickly die. and I know the controllers because I know how to move in most games.

I know it's a challenge to reach to the end, but it's too hard.

what I would recommend is having a starting screen and a pause button, that way, the player can get prepared.

hope my comment helps

it's a bit of a fun game.

good job

(1 edit)

didn't you press the space button?

interesting game, with elements of trial and error.

I managed to completed the game, but all I done is heal, attack the slime guys.

a bit short, but still interesting.

it's a bit interesting

though all I am doing is walking arround the place, I looked into the infomation, but it was so quickly that I can't follow it.

though good idea

this is actually an interesting and fun game.

however, I feel that this game is a bit unbalanced, especially when the yellow soldiers can instantly kill me with one round, making it very differcult.

I recommend changing how many times does an enemy soldier fires or increase hearts so I don't like as easily as Dark Souls.

but other than that, this is a game out of all of the entires that I like so far.

I do find this game enjoyable, though it lacks variation.

it's to a point where it's more of a 'push the red outline guy into a hole game'

to make it more enjoyable, I recommend making the red guy harder or have more red guys to make it a challenge.

overall, I do like the game, just only in one gameplay, then I get bored that I decided to jump into the hole.

also I don't see the score being based on combos while pushing someone into the hole as a good high score value.

your game is interesting.

a mixture of platform and fighting.

there are improvements that are needed, but other than that. I like what you did.

but I can't use the turrets until level 2, that's information I don't need for level 1.

what I'm trying to say is that I recommend putting the tutorial with the turrets in level 2 and then for level 1, have a tutorial for how the paper and pen work. because I don't know how to use them

then that brings a question that can help me, and I hope that it would be a concern to your game.

how do I pass level 1?

because I am stuck and I don't know what the two things do.

I actually gotten jumpscared by that game.

it was short and can have exploration, but it seemed that the game is rushing.

if you aimed for this to be a horror, you've done a good job jumpscaring me the first time.

wait, if they are unlocked by level two, why do you feature them in level one when you're showing the instructions? 

if there isn't  any towers in level 1 and I have to use the other 2, then would it be better to show what the other two does in level 1 rather than what the deodorant towers done? because that's what confuses me

your game is... not that interesting

I guess it's a game about a guy going into the same room over and over and over again, it's not interesting enough for me to find something to keep playing, even if it has a custom made audio, it's not worth hearing unless there's a reason to keep doing the same thing over.

just my opinion, but still a good effort

your game is very easy... a bit too easy.

there wasn't a challenge to the game, that's all I'm saying

still I enjoyed it, just not as much, that's my opinion.

I tried playing the game, and unfortunately, there was a problem, a major bug that makes this game unplayable.

I can't buy deodorant or place them anywhere on the platforms.

but based on what it is, it seems to be a tower wave defense game in a 3D environment.

good job on the game and I'm sure it taken you all hard work, but it's not very interesting for me to be interested towards it

good luck on the Game Jam


I would like to say thanks to the first 3 people who pointed out a problem with my game, which is show I can show the controls.

which is why I now updated my game to show controls for my game.

now the game has an improvement