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Jay 'Yarheeguy' Miles

A member registered Jun 18, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hello, I am Yarheeguy and I am looking for people to be part of a team for the upcoming PS1 game Jam.

While my main role is narrative design, I am skilled in Unity and C# scriptwriting, skilled in 2D art design and willing to help people with ideas for the game design.

I also have experience in working on Game Jams in the past, this will be my 10th Jam and my fourth Jam for 2025.

Here is my portfolio to show the projects I've worked on:

for looking for a team, I need at least:

- a 3D artist

- a programmer (preferably for Unity, but I don't mind the engine.)

but I am also open to join a team, as I can: 

-Be helpful for using Unity and C#.

-Making 2D assets such as sprite art or textures.

-be part of the brainstorming phase and help come up with the game idea.

If you are interested in helping me, or if you want me to be part of your team, message me and we will go from there.

this has a lot of ideas going with the spinning sushi concept and using the sushi to attack the bosses.

but it looks like you need to work more on the project, mostly on the controls as a lot of it is rather confusing, had to restart my game three times before I figure out what to do.

also, didn't like the spinning sound, as it was the only sound in the game, is was too loud and affected the experience by a lot.

still, I saw what your vision is, and the artstyle could make it work, but there is a lot of room for improvements.

not sure if there's any spinning in this game, but it kinda works.

unfortunately, I couldn't beat the first boss, it requires a lot of luck and skills, almost managed to kill the first boss, but it was difficult.

that being said, it was interesting, but only for a short while.

at some point, we did thought about a jump button, however, we rejected the idea since the whole point of the game is to stay on the disk and jumping would cause issues as it would act as coming off the disk. plus the dash ability would make up for dodging attacks.

it is an interesting concept, thought a lot difficult due to how even firing your gun drains your health, I learn that you have to go to a power station just to gain health, and so long as the stations are powered, you can just stand there and shoot,

It does get you on your feet and keep moving, but there are times when the game became unfair because you  can't shoot you have to head to a power station and you still lose health due to getting hit by a big attack.

the concept is great, though the bosses are a little too hard, I only managed to beat the first boss on easy mode, the two other bosses I couldn't beat on easy mode especially the third where it feels like I'm on the highest difficulty.

still a good game to play.

I mean... it's pretty much what the game title is.

The moment I saw the game, I knew the gameplay controls is an automatic spin on the sword and all you do is move the character.

despite the game looking like a very low budget and look like a child made the art (no offense, in fact, the design does fit with the gameplay), it's very well designed with the bosses and the attack patterns, easy to go through and challenging enough to dodge attacks.

very well made

New Review:

okay, after figuring out what I was supposed to do, it turns out to be a puzzle game where you have to avoid getting hurt and follow a pattern on the grid, which was rather fun and managed to get through three bosses,

now I see it being a good game and very well designed. sorry if I said anything bad about it. just a little confused because the controls were in the cutscenes, which people might accidently skip. so having the controls solely on a skippable cutscene might not be a good idea, just at least have them somewhere where they can be easily accessed.

oh, must have missed them.

I played the game and I couldn't beat the first boss, I was too focused on managing on the right and doing things on the left that I found myself confused, mostly because I need to do a lot of dragging and placing stuff. better way is to simplify things, like the spin, I guess there are more combinations, but what's the point of seeing them if I can't use them, especially when I need to also drag other stuff while trying to get away from the boss.

the art is good, though the gameplay needs a lot more improvements.

a small game that isn't really that much, the spin mechanic is at least fitting, but not much else for this game.

I played the game and to be very honest, the gameplay is just stressful.

I understand that you need to spin around to attack and that's the point of the theme, but it's also loose and very hard to control, not mention stamina and places to stay still makes this game feel like a soul game, which is something I stay away from. I only managed to beat the first boss and only because it was stationary with simple mechanics. everyone else feels like a Cuphead boss.

but, the visuals are amazing, the animation looks so drawn like and the music is calming yet upbeat. the visuals are nice, though it is a tough game that I think players who likes challenges would enjoy. at least I can acknowledge that.

I'm guessing this game was made for mobile in mind and not computer.

it's a fun little game of Corpse removal during a charging attack, at least the spin theme is in with game of chance after collecting enough souls.

the sound is fun, but not something I would constantly listen to.

(1 edit)

Edit: OLD Review, didn't know the controls until I was told

I'm sorry, I tried to play this but I clearly have no idea how it works or what I am doing, when I first played the first level, I only knew how to move around, and didn't think that getting hit was bad, and when I figured out that you can use 'N' and 'M' to do something, I realise that it's a puzzle and pattern game. but without any idea how the game works or what the controls are, I just don't enjoy this game as much.

Also, I don't know how much this uses the theme, I guess the spinning glyphs that appear? but I couldn't tell.

next time, allow the players to know what the controls are.

at least I tried to play your game, it was a good attempt, but very confusing.

This game is pretty much impossible to beat.

You can only go so far until the boss beats you, and you would be lucky to last 10 seconds.

incredibly unplayable, sorry to say this, don't even know what the theme is supposed to be, the theme is 'Spin' and there is no spinning in this game.

had a good time playing this game,

do like the spinning to choose which boss you will fight, something small but understandable.

the bull and the laser one were easy to beat, but the last two were hard, and I tried to beat them, the third one was hard but managed, while the chaos guy chaotic.

had a good time, and it got me trying to beat the boss, so good job on that.

okay, this is really confusing and hard to understand.

I understand this is supposed to be a music beat game, but where are the bosses? what am I trying to defeat? I don't understand much on what is going on.

as for the gameplay, it is good, though I don't understand why the controls are AS ; ' when you could easily do ASDF.

also, I don't think it works most of the time, I do hit the beat, but they don't count, is there health or a meter that if I'm low, it's game over, because I don't think it had been properly implemented.

it's a good attempt, but not fun to play.

It is an interesting idea of the game, taking place in a casino and fighting the gambling game like the slot machine, though there are some questionable things, such as the exploration part, where it's this big empty hall that has only one thing interactable, I have to guess that you have to beat the slot machine to progress, though that part is hard, since a lot of things is just chance, I didn't even know what damages me and what are chips until I figure it out. so it was hard to figure out how to play the game, even then it's hard to beat this game.

It's a good attempt, but not really great.

spin as in a jackpot spin, good idea on the game.

this game has a bit of potential, thought not much to offer, I do like the spinning and chance mechanic, though the controls were hard to figure out till later, but still had a good time with the game.

at least it's playable.

first off, making the game into a rar would make people not want to play the game and instead suspect that it contains something bad, so just make it into a zip instead. it's not that hard to create one.

second, I don't think your game is working, I can go around, but nothing seems to be working, nothing to interact, I guess you need to spin the wheel then a boss appears, but it doesn't work.

a good attempt, but needs a lot of work.

unfortunately I cannot play the game, don't even know what it is about or even how to even launch the game.

you said the game only works for Macs, but I am a PC person and so is the majority of players, if you can't make it work, then unfortunately people won't play your game.

you did try your best, but you need to understand how submission and publishing works.

Here's the game trailer:

So this is essentially Jerry's Game but I need to click on the same balloon many times just to get 1 point,  making things harder.

It is engaging, but not so much for me to keep playing till I get to 100 coins.

good idea and it fit well with the theme, but not my kind of game to play.

Thank you for playing my game, and happy to be part of it, sure, the chance of getting money out of it is what got me interested in participating in this Jam, but feedback and responses are more than worth being part of the jam.

(1 edit)

a good storyline, though the gameplay is really easy and it seems to repeat itself, no sense of verity or challenge, even the boss fight was easy.

but it is short and sweet to play only once. though I do not see anything of the theme in here and the gameplay doesn't really feel like the theme at all.

You have to place the trunk and then the branches

though you can only place things when they are green, if they are red, then that means it's overlapping. 

this is a really fun game that seems that have a lot of work and time towards it within its timeframe.

especially when you try to get as high as you can while a ton of stuff is around you and the choice of upgrades gives a sense of variety, though I think that I wouldn't go as high if I didn't choose 'rifle'

one issue that I notice is that when I get into space, I can't collect any more balloons, I see the balloons touching my balloon but they are not collecting.

other than that, great game!

a good start on making a rhythm game, though it would have been better to try and put in the theme as much as possible because I can't see any of it here.

that being said, the rhythm seems easy and kinda doesn't match with both the fighting or the song, maybe for a better experience, have it so that successfully hitting the rythem charges up your punches and having a combo would allow you to punch, make the fighting and rythem go on at the same time.

but overall, this is a good attempt, even if there is no theme, at least you admit that you didn't do the theme which kinda defeats the purpose.

a good idea for the 'Expanding' theme, but playing the game, it doesn't feel like expanding. it might be due to how the game is played, but I don't seem to win and it feels like my enemy is expanding more than me.

it is a good concept and I know what the game is supposed to be, but it's a game where you can't win.

Okay, this is too much of a mess.
I was very confused with the cursor, and I ended up quitting the game because of it, I only found out how to do it on my third attempt, and when I played the game I didn't know what to do, I am flying around, with no objective and the wall of text at the start didn't help much. I managed to dock and done something, then I was attacked and died, but I can still move around at the game over screen.

a lot of stuff here that seems to be a very big idea but ended up with unfinished and rushed results, if I have to be honest to the people who worked on this project, for a jam that requires a game to be finished by 7 days, this one is very out of scope to accomplish in the timeframe, I'm sure this would have been better if given more time, but what we have is just a confusing mess with no sense of direction.

a good idea for a tower defense game, with 'expanding' doing well by adding things around the core, but there is limits.
that being said, I can see why you put limits, because this game is only fun in the short term, for about less than 20 waves, the enemies wasn't much of an issue once I managed to get projectiles in place, and adding more and more, I didn't have to do much, the only enemy that was a problem was the white wizard, but then afterwards they wasn't an issue, eventually, I upgraded so much that I couldn't see the enemies anymore, they were taken out before they could appear on the screen.

and to give you an idea, I've actually played this game up to wave 100, by then, all of the spaces were used an upgraded, and if I do try to fire, it begin to lag.

here's some picture evidence

so yeah, good for a short game, but if you are aiming for long term gaming, I suggest for tougher enemies or make them stronger as the wave goes on.

I understand that, though having the music be 'twinkle twinkle little Star' with instructions for lyrics, it isn't really appealing and makes it seem that your target audience is under 3 years old. and having it on loop just makes it worse.
a much relaxing calm music would be much better, even if it means searching through hundreds of music assets, you would find the right one.

a good way to use the 'expand' theme and good way to make a puzzle game.

but what kills the mood is the song, I don't like the song and had to mute it.

I didn't know there was a cap, I'd aimed to have no limits and you can build as high as you want, but I guess the amount of objects being placed would give its limits, technicalities and all that.

This is one of the most interesting game in the jam selection, it's addicting, reminds me of another game that I can't remember the game of, but for this, it's about building the tallest ice cream while larging each scoop, with selection becomes a strategy on trying to make it taller.

cool original idea. with way better visual and the great peaceful music that once again remind me of that other game.

A good game that I can see plenty of more potential puzzles, short as it was, I was experimenting on how to solve each puzzle and use a lot of trial and error, so it got my brain working.

while the theme of 'expanding' is present here, it kinda defeats the purpose with the ability to shrink, fits more or 'growing and shrinking' when the theme is more focused on the growing.

aside from that, good job.

Good easy, visually simple but appealing, like a shooter version of

it was fun for a bit, though the only issue is the enemy spawn, as they can appear out of nowhere when you eliminated the last one to trigger the respawn, I lost instantly and I had no control over it, so maybe spread the enemies away from the player and it would be more fun.

other than that, it was a good game.

okay, a short, not really fun game of trying to make a balloon big enough, fits with theme, but not much.

the clown looks like something in horror, I actually thought that if I fail and the balloon pops, then it would end with a clown jumpscare.

but that didn't happen.

overall, a good attempt, I've seen better, but I do understand that this game was made within roughly 20 hours.