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A member registered Feb 12, 2023

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Yes I would certainly do that, there were a couple of games that I missed becuase of that, thank you a lot for pointing this out 

Art, sound design and music are really great. I liked the concept on spining the controller stick but I think the game can only be played with a controller, Its almoust imposible to play with kayboard and mouse, I also would liked for the central mechanich to be used more than just healing I think that has good potential.

Nice game I love that you get the skills that bosses uses, even if I struggled a bit at the beggining on how to use them, but once I got used to it was ton of fun, I would like if the bosses were a bit more challenging, some attacks are too easy to dodge.

I really like the art and concept, I would liked to the wheel to be implemented on a more engaging way, having you and/or the boss ways to influence on the outcome or with re-rolls

So much fun, the cowboy spinner its just amazing and all the things you can do in the arena keeps you entartained and engaged, I wish there were more bosses with  unique designs and mechanichs, keep at it =)

Really great game, I really like the weapon system and bosses attacks are fun, I ony wish that It would save your progress so you don't need to defeat the same boss again.

Oh maybe is hardware acceleration I have it turned off cause causes problem to stream some on discord

Oh lot of games were having problems with their web vertions, we had some problems too cause we were trading to use a shader, we had to remove it so the game could run smoothly, I have a potato pc Ryzen 5 5600g, the most common moder low spec pc nowadays.

It looks amazing, design for bosses and arenas are gorgeous, unfurtundly I found the combat a bit lacking, I could just face tank every boss and spam the melee attack until finish it, a shame cause the game is fantastic.

Really nice game, works slow on browswer and that killed my experience a bit, but I its a good idea and I liked it, has lot of potential.

Game looks amazing and really fun to play, Idk if it is because I suck but I coudn't beat the mushroom, too relentless for me 

Really funy and cute design, works really slow on browser and hurted my experience but great game nontherless

Firt of all the art its just insanely good, and the rest its also really good and well put together but Im an artist Im drawn to the art more than anything. Besides that It felt a bit short It would be nice to have at least one more boss, having this level of polishness it makes sense that only has 2 tho. Amazing job

Game is unplayable on browser for me, a real shame because looks really really nice.

Really cool game, only that I was getting very laggy on browser so I had to play it minimize wich hurted the experience a bit, but I liked the mechanichs, the design and overall concept 

I really liked the idea, reminded me a lot to building your own wand on Noita but Im not sure its because Im too dumb but I coudn't get my weapon to functioning, I think a step by step tutorial would be better or some examples on how to do it on the tutorial itself, at least for people like me who struggle to connect 2 neurons and have them working :P

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Oh I think that having the instructions separated and explained more "gamy" in this particular case would be better so the player can enjoy the narrative without getting choked on the text that is also vital to play and enjoy the game (messing up the narrative and the explanation). Thank you for your detailed feedback on my feedback :P 

I will try the other difficulties then =)

I really liked this game, so cute and unique, only critique would be that I never used the parry, it was too risky for what I would get in return, not worth it. 

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Kills me say this but I dropped during the first fight, tutorial was too obscure to understand for me, It would be nice if every mechanich would be introduced little by little instead everything everywhere all at once, also the tutorial combined with the poetic narrative made it harder to understand I would prefer those things more separated, specially if the mechanics are so important and complex. Great art and great music, really a shame that I coudn't continue because I didn't knew what I was doing specially because I really liked the concept.

Another thing sometimes the text goes to hard for a simple explanation, like too poetic? Idk if that makes sense hope it does 

I liked the game, very simple and effective, only BUT would be the balance, 1st phase seemed too easy while the 2nd phase on the contrary seemed too hard, I never used the dash tho, not very useful.

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I had Pierre kissing PIerre 10/10 
the bosses movesets are too similar It would be nice if they were a bit more unique 

I had a diffcult time to see anything, game a bit too obscure, also it works too laggy on the web vertion and animations don't help witht that, I really liked the concept tho.

Nice game and really nice art specially, I like the mechanich but I think that its too easy, at least in Normal difficulty I could facetank every boss spamming fire sword to won.

Great Idea, I think that It would benefit for the not having the player dying in 1 hit, I think it would encourage mistakes and learning the game, also I think the boss hp its too high for how simple the game is but I love the idea and how much potential it has to develop into more complex mechanichs (for the player and for the boss).

We focused on having the game running and we sacrificed those important details unfortunately, first time making a game for everyone involved, thank you for playing =)