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- What a fun grungy and dark style. 1. The instructions could be more. Took a bit to see I had to attack them at the hide portion. Maybe a longer hide bar to give some more forgiveness on this part. 2. Sound balancing. It's really well done, but a bit of tweaking so the sound varies over time. The hide sound gets a little grainy after awhile so adding some drops or an effect to add to it may be a good choice to help draw it out more. 3. The environment. A love dark environment, but sometimes adding a dark wash over them can makes them still seem dark without coming off just black with highlights. A dark green or dark red would fit the game well. The designs are very nice so don't be afraid to show them off with a color overtone instead of just super dark. Color theory is really hard to nail, so play around or find some tutorials on shading, black isn't always the best option. (Even though I do think it is!) 4. The intro. The dialog is good, but having one line of text at a time can be more effective showing the agony your creature has instead of a list of dialog. The sentence are strong enough to stand on their own! Use that to add more fear. The game is lovely, the character design fits to motif so well. I really like the minor touches of it's back flaring up. Just wish the was more additions into the environment to match. The movement was surprisingly well suited for the side scroller, I enjoyed the animation as well with the sound design. GDD was very well written out. Having WIP or showing the layers for characters, images, or showing concept designs can give extra info and show your work. Like the concept of the creature to the animation frames shows your work flow. Overall cute game, I very much enjoyed playing through it.
Link to your Game Design Doc on Google Drive.
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Summarise your game!
Carnity is a 2D stealth game with focus on storytelling, avoiding dangers and solving small puzzles. The goal of the game is to escape the underground laboratories.
Please explain how your game fits the theme:
Once having served as a weapon against human hunger, the player character develops a self-perception and breaks the anaesthesia, turning into a weapon against their own tormentors.
Is there anything you'd like the judges to pay particular attention to?
The atmosphere of the game.
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Excellent job. Wish it was longer and that it was harder. Incredible atmosphere.
Really interesting game. I beat it though sooo wished there was more. I could see this being a really cool metroidvania with a twist. It could focus on more stealth and horror rather than combat.
It took a little bit to find out that I could move while in hiding, might want to inform the player that they can move while hiding somehow. Like stating hiding is crouching and have a zone where they have to crouch to go under. I do know you have one later.
The art was really cool, especially for the player.
I’d suggest either using Spacebar or the S-key for hiding instead of having the player possibly remove their finger from A or D keys while they are moving.
Wow the atmosphere of this one is intense. Super short and sweet, but I liked the way the mechanics went and I really loved all the text on the walls like telling you the controls. Great visuals and music that really envelopes the player. Voice Overs were brilliant. Loved all of this! <3
The atmosphere in this game is awesome :) Now I want to find out what happens after the escape. Great job! Especially on the art.
The game looks great, the music sounds great, animations are fluid, atmosphere is amazing. Good job!
Wow, what a game! I'm fully deep dived in the atmosphere and storytelling. Great detail and resources despite of short playing. Multi ending was also one of my favorite.
Killer demo! It took me a few tries to realize I could move while hiding, but after I did it was smooth sailing!
I liked the attention to detail in that hiding while in the small vent didn't allow your timer to decrease and that there was an extra purpose for the skill in seeping through the grate in the floor. Well done!
Absolutely love the aesthetic and atmosphere. This is an amazing entry. Well done! :)
Dude! he atmosphere in this game is insane! Aboslutely love it!
Sorry I couldn't figure out how to get past the first enemy, can you tell me? Seems like i can't hide long enough for them to pass.
Sure! You can move normally while hiding. Sorry for the confusion.
ohhhh, thanks!
Really loved the environment and art! Engaged my brain a bit to figure out the environment puzzles. As soon as I figured out I could move while hiding that made things much better :)
The ambiance of this game is amazing. The gameplay is quite simple, but the art and sound make up for it. I bet with more time you could expand this into an amazing full game. Great job!
Wow. This is by far the most cinematic game I’ve played so far this jam. The quick intro, ambience, and audio logs all helped me to instantly get sucked in. I think the strange “innocence” and “cuteness” of the beast resonates in a way that the monster in Carrion does not. It feels not like a truly evil force of nature and more like a tortured and sympathetic creature just doing what it needs to do to survive, and I feel I can connect better to that. The visuals are also awesome, the art style is beautiful and unique, excellent color palette, and I love the soft bright lights contrasted with the pitch black shadows. Man the visual storytelling is so good too. My only complaint for Carnity is that it was over too quickly! I’m thoroughly impressed!
Thank you very much for your kind words! I’m glad you liked our game. Yeah, the game is rather short but we ran out of time. We wanted to let the players actions determine the character of the beast so it’s nice to get that confirmation.
This is a really good entry. The art is stunning. Great atmosphere. Is a creepy but cute little platformer with good ideas.
One thing, I think the player movement is a bit slow for how big the beast is. But for the gameplay the speed was good.
Good job!
Hi thanks for playing and leaving feedback!
I also think the speed of the monster could be increased maybe 10-20% that would feel better, but we had to balance it with the scientists, camera and worldsize. Because the world is small