Very engaging gameplay, had me invested the whole way through.
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I'm mostly a programmer, but I have some time put into composing music, and sketching 2-d animation - so I can fill whatever we're missing from our team. I have plenty of experience in the Unity 2-D development pipeline. - so you don't need to be experienced, but if you're good company and willing to put in the effort, I'd love for you to join! I've been developing games for years, and am ready to help acquaint anyone to our rag-tag group of devs. Feel free to add me on discord as well, at Trashbag#7556 if you'd rather get in touch that way.
I'll give the camera some better lerp speeds and tweaks in the next update, i had it prioritize where your mouse is rather than where the player is - sorry about that! As for the charged attack, I'll add in a hit reticle when i can to indicate charge of the attack and an interruption animation for when you are attacked while charging. I hope that addresses everything!
Thankyou for playing my game! Music does play, but only as you get injured / lose sanity - until then its just ambience to help reinforce the jam's theme. As for the invisible fellas, They have a very unique interaction with light sources - they actually receive hitstun as you shed light on them, and they hide their footstep hurt boxes underneath the player when they get to your position. I think I make more unique sfx for taking damage will make this more clear in the future.
We do want to keep the stylized fonts, but we'll reorganize the UI to display more text cleanly and truncate descriptions in some areas to allow for larger font sizes. Tutorial text will be given its own tab while the dialog options will take more space. Thankyou for the screenshots, they're very helpful. Stay tuned!
Your opinions are very helpful though, thankyou!
Here's what I'll change for the post jam update:
1- Cleanup the tutorial, I'll have an option to redisplay it rather than displaying it be default
2-I did want to make getting enough gold each week easy for the sake of the jam, but its clear I over tuned it (players have reported selling one or two potions is enough to beat the game, whoops!) I'll progressively increase the rent as the game goes on but give the player a higher starting gold to compensate for beginner friendliness
3-The rabbit will be changed to barely consume the ingredient tested, and will refresh every day
4-Drop area for the stand will encompass the entire area
I hope these changes sound good - We're making an update as I type this.
I'd also like to ask about which font was hard to read, our game uses several. Also, were you fullscreen or playing in the imbedded version?