This was great fun to play, I got many of the endings and loved the achievements.
Scotty (ZeelNightwolf)
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Just did some research and turns out the 4-letter wordle median guess is 4.59 and the 5-letter wordle is 3.46, here we thought 4 letters were easier than 5. So we will make that adjustment. I think the game says you only get 4 but gives you 5 trys (it was a bug) but I think we will boost it to 6 after the Jam.
The plan is to make more levels, and have loot be more random but for a prototype we were happy with where it ended up.
The idea is to stick to the plan nothing will go wrong but if you start going into other rooms then you will find more obstacles, maybe the owner is home, or they had a dog. But these are just thoughts of the future possibilities.
There are about 80 words in the it could be and it picks it at random.
It's like the Wordle Game (Red is a Letter not in the word, Blue Letter is in the Word but wrong location, and Green is a letter in the right spot).
The wire cutting there is a way to know which wire to cut. It involves another object on the level.
Nice power washing, I am a big sucker for those types of games. I couldn't work out if there was an end time it looked like it went down, and then started going up. the points wouldn't always go up when you cleared a tag. I got to the one on the roof, nice hiding it up there, was tricky to navigate the stairs as I clipped through the railing a few too many times.
Also, I am interested in finding out more about how you did the power washing effect, it felt very smooth. I have been interested in trying out doing and effect like that but haven't as of yet.
We need to balance it but you do eventually become not invisible as the enemies gradually get harder, I have yet to see anyone have end-tier gear, though I think this is because people only play for the 10-20minutes.
We were going to do drag and drop and we might change to this, the reason we didn't was because some items don't fill the same place.
Thank you for playing
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