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A member registered Mar 23, 2019 · View creator page →

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I really like it. With enough work, this could be it's own thing. Though, it could use a clearer tutorial

It's alright. Needs a more concrete goal like a score or something. Right now, it keeps boring after a while. The art's alright as well. The music gets grating after a bit but you didn't make it yourself so.

I have to give props for being able to finish this on time. It's a simple gimmick to be sure but it has a lot of applications. If you decided to expand this out into a full game this core mechanic could work for it. A shame we couldn't see more of the art but that's game jams

Desperately needs a better tutorial in the game or in the description somewhere. Most players wouldn't give this more than a minute if they don't understand the goal. Other than that, it's a simple enough time waster so not bad but not great either

A neat little puzzle game with a simple premise. Not the most difficult though which could be a problem if this was more than a jam game

Someone more musically talented will probably enjoy this more. Still, it's a unique approach to the theme and I like it. The art's cute and the gameplay's relaxing and non-involved.

The sensitivity of the game is too much. Turning my head around shouldn't be that fast. Also, I think it would be better to have the controls in the game itself somewhere but I'll assume that it's because it's a jam game. The art's simple and the gameplay is too but it's still enjoyable enough.

Very creative interpretation of the theme and a very good execution of the idea. The gameplay probably won't work in a larger game but for 48 hours it's great. I love the cute artstyle too

Yeah, I found that bug too but by the time I found it, I was already tired of working on the game

A creative twist. I don't really like minesweeper but someone else that does will probably like this game a lot

I really loved the concept and the artstyle. You did a great job for 4 days

Very cute. I felt so bad for the narrator

It's a bit of a shame this entry. The concept has so much more room for interesting twists but instead it's a bit too bog standard

Love the art and character design. The gameplay is simple but that's fine for this kind of game.

The presentation is definitely great but the gameplay could be a little confusing at times

The puzzles were interesting but I feel like it would have been helpful if the turn order of the party was always displayed in some way

I definitely feel that you had more you wanted to do with the concept but ran out of time. The gameplay is functional but too basic.

I like the idea but the hero is a little too strong imo

I love the concept. If you wanted to expand this, it would be possible and there are so many new types of items that you can add to the game to make it more interesting

A very fun puzzle game. One of the few that I finished in this jam. A moment to view the level before starting could be nice. Other than that, it's a great concept that could be expanded into its own game.

This is the second game where I've played as a shopkeeper in the jam and I feel like you need a way to keep track of all the information of each side in the game itself to make it work well. Still a interesting concept that needs more fleshing out I feel.

Reverse TD isn't something I've come across too often in the jam so I think it's creative. The gameplay gets a little stale after a while and the font is little difficult to read

The presentation is excellent and the concept is executed very well

Love it. The concept itself could be made into its own game and the aesthetic is perfect for it. Although, the branching choices could be made more clear 

The concept is a little too simple and the gameplay as well. If there was more to creating a new disguise, the game could be more fun.

Could be a cool concept to expand into a full game

The presentation is cute and very well-done. Unfortunately, the controls and gameplay are a little too finicky to be fun to play with. The bird moves in an unintuitive way and what small platforming is there is not great as a result

The presentation's great and the endless runner portion is decent but gets a little samey

The art's nice but the gameplay needs more strategic depth. It's not clear which of the character's favorite character is and so I'm left guessing.

The concept has potential but needs a better execution. Both sides of the game need more meat for this to be a more enjoyable game

The concept is neat but the execution is a little too trial and error since you had to learn what all the tools did at once instead of one at a time

I love that you made it both passive and active in a way. You could take this concept and expand it out to a full game

The controls are what really make the game here. It's just frustrating enough to be stratifying to get points and still somewhat intuitive.

A fun concept but it was too difficult to find people and too simple

Cool concept. I really like the art and music

Cute concept. Unfortunately, I got stuck on some of the level and the constant pirate voices got a little annoying

A well-done puzzler

A little janky but a fun idea. It would help a lot if hitting the enemies gave some kind of feedback to let the player know that they were doing damage

It took me a second to grasp the concept. Still, it's a good take on the theme and I enjoyed playing it