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PIXTILESView game page

The animals have a picture in mind. Can you figure out what it is?
Submitted by ContentatoGames — 16 hours, 43 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 51 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
Individual game tiles are scaled down to an analog for pixel art

Development Time

96 hours

(Optional) Please credit all assets you've used
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Creative idea, pretty difficult to understand at first, so maybe an easier start or a more in depth tutorial would have helped me greatly.

Nice job, and very unique idea!


Thanks so much for playing! :D For sure, the next version would have a thorough tutorial and slow difficulty ramp. Appreciate the thoughts!


I really wanted to like this game because sudoku, picross, and minesweeper are all games I really enjoy playing. After making sure my brain wasn’t just misunderstanding how to play, I think I’ve come to the conclusion why this game is so frustrating for me. The previous games (perhaps except minesweeper via 50/50s) all have the player build towards a solution using specific logical moves, given some subset of starting information. For example all sudoku with 17 squares filled in are uniquely solvable with certain tricks and clever logic. Picross has similar sorts of logical jumps you can make, and minesweeper lets you build the grid out and around existing known spaces. This game largely feels like I’m placing down some pieces and then jiggling them around hoping that the numbers make some sort of sense. I think the idea is very nearly there, you just need to work on logic framework for how to solve these in a step by step process that isn’t essentially guess and check. If you’re able to figure out how to fix this, I would gladly give it another play because I desperately want this to be good!


Thanks for playing! Sorry it didn't click. I guess the most important logical part is to remember that the displayed number is how many of x color are in that 9-tile section of the grid, including itself. It would have benefited from more time for a slight change in controls, and a tutorial, but yeah, that's the biggest thing, is it works just a bit different than minesweeper for that reason. I'm def going to keep working on this one, appreciate the feedback! :D


uhh this was a good one. very difficult, but worth it!


Thanks so much for playing! :D


This felt a lot more like Picross or Sudoku than it did Minesweeper. At least I would have expected to get more immediate feedback as in Minesweeper. A cool and colorful game even if really hard. Good job!


Thanks so much for playing! :D


Cool puzzle game! All it needs is a little UX improvements. Being able to choose instead of randomizing it is the obvious thing, but ideally, in the long term, this game would also support some sort of pencil mark system (though I get that's not something you implement during a jam). Other than that, the two puzzles I played were fun to figure out and I could see this turning into a fun puzzle pastime, well done!


Thanks so much for playing! :D I'm pretty sure those suggestions are going in to a full version. Appreciate it!


Great work!

I liked:

  • The puzzles. The game demanded I think logically, and it was satisfying to slowly uncover a picture and figure out its finer details.
  • The presentation. The game is polished, with the simple but colorful graphics making it easy to see at a glance what's happening.

Could be better:

  • It took a couple tries to figure out how to play. The instructions were helpful, but a tutorial level would have made things easier.
  • I would rethink the comparison to Minesweeper. Yes, they're similar, but there are enough differences that I had to drop some of my initial assumptions before I really figured things out.
  • The random variation in the tile you can place was frustrating. Since you can't lose until you choose to complete the puzzle, this mechanic just stretched things out rather than adding an interesting decision or risk.

Hey thanks for playing! Totally agree with your assessments. The randomization came out of an earlier iteration, and I didn't really have any time to properly change the controls to let the player pick. A tutorial is def also warranted. Glad you liked it! Thanks :D


Very well designed game! I believe that it should be a bit more difficult, but I loved the way it fits the theme, kinda reminded me of Patrick's Parabox for whatever reason! Keep up the good work!


Thanks! You're the first comment that thought it was easy :D Appreciate it - thanks for playing!


That was a fun game! I realized I could figure out exactly where to put things by placing the same animal in adjacent spots and seeing how the number changed. A hard mode that limits how many placements you get could be good, but make sure to let the player choose what they place if you were to go that route.


That's a great idea - I am intending to develop this further so having an expert mode makes a lot of sense, and this is a great recommendation. Thanks so much for playing! :D


Lovely idea, nice exectuion, fun and chill atmosphere and a mind blowing brain exploding main mechanic :D
I can't really add much more substance to what previous commenters already said, as I agree that tutorial levels/difficulty curve would be a great addition.
I also found myself wanting to draw on screen, so I grabbed a screenshot and drew stuff in paint like "Ok I think this is an area with 3 sheep shaped like that..." etc. Not sure if a mechanic that would allow to for example simply put a color on a tile without placing an animal would be useful (would be for me :P) and possible to implement, but that is one thing.
I also wonder what was the design idea behind the decission to randomize the animals that I can place. I found myself putting 5 sheep in a corner for example just to get rid of them for the time being so I can work solely with crabs etc. I wonder if allowing player to choose what they place would benefit the game or not

Once again, nice game, really enjoyed it.


Hey! I got the recommendation to add markers so someone could put a 'I think this color will go here' and so forth and I think that's a great idea. I'm pretty much going to get going on full development of this game once the jam is over, so its going in! The randomization came from what the game started as, and I came into the more minesweepery-picross game most of the way through the jam. So I would have made that change if I could have, but just ran out of time. Full version though! Really appreciate the feedback, thanks so much :D


Hah, this explains a lot ^^
Glad to hear that both of those things might end up in the full release!


This is pretty cool. The first board it gave me has a balance of 3 different animals and I couldn't even begin to figure it out, but then I refreshed it and it was all one animal except for one (and only a few X's), and which was more doable. And then after that I was more prepared for the harder boards. So I think the game would be less intimidating if they were ordered by difficulty instead of random. Overall though, once I figured it out the game was great


Really appreciate it! I do agree, a difficulty ramp and base tutorials would do a lot to get someone going. So glad you had a good time! :D


I love minesweeper, though I don't think I'm clever enough to figure this one out haha. Very clean game!


Yeah I didn't make an easy one! Thanks so much for playing :D


I really like the way this looks! Cute little animals for the pixel tiles and their animations felt smooth. A super creative take on the theme!


Really appreciate it! Thanks for playing :D


I'm not good at minesweeper, but I'm very bad at this!^^' The concept is interesting, but maybe I need more clues, or easier level, because I couldn't really find a viable strategy. At least I appreciate that the game use colored animals rather than abstract colored dots. But yeah, wish I was better at this kind of game to judge it properly.


Thanks for playing! Def needs a tutorial to get you rolling. Appreciate the feedback :D

Submitted (1 edit)

Got a bug where it forced me to place the blank spaces while I still had one turtle remaining.

Definitely goes in hard and fast with those grid sizes! Very fun idea but I think starting off smaller would make it easier for the player to ease into it. I also think that having a failure state for this game isn't needed. Just let people trial and error it out!

Good job!


Thanks for checking it out! The original design was random draw, but once I got the minesweeper one in place, I would have liked to go back over and just let you pick. I think you'd have eventually picked the turtle though. Its just not as easy to manage that way. Agreed on the difficulty ramp. Appreciate the thoughts :D


I have come to the conclusion that I am not smart enough for this game. It's a super fun idea and the execution is great. I could very easily see this expanded and put on the App Store or something. Great job!


Thanks so much for playing! It needs tutorial space and a difficulty ramp to be fully baked. But thanks so much for playing :D


Took a while to understand but when it clicks its definetely worth
Maybe a smaller tutorial grid would help
Very nice game!


Thanks so much! :D A tutorial def is on the list of things to do for an expanded version. Glad you had a good time :D

Really nice idea! 


Thanks for trying it out :D


Really challenging cross between minesweeper and picross! Could see it being a nyt game, if it was a tad easier. Really creative!


Wow. That's high praise. Thanks so much! Totally needs difficulty levels and tutorials and all the things a full version should have. Appreciate it :D


Nice. Great idea. But it was hard for me to figure out what picture was hidden.


Thanks for playin! It def isn't an easy game I made, but I'm happy that everyone's checking it out :D


A lot more Sudoku than Minesweeper I'd say. It's cute, original and a good way to burn a few neurons!


Lets call it Sudokusweeper. Thanks so much for playing :D

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