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A topic by leafo created Jan 31, 2019 Views: 39,199 Replies: 98
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Admin (17 edits) (+33)

Welcome to the community translation project!

The website was originally built as an English only project, but in the past week I've built tooling and started extracting strings for translation. We're using the same system we used for the desktop app. (If you were an approved translator on that project then your account is ready to go.) The website has a lot of text so this is going to be an ongoing project (both extracting and translating). Here's how you can participate:

Quick start:

  • Join the translations channel on our discord (optional)
    • add yourself to the translator role to be notified of updates to translations
  • Go to Weblate, create an account
  • Read the Markup guide to learn how the translation syntax works
    • Follow these rules before suggesting a new translation string
      • ALWAYS use every {{variable}} that appears in the source translation, double check there are no typos
      • ALWAYS use every <tag> that appears in the source translation string. Ensure you use a proper closing </tag>
      • Failure to follow these guidelines may result in breaking the translation test suite and blocking translations from being processed. Just as a reminder
      • Reminder: The string "0 notifications" and "No notifications" are different. If you see a variable for plural version of 0 count, you must use the variable. Don't change the phrasing of the string.
  • If a language you want to translate isn't available yet, ask us to add it in this thread or on discord
  • If you'd like to be an Approved Translator, someone who can save translations and review others, contact us in our Discord or in this thread with the language you'd like to work on.
  • You can enable a language on from your accounts settings page.

How to help with translating

  • We use web-based software called Weblate to help us manage translations. You can join it here
  •'s translations are split in a few components:
  • Read the markup syntax guide before working on translations:
    • Follow these rules before suggesting a new translation string:
      • ALWAYS use every {{variable}} that appears in the source translation, double check there are no typos
        • Note: The string "0 notifications" and "No notifications" are different. If you see a variable for plural version of 0 count, you must use the variable. Don't change the phrasing of the string.
      • ALWAYS use every <tag> that appears in the source translation string. Ensure you use a proper closing </tag>. Failure to do so will break the functionality of the page for those using the translation.
      • Failure to follow these rules will break the test suite. Translations will not be merged back into the website until the test suite is fixed:
  • If you're trying to work on a language that isn't there yet, you'll need to request it to be added by an approved translator or admin. You can ask in the Discord channel.
  • To start translating, you can click the Translate button next to your language of choice
    • For many strings, we provide context screenshots. You can see them on the right of the translation page
    • You can use the Translation Memory and Machine Translation features to help you put together a translation
    • You can leave comments on text, and vote on suggestions
    • Weblate has many features to help organize translation projects. We recommend taking some time to click around to learn how the user interface works.
  • Anyone can make a suggestion on Weblate, but only approved translators can save the translation to be merged back into the website.
    • Ideally, approved translators are fluent in the language they are applying for. You should have a record of submitting strings before you request to be an approved translator. Don't apply if you haven't actually contributed anything yet.
  • If you come across English text that doesn't translate well, please tell us so we can work out a solution. Try to avoid using bad grammar. Many times we can rework the source text to be easier to translate.
  • Try to use a neutral tone when translating. 

Debugging translations

  • You can force to use a translation by appending ?locale=LANGUAGE_CODE to any page. (eg.
  • You can use ?locale=debug to show all translations keys. This can help you find where a particular string is located in Weblate

Testing translations

Since we're at an early stage with translations we aren't turning it on for anyone by default. You can, however, opt-in to languages that we already have translations for. You can find a drop-down on your account settings page

Please use the translations and look for errors. Since many languages only have partial translations, and many strings have not been pulled out for translation yet, we don't need reports of missing translations at this time. If you find a mistake you can make a suggestion or leave a comment using Weblate. (You don't need an account to leave a suggestion right now). Weblate's search tool can help you find the right string.


  • Right to left? We haven't started investigating what this involves. Ideally we'd like to get some LTR languages in a good state first, but feel free to provide translations for strings on Weblate for any RTL languages, and I can start testing things.
  • Translated project pages? The plan is to allow any text field on to provided in multiple languages. This will be a separate change from this project, but we'll focus on giving project pages this functionality first.
  • Regional pricing? This will come as a separate update, but something we want to address by giving developers the option to set prices by currency/region.
  • Will my browser start showing another language automatically? Not any time soon. Additionally, there's a language setting you can use to force the site to be in whatever language you like. I can imagine in the future we will use your browser's preferred language to automatically select a language on If we make this change, we'll make the language picker easier to access.
  • I want to see a specific page translated! Great. We are incrementally pulling out strings for translation, if a page your want is not available yet please tell us.
  • I'm a professional translator, will you hire me? Maybe, we don't know our international strategy quite yet but for priority languages we're open to hiring help for high quality and high coverage translations. You can email us through

Thanks for your help, and I look forward to a fully internationalized


Really looking forward to language-specific project page text! At the moment other languages are simply on the same page, and it’d be great to simplify this for visitors


(2 edits) (+12)

I'd like to help to translate to Chinese (Traditional).

But it's not on the list at the moment, can you add it please?


EDIT: Issue solved after chatted with admin on Discord, thank you!


You may consider this off topic, but since it was mentioned in the OP, just wanted to ask to please NOT add regional pricing. It's an absolutely rotten industry practice, charging people differently depending on which lines on a map some bits go to. Some may argue for regional discounts for some countries, and I guess it could be tolerable if they choose to make their work more affordable there, but there's no way to do even that properly, since there are plenty of poor countries not getting discounts, or getting lower ones than better off countries, and there are also lots of poor people even in countries considered wealthy. But more importantly, overcharging (compared to the standard price, generally considered to be the US one) any country is of course way worse, even more so when you have that standard model of EUR = USD for EU countries, including those not using the Euro, even the poorest ones.

Since you support multiple currencies and developers can set the price in the one they choose, it'd be nice for the customer to be able to pay in their currency of choice if among the supported ones, at the current exchange rate, but other than that, or if even this would for some reason imply actual regional pricing, please don't. Now with GOG even removing their "fair price package", five years after deciding to allow regional pricing after having "one world, one price" as the 2nd clear, specific pillar of their mission statement for the first 5.5 years of their existence, as far as I know it's just you and Zoom that still push back against this (even if without making a point of it)...

Would be a very good thing to support more payment methods though, including as part of a localization effort, as there are various ones that are popular in certain countries. And starting with prepaid cards, like Paysafecard (or something else if equally widely available, that's the one I know of, and use for any such purchases, so can't make any here yet...).

Hope this wasn't too much of an off-topic rant...

Admin (1 edit) (+3)

Thanks for the feedback. Adding support for showing a purchase flow in a local currency is a high priority for us. That is tied very closely to regional pricing though, we bucket currencies and regions together when we talk about the regional pricing project. In any case, the pricing configuration will be up to the creators, so we won't be forcing any pricing scheme on anyone for the foreseeable future. (unless we learn that some kind of automatic currency exchange for showing localized prices helps conversion a lot, then we'll probably automate that)


If you won't force flat pricing anymore, they'll go with the rotten "industry standard" as they do everywhere else... :(


Can you explain what you think is “rotten” about this?

Purchasing power is objectively different in other regions, but you want to force people with low income to pay significantly higher prices? (in some cases orders of magnitude different)

I don’t get it.


*sigh* This same discussion every time.

People who oppose regional pricing refer to the regions that get HIGHER prices than the base (US) one, like the EU and EEA, including the poorer EU countries, sometimes even non-EU Serbia and Montenegro, AU/NZ, sometimes Japan... People who support it refer to the regions that get LOWER prices, like Latin America, former CIS states, China, where not banned Russia (for which massively lower pricing was initially introduced, not because of the purchasing power but to make legal purchases compete with the powerful Russian "piracy" market).

The thing about basing it on country is that you can't make it fair for the people. There are plenty of poor people in wealthier countries that are doubly harmed by it and some wealthy people in poor countries that doubly benefit. And even at country level, it's not fair overall, because it's not actually based on purchasing power, but on marketing and sales. For example most African countries generally don't get regional price cuts because publishers don't expect sales there anyway, so they just don't bother, even though if you'd base it on disposable income they should get the lowest prices.

Still, despite such differences remaining inherently unfair either way they're applied, I wouldn't personally complain if the regional pricing matrix would just have one maximum price that'd apply for all the wealthier countries (US/CA, Western and Northern Europe, AU/NZ, JP, probably South Korea), and either the same price or lower for the rest. But make sure that no non-wealthy country pays more than a wealthy one.

(2 edits) (+1)

Of course within a country there are differences, but I don’t want to force people from a region where there are orders of magnitude different purchasing power to pay a relatively insane amount of money for my products.

I hope you understand that it doesn’t make any sense for those cases.

Calling this “rotten” makes you look like a heartless fool.

But sure I agree that this would need some proper tuning to apply correctly. It’s a good practice if applied sensibly, imo. And I believe that the current global flat rate is senseless.

(2 edits)

Again, while still unfair, if you'd want to offer discounts to some regions, I wouldn't personally take a stand against it. But if you claim to do it for such reasons, you should strive to apply those discounts for all poorer regions, not "forget" about those that actually are the poorest, like I was saying about offering discounts to Latin America or China or the former CIS region but not to (most of) Africa or Southeast or Central Asia...

But what I really do take a stand against and call rotten is if you'd (also) want to apply the typical 1 USD (for US price) = 1 EUR (for EU price, even for non-Euro countries) rate, or similar price hikes for UK or AU/NZ, because there's no way to claim that the purchasing power there is far greater than that of the US (except in Luxembourg), and in most of the EU it's lower.

Edit: So an acceptable regional pricing scheme would involve a flat price for the wealthy countries, no possibility for regional pricing between them, and let's say we can define wealthy as above double the world average taken by purchasing power parity, which actually gets us at the moment to a round number of 30 countries, down to NZ, as per And for any other countries you could set the price as a percentage of that base/maximum one, which percentage must not exceed 100%, and any price you set for one country automatically becomes the maximum one for those ranked below it. That should fully cover the cases you use to argue in favor of it, correct?

But it's not how typically it's done...


We don’t have to follow how it’s “typically” done. Of course the aim is to do it properly and actually reflects the intent to make our software accessible at comparable rates across the globe.

Right now my software is only accessible in wealthy countries, which is a shame.


Wow very cool, this will allow multi-language checkout!


Hey there :)

I would like to become an approved translator for German. I'm a native speaker so I know most of the needed terms. There are a whole bunch of suggestions for the translations that need to be approved ^^

I made some translation suggestions for German already so you can see some of my work :)


Can you tell me your username on weblate, thanks!


It should also be Padramyr.


Can you add Slovenian language?



(1 edit)

Please, I'd like to be an Approved Translator for Brazilian Portuguese. I have a decent experience with translations like this, and I want to see the pt-BR done as soon as possible. My username in weblate is janosbiroleite.


How do I vote on suggestions? The Brazillian Portuguese translations have many suggestions but I can't vote on any of them.

(1 edit) (+1)

It seems French is available. I assume this is for the website itself? (Currently learning French.)

Erp, I mean as in someone who has skills in French should take the job.


The app and a much of the website is already available in French!


Hello Sir, i will begin working on arabic

so please if you can please give my proofreading status on the project

i am professional translator and i really want to have full arabic support for this app and store


Is it possible to make the interface language to be switched automatically depending on language set in browser? This way the website will get localized even for non-registered users. Currently, when non-registered user purchases something the interface is displayed in English...


This is something we’d like to have at some point, but the coverage of our translations isn’t there yet, so we don’t want to give buyers the impressive we can support them in their native language fully.



Just looked at the available languages and percentages

Noticed a small bug about arabic

Keep up the good work :)

Excuse me, but I applied to be an approved translator but changed my discord name afterwards, should I apply again?


If you already have an account on weblate that’s ready to go then you don’t have to worry about applying again

Okay! Thank you for replying. 


hi to get

I'd like to help to translate to Kurdish (Sorani) .

please can you add it to list ?

sorry, I did not explain well. I think you are talking about software translator between 2 human languages. it is impossible for google translator, for example from italian to english, if you don't know the two languages and repeat some corrections.

(1 edit)

I don't want to be annoying but,  WHY ARE YOU NOT THE SPANISH?

(2 edits)

Hello, I'm currently helping to translate the project into Indonesian. I have completely translated and made some improvements to the Indonesian Core, Tags, and Documents components. But now I've had a couple of issues: 

  1. In the Desktop App component, you can only make translations if your suggestions have at least 2 votes. This is kind of tricky since I'm actually the only translator working on the Indonesian project right now and having votes from other translators on any suggestion would mean that the project would take a very long time to finish. Is there any solution or anything I can do to speed up the translation process? 
  2. Also, is there any reason that the Indonesian language code uses the obsolete (in) code instead of the standard (id) code? It's not that I'm entirely opposed to the decision, but it seems that if you use (in) as the code for Indonesian, it won't appear in the list of the drop-down language menu, both on the account settings of the website and the app.

I'm having a blast translating and currently reached 88% in translation progress, if we can finally complete it, it would be great!


Any news on regional pricing? 

  • Regional pricing? This will come as a separate update, but something we want to address by giving developers the option to set prices by currency/region.

This should be top priority, many users just go to Steam and buy there as regional price is lower.


i can improve the italian language

Could add Portuguese Brazil when I click will not add again?

bro i will test italian and let ya know

is there a way to be both English and Spanish?


jogos no Android

Which game

(1 edit)

  • Join the translations channel on our discord (optional) ...
  • Go to Weblate, create an account.
  • Read the Markup guide, in short: don't alter any markup, preserve all variables and tags.
  • Provide translations by clicking the Translate button for a language.


Hey, I’m trying to register with GitHub but I keep getting “Authentication Failed”.

I searched and apparently this comes from 2FA being enabled on GitHub, some suggest to add the 2FA code at the end of the password, but it doesn’t help.

Anybody managed to register with GitHub? Otherwise I’ll just make a standard registration.

Btw I wanted to register because I spotted 2 issues in French:

  1. a translation mistake when adding a collection, but realized that 2 people already suggested a fix:

But I thought, maybe if I register I’ll be able to vote those changes up at least, so maybe it’s worth it even then? How does the string amendment process work?

  1. a layout issue on the game edit page

“Plus” overlaps “View page” (which is not translated but that’s not the issue)

This one is trickier, it’s a layout thing which I don’t think can be entirely fixed by changing the strings. Is it the right place to report such issues, or should we open a different thread as this thread has already many requests to be acknowledged as translator?

(1 edit) (+1)

I'd like to help in translating to Bengali(Bangladesh). Could you please add it to the list? Thanks in advance

Deleted post

Feedback = Отзыв/Фидбэк, at russian



pls add Albanian thank you!!!

I'd like to help with translating to Afrikaans.

But it's not on the list at the moment, can you add it please?

Can you make “El Silla 2 Versus Mode”?


Love ya

Hiiiii love you I like ya doing good


Hey! I really love itch website and i just wanted to say that it would be cool to translate dates at itch game extra info, plus download size text "MB", "GB" and others

Also comments section can get few strings too like "X months ago", "X years ago" and "View rest"

This is great news that the website is now looking to expand its language offerings through the community translation project! I appreciate the effort put into developing the tooling and starting the process of extracting strings for translation.


Heya I for some reason spent around 4 hours translating to estonian, hope it helps anyone. Damn I'm tired now.


You have done well, but website currently doesn't support full translation so some places will be in English.

No worries slowly but surely, didn't like seeing that 0% before so decided to boost it into 45 :D Just so we can be better at one thing compared to Fins :D they always have so much more translated and support and etc, rarely see Estonian anywhere.


Indonesia is 100% but not added -_-

Show post...


(1 edit)

Sometimes I spot a bad translation in French, go to Weblate, but notice that there are already change suggestions in the Things to check section. The suggestions are good and correspond to the fix I was thinking of, so I try to click on Vote up or Accept button (not sure what the difference is if I don’t have admin rights; as I probably cannot just Accept something by myself?)

But then I’m sent on a new page that says: “The translation has come to an end.”

I’ve searched this string and other users got it on other Weblate projects, but don’t have a clue either. Does it mean it’s impossible for us to improve the translation at this point? Because we really need to fix those bad strings.

OK, even weirder now. After logging in and making sure French was set as my primary target language, I’m searching for the string again and this time I get “No string matched your search!”. I’m now unable to even find the bad string I used to see. Am I missing something in the setup?

For info the bad string in question is “Ajouter à une collection déjà nommée”, but I’m more interested in the correct process to upvote and apply suggestions than this specific issue.

EDIT: just realized I found the exact same string one year ago but got a login issue according to my old post. Since then, I could properly log in with GitHub, now my issue is that I cannot easily search for a string.

So, I tried again and found that to search for a French string directly, I need to use Advanced query builder > change Source strings to Target strings and fill the field. Alternatively, use Custom search with target: "French string".

This actually works, but the reason why I couldn’t see the same as before was that in the meantime, the suggestion I voted up/accepted was actually properly accepted, so I had to search for the new string. But the change was not immediately reflected on, so I had the impression it wasn’t accepted yet.

So I have a few questions now:

  • how does voting/accept work? Should we just vote when we think it’s a good translation but want to wait if something better comes up, and accept when we’re sure it’s okay? Is Accept always immediate?
  • after a translation was accepted, how much time does it take to actually appear on the website?

Another thing is a UX issue with Weblate: after searching, you cannot have an overview of all matching results. You must get through them one by one by clicking on the next arrow, it’s very long! Is there another way? Otherwise that would deserve a feedback to Weblate’s team.

Yeah i hope website will get more strings soon and update translations too

I can't see any option to set language as Urdu on my account page 😞


Admin moved this topic to Feature Discussion

how do i delete my account

good tanks!

pt br!!



I’d love to see regional pricing!

While I think my products are fairly priced for my local region, for other parts of the world they might be considered expensive. I’ve already seen some clandestine distribution of the binaries, so it would be great to be able to provide more affordable options for those regions.

Regional pricing is discriminatory towards poor people in wealthy countries.

(1 edit) (+2)

But without it it’s discriminatory to ALL people in poor countries.


Olá sou brasileira

Olá, eu também. Você quer ajudar na tradução PTBR?


Deleted 357 days ago

Please pay attention where you post.


Hello, I'd like to apply as translator for Arabic language
My username on weblate is NightStars

Hola tengo un problemes no puedo poner mi perfil

Translating Javanese language

1. Go Javanese language aqui  està mi discord podemos chatear si quieres y gracias por la bienvenida Bro



Galician could be added to weblate for translation, thank you.

Oh ya entiendo ahora todo




Pls replay 



can you add toki pona to the translations list?

(1 edit)

There's 521 error on Itch's Weblate website right now, but original works pretty well. (see 1st screenshot context below)
Also leafo's post has some image issue, above How to help with translating. (see 2nd screenshot context below)

(2 edits)
1st Screenshot context

2nd Screenshot context

It looks like the translations now happen here:

(2 edits)

oh thank you
upd; issue happens even on new website when you try to log in through Github (maybe updating Weblate to last version could fix that)


It seems they have forgotten to probably set it up, so when you connect through GitHub it tries to redirect to the old website which doesn't work anymore after you authorise to log in through GitHub. When it starts taking long to redirect you back, right click and copy the link where it says "please visit this setup page to continue" 
You will get a link like this:
Just change it from to, and then put this in your URL bar and then you will be logged in.

Why we not using the Crowdin for me its be very simple