Great work! Feels good to play and move units around. Some good additions would be a range read out in the LOS overlay, and a indicator for your cursor that shows whether a particular location is forest or open ground, a la WARNO. Can't wait for SFX to get added.
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The Eastern Flower's pageComments
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and a indicator for your cursor that shows whether a particular location is forest or open ground
It's already there in the bottom right. I might move it elsewhere so it's more similar to wargame / warno.
Can't wait for SFX to get added.
I'm working working on that right now.
Some good additions would be a range read out in the LOS overlay,
On my to do list.
It looks pretty cool, but I'm not good enough at it to beat it. It feels like there's probably a bunch of advanced mechanics that I don't understand that are needed to win. To get out of the starting area, you need to move you tanks on a road past two forests. However, most tanks will drive on the forest terrain, making them move very slowly instead of the road. I tried using the F + RMB command to make them drive on the road, but it didn't seem to work. The map is very huge, I can't really get anywhere before the convoy starts coming and dying. Infantry hidden in forests seem to be able to shoot you at long range, but making my tanks target them either seems to do nothing sometimes, or makes them drive up really close before eventually starting to attack. I don't really see the point of recon vehicles. I think the unit labels should be hidden unless the unit is hovered over, because they obscure what's happening. Overall, I think there's probably a lot of good mechanics in there, but the starting level is too difficult of an introduction. I think you should start with a smaller, easy to beat level to give the player a way to experiment more with the controls and units.
Feedback noted, thank you for playing! The level is indeed a little hard for beginners, I'm going to work on a tutorial eventually.
I tried using the F + RMB command to make them drive on the road, but it didn't seem to work.
it's F + LMB
making my tanks target them either seems to do nothing sometimes, or makes them drive up really close before eventually starting to attack.
I dislike this too, it's because there's small changes in elevation that block LOS. The next map I make is going to be much flatter.
- Cursor is displayed behind UI elements.
- No way to quit/restart if you fail the mission, and no way to restart without quitting.
- (I assume) terrain height is key for positioning and line of sight, and it's just really not clear given terrain shading, and without a line-of-sight indicator outside of debugging tool.
- Mission is pretty difficult. 2 minutes to move ahead of the convoy is not very much when your units are so slow compared to the logistics trucks, even on roads, and when on the roads, you're vulnerable to ambushes from an elevated position.
- I dislike that recon vehicles are completely unarmed.
- Undetected units' particle effects (dust from moving) are still visible outside of detection range.
Feedback noted, thanks!
(I assume) terrain height is key for positioning and line of sight, and it's just really not clear given terrain shading, and without a line-of-sight indicator outside of debugging tool.
There is a line of sight indicator outside of the debugging tool, hold C. The terrain right now kinda sucks because there's a lot of small changes in elevation which may block LOS. When I work on the next iteration for terrain generation I'll make sure large parts are completely flat and it's obvious when there's a change in elevation.
The bug I had last time with the invisible units is fixed!
Mostly the same as the other comments, a range indicator without debug mode would be really nice. It was kind of hard to tell when units were shooting, the aim percentage looked like it was stuck at 0% a lot of the time even though units where fighting.
I really like the visuals, good and simple color choices.
Thank you!
The aim percentage looked like it was stuck at 0% a lot of the time even though units where fighting.
Most if not all weapon types right now have to finish reloading before aiming, and before units reload they may have to swap ammo types. There's a short 1-2 seconds timer for that but it's not displayed in the UI yet.
I can see the potential already
The prototype is barebone but works fine
Please add a restart button, and when you lose the game just stops and you need to quit
Some sounds are needed at least for confirmation of the actions
And the most mandatory ADD ANIMU ICONS TO THE UNITS
Sadly, I am not skilled enough to win it fairly. (beat it by telling my convoy to ride off road)
It is a fun game, don't like the default pathing, that mosh is killing my speed and all my plans.
Maybe you could swap default path with the fast pathing and just make "shortest" path keybind?
Controls are fine, easy to understand and use, but I wasn't sure if I could micro ammo and other guns.
Without debug I couldn't play, I don't know how far my tanks can shoot.
If I Q+LMB on enemy outside of it's range, tank wants to come close to the enemy, not sure if it's intended.
Art is really cute!
Maybe you could draw drivers and add vehicle as a background in portraits?
Would love to try more missions after understanding more mechanics :)
Thanks for the feedback!
Maybe you could swap default path with the fast pathing and just make "shortest" path keybind?
When I have a proper options menu maybe.
Controls are fine, easy to understand and use, but I wasn't sure if I could micro ammo and other guns.
I'm eventually going the option to disable ammo types. Units automatically pick the best ammo type available. You can turn weapons on and off.
Without debug I couldn't play, I don't know how far my tanks can shoot.
This is the most recurring feedback so I'm going make it a priority.
If I Q+LMB on enemy outside of it's range, tank wants to come close to the enemy, not sure if it's intended.
It's because of small changes in elevation that block line of sight. Next time I make a map I'll make sure large parts are completely flat.
I thought this was a cool concept, even though the controls were fiddly. It would definitely be nice to see vision and gun ranges, as well as have sound confirmation they are going to shoot at a target.
I could see this being super cool though, especially if you went with some kind of gameplay feature where you could zoom into a tank view or something like that.
I can tell it's a prototype, but it's definitely got potential.
Worked on linux using wine + proton experimental +heroic
Some weird pathfinding behavior:
Some weird accurency
Can we have range view for recon? I hated the lack of it in steel div.
seems pretty similar to the previous build.
i know that it doesn't feel like a priority early on, but i really think that you should add some placeholder sounds, it helps immensely not only to make demos more enjoyable for playtesters, but also for your own motivation while you work on your game. it's vital for gamefeel.
look at the other tank game in this dd, it's a prototype and yet it's so satisfying to play because i can hear the noise of the tank moving around, the shots being fired and the projectiles hitting the armor.
Despite making an RTS, I have never played an RTT. So I was a bit confused about how the fog of war works, at first.
Not much more to say - it’s a working technological basis
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