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A jam submission

Alternative Soundtrack - music jam #2View project page

Animal Crossing - New Horizons (reimagined) - Sunny Island area
Submitted by Black Light Sound — 3 days, 4 hours before the deadline
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Alternative Soundtrack - music jam #2's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Sound quality#213.6113.700

Ranked from 20 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Track description | Creative process
I've tried to capture a tropical smooth jazz sound for the music. If you are playing a game similar to New Horizons in a sunny and tranquil area, I think the player would prefer this kind of music over something like the OST of Jaws. ;)

Regarding the instrumentation, I have chosen typical jazz ensemble instruments: electric piano (in this case, an MKS20), clean electric guitar with a touch of tremolo effect, brush drums, 5-string electric bass to reach lower registers and cover certain parts of the harmony without having to play bass lines in higher octaves (I preferred a J-Bass configuration over others like P-Bass or more aggressive sounds, tending towards a warm and vibrant sound), brass section, and finally a vibraphone that recalls the original game's sonorities so well, not forgetting a Hammond B-3 for some sections where the music becomes a bit more intense.

Regarding the recording process:

Electric Piano: Throughout the entire piece, it supports the whole ensemble since it is present all the time. I used the classic sound of an MKS20 that my Nord Electro has for its soft and velvety nuance.

However, it also has its drawbacks. The harmonic changes in the music are constant, and the melody played with the right hand sometimes blurs as it blends melody and harmony throughout the entire piano arrangement.

As a solution, the parts carrying the melody have been reinforced with different instruments throughout the piece, which can give the impression of small improvisation sections by each instrument and a section near the end where they all come together.

Electric Guitar: I haven't used tube or transistor amplifiers. The guitar was recorded through one of the instrument inputs on the interface and processed with a Morgan amplifier emulator.

Would it have been more appropriate to use an emulation like a Roland Chorus transistor emulator or just something clean? Possibly, but the rack emulation units I have are a few years old and are less "expressive" and more "flat."

Vibraphone: Once again, the integrated sounds in the Nord Electro have turned out quite well, although it's obvious it's not a real acoustic instrument.

Electric Bass: As mentioned earlier, it's a VST configured to sound like the described electric bass.

Playing it with a keyboard offers a lot of freedom in making arrangements, and it's easy to visualize bass lines moving from one tonal center to another. I aimed to give this instrument a sense of groove and to form a coherent rhythm section.

Hammond: Again, the Nord Electro has been a good solution. You just play without adding any plug-ins. Although it's in the background, the feeling while recording was very expressive and liberating, being able to use the drawbars and the Leslie speaker effects typical of this instrument.

Brass Section: Again, sounds from the Nord, which in my opinion, are not realistic in this case but fit well into the mix.

Drums: Sequenced by MIDI through a plug-in. It was recorded right after the keyboard, and everything else was built around this structure.

The mix has barely been touched, except for some low-frequency cuts, maybe to give a bit more clarity. Before "mastering" the track, the mix was printed through some analog gear, and a UAD tape emulation was added to offer a warmer sound.

Regarding mastering: small adjustments were made with the TC Electronic Finalizer software to slightly increase the volume without overdoing it.

That's all! I hope you find the music refreshing and pleasant and enjoy the result. I've had a lot of fun recreating music for this game.

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Great arrangement! The smooth jazz comes out perfectly. Absolutely fit for the theme going for.
The brass sound and build up feels a bit much, and  feels a bit clashing with the theme, but besides that a great listen and good sound.

It's also mixed well, i really like how the bass lays in the mix, smooth and clear


Excellent arrangement! I love the instrument choice, it's interesting to read about. Very nice harmonies, but I do think the density and moodiness, esp around 1:20, might be too much for the current game, but it's such a nice build with many variations, so this is a track I'd be proud of writing!


So nice and smooth. Amazing work, and +1 for sharing your process and detailing the full instrumentation. At the 1:10 transition I was full stank face. Rich and cool layering all around, with a drum and bass playing which felt recorded live, with just the necessary touches here and there, and full of groove. Loving it!


One of the best entry, not being the same sound of the original soundtrack could be bad for this jam, but your take is creative and very well executed. Maybe the next installment will take this route? Anyway, a very good job!


Tom Nook stares at you intensly while you are both lying half naked on the beach. The sunset shines pastels colors over the horizon, will you ever have another summer like this one? At least your memories with Tom are forever.

Nice track by the way.

Submitted (1 edit)

Getting some nice jazz fusion vibes, really dig the sort of CP70 ish sound the MKS20  piano gives. Everything feels great, but probably at least for me the power/energy of the brass and organ part might get a bit annoying if the track would repeat multiple times while I'm trying to do stuff in the game (pretty subjective i know, but just wanted to say how it felt from my viewpoint so take with a grain of salt😅 ). Really great job on this! Probably one of my favourite so far from the jam, just from pure groove/vibe standpoint alone.


Love the guitar melody, nice articulation. Really nice moment when the mallets come in at 0:48. Love the brass/organ section. The percussion works well. Very nice song.


I would have mixed the stuff differently, it's very bright and dynamics are a bit too much on the hard side (Harsh cymbals). Other than that, the piece could fit nicely in the game and it's well composed.


That was incredibly creative and nice. Even though the instrumentation doesn't lend itself perfectly for this instance of AC, I could totally see it used in a future game. Great job and thank you for the details, i like reading what people came up with!


Great composition and arranging skills! Nice sounding track!