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Ready for Baittle - Boss Rush Jam version's pageGame's Take on the Theme
Everywhere as a basis for movement, boss attacks and boss movement
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
Yes, all of it
The graphics really transmit the underwater feel, so well achieved, the gameplay is fun and the enemy is tough, really well made everything. I rate graphics, control and fun the most, but all is cool, also, if you have some time, please, rate my game too, thanks!!!
Good job but there's something weird during the fight if I fire both types of bullets to the enemy, enemy just stands there and waits without doing anything till I stop shooting.
Thank you for playing!
You're essentially repeatedly stunning the boss so it can't do anything. This is actually intended, but not quite in this way. When you stun it, it stops moving for a few seconds (indicated by the intendity of the blue color), and you can shoot it's heart to actually deal damage, at least if it's not protected by an arm in this case, so you need to strategize it a bit.
Great job, bosses were interesting. I wish they had a few more abilities each but good stuff!
SPACE FISHING! Bahaha I was able to beat the bosses, I found their weaknesses! Cool game nice difficulties and weapon upgrades, the basic weapon seemed best. Congrats on submission! Feel free to try ours if you like!
I really like how each of the bosses has a weak point you have to hit to attack, makes combat feel more than just shoot mindlessly which is great! The art for the bosses is also really great and creative. Making the bosses move in a more natural way would go a long way to making the game even more fun and fights feel more alive. But that is hard to do in such little time of the jam haha. Good luck with the game!
Thank you for the feedback!
Some movement is supposed to be in a somewhat natural way, mostly the idle movement of the bosses though, which you typically don't see much of. At the beginning of each fight they are in idle state for a few seconds.
I will polish it more though in a future update. I plan on developing this further into a full and complete version out of this more alpha state.
I liked the stunning mechanic; it was intuitive to figure out how you could kill each boss. A few things to improve: some of the attacks weren't telegraphed enough, like the 2nd boss that instantly flicks around to the other side. Also, the boundaries were invisible which screwed me over a few times. But apart from that, the gameplay is fun, and the graphics are good too!
Fun and creative game! Loved the boss designs and the overall concept. The controls and mechanics were easy to get the hang of, and the difficulty levels were a nice touch! I did end up struggling with not being able to see where the boundaries were and getting stuck in the corners, but other than that, great job!
Hello! I think i'm mostly confused about the game and it's boss system, i did try to play a little but i don't feel like it's very intuitive, the sprites are great tho! a multiple enemy sprite is pretty hard, so good job on that! the controls are simple and easy to take in hand, the music was, well, okay, and the use of theme wass abscent (maybe i didn't play long enough??) but for the time that i played, i didn't notice any use of the theme, and as the theme, it's supposed to be present as more than just a small gimmick
Thank you for the feedback!
What would've helped you for it to be more intuitive?
Making multiple sprites per boss was tedious, yeah, but I really wanted them to feel dynamic in their movement, so what was necessary.
The theme is included as the base thought of the player's movement and in a more noticable way in boss attacks. Each boss has at least one attack that's based on spinning, but each boss also has a special ability/attack that's also based on spinning, like grabbing you, spinning and throwing you away or teleporting by spinning into a vortex for ecample. Maybe you didn't encounter this?
Reminds me Titan Souls in some way, that you need to wait for boss to open to hit his weak spot, which is nice mechanic. But I think there are 2 main issues:
1. Camera. It is very zoomed in and makes a bit hard to dodge asteroids. Perhaps camera could shift a bit towards the cursor? So you could check if there are any asteroids behind you and if it is not, you can attack the boss. Fullscreen could also solve this issue, but actually there is another problem - you have fullscreen button, but it doesn't work for your game (at least not for me on Chrome), like it makes game fullscreen, but it doesn't actually stretch.
2. Map bounds. You can't see them which makes it a bit hard to navigate. Like boss can stuck at the bottom of the map and it looks like you can go under him to hit his weak spot, but you actually can't and you need to lure it to position above, when again, it is hard to tell if you lured boss enough. So perhaps something like asteroid belt would be nice to see as marker for map boundaries which also could complement flying asteroids. Or well, can just increase map size to like 2x, it should be enough.
Thank you for the feedback!
The camera is shifted towards the boss while making sure the player's still on screen. Maybe I could lower the factor for the maximum distance from the center of the player's ship.
The fullscreen option was requested to have it not occluded by the text on the game page. It's still fixed in size though because it would break the UI otherwise atm, I'll adress this in a future version and make it resizable. It was quicker to not worry about this for the jam tbh.
The map bounds will be adressed too, maybe even removed in an updated version.
Really love the boss designs, although a bit hard to control the player ship at times, and some other time the squid boss went away and I couldn't find him XD but overall a good game grats also on the art department!
I really like the pixel UI and simple music. Having multiple difficulty options is great.
I had a hard time telling if I was actually doing any damage, having a boss health bar would be nice. I couldn't seem to kill the first boss even after shooting it for 3 minutes straight, not sure if I was supposed to be shooting the heart under the tentacles but I couldn't seem to get to it no matter what I tried.
I also like the inclusion of multiple different weapon types!
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