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Ready for Baittle - Boss Rush Jam version's itch.io pageGame's Take on the Theme
Everywhere as a basis for movement, boss attacks and boss movement
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
Yes, all of it
I really liked the boss design, the visuals, and the fact that you included multiple difficulty levels for each boss. I encountered some issues with the camera at times, but it was fine afterward. Congrats!
I liked all of the bosses, and loved the idea you had of making several difficulties for each one, and then making a last level where you have to defeat them all in a row, pretty good game design! Congrats :D
I liked how each boss has its own twist to defeat them. I also liked the shopping system, where you catch your prey, then make some money out of it to buy some upgrades, very nice!
Having a variety of difficulties was also a nice touch. Good game!
Good game! Nice difficulty and fun mechanics, the theme could've been used a little more by adding some type of dodge move, but other than that, no problem! Really liked the idea to change the guns, It's a level of customization most games don't have! Overall really solid! Good job.
I really appreciate there were different levels of difficulty, as it makes the game much more accessible for everyone to try. I got confused by the world limits at first and think this could be looked at, just in the context of space and the mechanical limits it made to getting to the weak spot.
Game is well made, but after beating the first one, the other ones seem to be a lot more easier. Octopus should be at least the second one. In conclusion: I liked it.
Thank you for the feedback!
The selection of the attack and movement patterns of each stage of every boss is not entirely random, but still based on some randomness. Maybe you got unlucky with the first one or especially lucky with the others, or you were faster in getting the weak spot, which also would be fair enough. Either way, it's actually not intended to scale up that much when fighting the bosses on their own, they are designed to be pretty simular in difficulty. The final fight however is supposed to be way more difficult, as you know each of the bosses by then.
Loved the visual. I didn't quite understand why the boss was stuck somewhere and I can't fly under it. Well turns out there is world border. Good game with reasonable difficulty though. Nice job!
The idea is good, but I think it needs more time. I didn’t fully understand the concept of "spin" in the game. I think it would improve with challenging elements that prevent you from attacking the boss. The audio design needs a lot of polishing.
Great horror space game? glad it had difficulty settings, i think the boss chased me to the bottom of the screen because i could not fly under him anymore?
The visuals are amazing, it remembers me to the 2d metroid franchise. I think the octopus is a bit confuse and difficult to reach the weak point.
The ship feels great to control—responsive yet unforgiving, where any mistake can be fatal. It took me a moment to realize there was a weak spot, but once I did, everything clicked quickly. The boss designs as deep-sea creatures in space are both hilarious and intense—they really gave me a challenge at times! I also love that you managed to add difficulty levels despite the time constraints—that's seriously impressive! Amazing work!!
Creepy game! took me a bit to find the weakpoints but after that it was pretty fun. Just wondering but how did you record the monster screams?
Took me a little while to find out that you have to shoot the bosses weakpoints when they're down. Had a good run! Last fight was scary. For me the bounds felt limiting tho, sometimes made the weakpoint harder to shoot. What I really loved was the inclusion of difficulty setting. Nice touch
I like how the ship spins out of control when hit. Would've been cool if the asteroids were destructible too. I was kind of confused on what was going on, I was just sitting there shooting at the first boss for a few minutes, the boss wasn't moving, couldn't tell if I was doing damage to it or not. Tried a few attempts of that before attempting to shoot at the first boss's beak (boss kept turning away so couldn't hit it most of the time), and that seemed to have worked? I really wasn't sure what was going on, some more information or hit feedbacks would be good.
Fun game. I really liked the boss design and variety in attacks. They are felt very unique. The stunning effect combined with having to hit weak points makes for an interesting experience. Art and visuals are very pleasent, and the audio complement the visuals well. UI is well designed too.
For improvements, the ones mentioned in the Progzzy stream (zoomed out camera, tighten up controls, make it clearer where the world boundaries are, some bug fixing). I also suggest a minimap, especially for the grand finale fight and the swordfish fight, although just improving the camera/world boundaries could be enough.
All in all, I enjoyed your submission. Just needs tightening up. Great job!
Thank you for playing!
I think a camera shake would have been good, a damaging hit already turns the ship or boss red and scales it up for a moment, a paralyzing hit turns the paralyzed part or the whole boss, if you hit the right spot, blue. But something a little bit more noticable maybe could be a good addition.
For me, lack of feedback of boss getting hurt. Except that, it is nice ! I liked the Audio.
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