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LunaDrill's pageGame's Take on the Theme
Spinning drill ships and many spinning boss patterns.
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
I made all of the art assets but the music is taken from a royalty free site.
If not, please link to any asset packs or resources used here.
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fun game! i liked that the patterns were possible to no hit! and the game felt similiar to those space ships shooting games (i forgot the name lol)! and i like the variety of bosses! and the controls felt very tight!
there is a bug in the last boss where you can go inside the boss and camp there and keep using the shotgun to destroy him! also maybe add more variety to the upgrades and add more weapons! also the shotgun was op if you know how to use it!
overall very fun game!
I like the visuals a lot, the bullet pattern are so impressive, I have made some bullet hell games and I know how much it takes to make a bullet pattern right, so well made, the game mechanics are fine too and everything works great really. I rate graphics, control, fun and music the most but all is great really, also, if you have some time, please, rate my game too, thanks!!!!
very cool concept and loved the gameplay. Wish there was more to explore for this one! Fantastic work!
Nice bullet hell game. Looks simple but there are actually a lot of contents! I had a lot of fun. Great job!
Really nice bullet hell! really like that top down 2.5 D style graphics you have going on :) !
(PS: If you're willing to I'd love it if you can rate and leave some feedback on my game! This is my first ever jam and I'd love to see where i can improve for the future!)
Bullet hell is not usally my cup of tea, but I had fun with this! Charming game, good vibes, solid gameplay! Nice job!
Pretty impressive how many bosses you got out! I think the collision of the player was messed up because I was invincible most of the time
The players hitbox is the little red square, are you sure it was hitting that and not the sprite around the box? I know it's a little confusing the way it was presented but I didn't have time to add a proper tutorial for it.
oh the little red tie is the player's hitbox? If so then yeah it probably is working as you intended. Although when collision boxes are that small and/or quite fast they often don't collide correctly especially if they are overlap collisions instead of block collision so there might be times it is not hitting.
Really fun bullet hell!!
I really liked the graphics with the 2d on 3d style!
Also strange man has some banger music!
Nice bullet hell! As others have said, the bosses that didn't move were pretty easy to beat, but it was fun, the attack patterns are cool
Pretty fun bullet hell! Every boss is totally unique from each other, which I like. If I were to give any feedback, I would maybe add some sort of dashing system in case the player gets stuck in a corner and needs to get out without getting attacked. But other than that, this was fun to play! Well done!
good liked art style
Very great concept, would love to see the difficulty of the game increased a little bit, but overall great work!
A good game! I really liked it, but at first I found it hard to find where my life was, because it was hidden in the red color of the environment! It also took me a while to understand that I was earning and spending coins, at first I thought it was just a choice per map. I ended up discovering a bug, I'm not sure what caused it, but after dying the first time I managed to stay out of the room when I restarted, I killed the boss and went around the outside to get to the exit door, then in the next bosses all came duplicated and the music started restarting all the time, that's all I noticed about this bug. But overall your game was really fun, even the bug was because I found it funny and even more challenging to kill 2 bosses in each map lol!
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It's a nice game, although pretty easy, like others said.
I could avoid being hit by most of the bullets by just moving the whole time, even right through them, and they didn't hit me most of the time then. And for bosses which didn't move themselves this made it extremely easy, just leave the cursor on them, keep pressing shoot and move around.
I'd like more complex movement from the bosses, this would've made it more interesting!
Nice game! I enjoyed playing it even though it was quite easy... Would have like the boss to switch up attacks once in a while... One issue I found is that for the first boss, if I would stand further away from him, I wouldn't take damage even after getting hit. Very rare seeing a game made in UE for a jam though so congratulations!
Nice game, it was fun to play although it was more easy type of bullethell. Realy like the 2nd half bosses , as they was more fun to fight with their unqiue styles of play. The spite art is quite nice and the dialgue help add some favour to the game.
Felt had too much health as think go to end with still about 30 so focus more on the damage instead and some the ealy bosses was very easy to avoid any damage. Some of the later bosses was more opposite in term of avoiding damage as felt very hard to avoid however due to amount hp i would just power thought them.
Some of the unqiue mechincs used in later bosses made them fun to fight like the horned enemy using charge attacks and the winged boss too, felt like they was best bosses to play agaist as they offer more challage and was fun to play agaist. The final boss was quite fun and like how differnt it stood out to the rest of the enemies
The one bit i say is weak for the game is the enviroment being just same texture in box shape room made it feel bland as did the levels, think if there was just some simple other details like rocks or even differnt shape might helped with that. The final boss level worked better for that reason too.
I enjoyed my time with game, it is a nice piece of work