Art style was very pretty, the mechanics are fun to play with, wish there was more boss variety. Instead of recolored ones and increased HP and attack speed.
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Rabbit Bandit in: Ring Out Rumble's pageGame's Take on the Theme
Deflect projectiles with Rabbit Bandits spinning twirl moves. And spin your enemies to victory.
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
I liked the characters artstyle, like they are stickers! I would loved to see different bosses instead of a recolor of the same one, the gameplay is simple and fun. The last boss was difficult because you had to stand really close to him so the deflected bullet would hit him and sometimes he walked too fast in my direction and there was no way to escape from getting hit. Nice job!
The laugh when you miss and the way you just gotta grab the boss and throw him away makes this game really fun lol.
Cute artstyle! I liked the laugh tracks and gasps, they kind of reminded me of the Ganbare Goemon games. Had a lot of fun with this one!
Art style is amazing and the attention to detail with the little dance after each round and the small laugh when you miss is cute.
Hey you got a fun game way to go! Interesting spin mechanics! You got the cute factor going on.
If anyone see's this - I return RATE/REVIEWS for the game below this!
This Game is soooo cute, has nice animations and a very fun gameplay also
Lot of potential in this game, like the hurling the boss toward the bomb mechanic. Looks really cool too. Good job.
Fun, easy and short.
Could add different moves to other bosses or it seems I just repeat same thing 3 times.
Enjoyable game with nice controls and good graphics. More could be desired from the boss move sets, But I had a lot of fun.
The art is incredible! The cartoony, paper-cutout characters are really cool, I've only seen that style done this well in a few places before. Nicely done!
Very tight mechanics. I love the game loop. UI could use some polish but otherwise great stuff!
Cute art and quite comedic too. Very straight forward adaptation of the theme.
This game has a quite a cute art style and a very simple gameplay loop that is done pretty well, I like it quite a bit. However, I think I bit more could've been done with the bosses instead of just gradually increasing their stats and the number of times that you had to hit them. Some more unique AI would've been a lot more engaging. Other than that, nicely done :)
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