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A member registered Dec 27, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for trying it out.

I tried to explain it the description but I guess it wasn't eoungh :(

The base idea is that you use carrages and ships to distribute resources in cities. At the start of each day city inhabitants will consume resources to stay happy and or use then in production of other resources. If you had any demanded resource stored in that city at that time, they will buy it from you and you get the gold. 
In other word, you are selling to the citizens based on demand instead of to the city.

You start off with 1 carrage full of stuff and a ship, both marked green. ckicking on them should open a menu from which you can make them move to any city. From there you should be able to store all or some of the resources in visiting city and earn gold at the start of each day. And inside city menu there is a button to select visitig carrage again and sent it to otherlocation.

The idea was that you end up with a fleet of carrages and ships going from city to city and while you can buy new carrages from city and they can be automated via trade routes all this still needs more work to look nice.

I think I should also work on a smaller mat that could work as a tutorial.

Thanks for the reply and feedback, I really appreciate it!

Aside from UI buttons and frames all other graphics are AI generated. It is most visible with the map background which is too low-res as AI usually don't make images larger than 1024x1024. I should look for ways to upscale it.

Right now I'm so hyped about ChatGPT that I considered writing a devlog. But that might take some time. I didn't use ChatGPT for Unity before so I can't tell if my experience with it was normal or lucky, or I'm just good with prompts.

I'd say 80-90% of code was made by ChatGPT. The rest was me doing corrections to it and in some cases it was just easier to write few lines myself instead of coming up with more specific prompt. All generated code also had to be always double checked as it sometimes would rename attributes or forget about some classes it created before. But reviewing the code this was still faster and the end result is undeniable benefit.

For me city demands didn't feel this bad but that's probably because of my awareness how all systems work.

For now I will reduce resource consumption and see if this is enough to get at lease some cities stable.

I plan to add AI merchants too but as you said that will take some time. Same goes for data charts in cities and other useful tools.

And, yeah, how could could I forget about pause on Space bar. Will quickly add that one :)

made it over 3000 points. most hits I got from enemies spawning right at me. This is really bad! You should either make it so they spawn outside the screen (or at least some distance away from player) or they should spawn in with a delay (first putting a signal that they are going to spawn at that location).

Other than that this kind of games now a days are expected to implement elements from Vampire survivors and alike to be fun - power ups, level ups, increasing number and variety of monsters and so on.

Loved ship building!

Even though it was annoying not getting the part I want and when it shows up its for the wrong side :( I guess there are not that many parts otherwise..

I might suggest you add extra storage slot where I can buy and put one part in advance and attach to the ship latter.

And since the score is based on height you could use data received from LootLocker and display them in-game so I could sometimes see the names of people I'm about to beat.

I'm glad you liked it!
If by always starting at begining you mean that start tile never changes is location I did consider that. It felt too repetitive as I could always go exactly the same path all the time with very little incemental change for all levels. Then I thought it could change every 10 levels or so but ended up with current system. It felt beter even though not by much.
I should come up with more interesting tiles and effect for update.


I don't see much gameplay in this one. If the goal is getting as fast as possible then skipping dialongs without reading is way to go. Would add some complexity if in confersations with other I had an option what to say and my goal would be to come up with a reply that results in shortest dialog.

Nice enemy variety and charecter responsivnes to player.

I'd say I didn't like inclusion of time limit though. just letting me have fun untill enemies get me would've worked better.

easy controls but requires lots of precision. Art style seems simple but fits the theme you were going for.

Well done!

a bit confusing at start as I don't know what to do yet but not a big problem after replaying a few times. Could be useful it there was at least a second head up time to prepare for the next game.
Couldn't figure out the game with mouse. cats always got me :(

Good implementation of driving and I love how big and chaotic is city itself.

Really impresive that have minimap and path highlighter. Even though for me it felt misleading as it seemed to give me the shortest route which usually was filled with too many twists and turns. It felt more efficient to try and drive in straight line in general direction to the goal and then make just one turn hoping the goal is not too far off.

Made it to "back and forth" walls and was disapointed that there was no checkpoint. Then I quit :(

I feel like game started off too difficult but then again I didn't see any other stage even though I woulld love to.

Also when returning to game it doesn't seem like I can skip intro.

(1 edit)

Yeah, but that would result in low final score. Each tile traveled gives points and adding dangerous objects gives bonuses to surrounding tile. so best strategy still is making long and reasonably diffcult levels.

All around well done! Love the pirate theme.

Would be cool if picking up coins had a slightly larger hitbox than the ship itself. Maybe make it as possible upgrade in case you decide to develop it further.

Great sound and art work! jumping and movment seemed to have weird how momentum worked but all jumps seemed possible so not a big problem.

Nice game!

Jumping was weird but consistent enough to get used to. 

Boss fight was a bit hard to understand but I beat it at the end. one of the first things I did was jump on the boss head and hit for 100+ times with no effect. Number after every hit kept growing so it felt like I'm doing the right thing.

Interesting. Seeing how other mage it to 2000+ I guess there is a strategy to figure out. really nice.

Really creative take on the theme and really engaging.

key swaps alone are killing me but then you also send random hands of evil at me :D

Thanks! I'm glad you loved it! I will defenetly play around with this for a bit.
I had an idea of putting tiles in different groups like safe and dangerous ones and make one option be always be safe, other be danger and third could be any and evey 5 levels or so all choices would be dangerous but I didn't feel like I made enough unique tiles yet. Also time constraint.


Nice way to implement the theme.
Got simple graphics but fills the screen well.

Really hard game. Looks like snakes (at least some) are faster than me making it near imposible on reaching next food.

I also noticed I loose all momentum when I get the food. Not sure if thats intentinal or I collide with food as solid object. Might want to set the collider as trigger so I could instantly pass through to the next food.

Looks good but feels too slow.
Enemies are too far apart at first stages making me wonder where to go. This could be fixed if there was an arrow showing each enemy or just one arrow showing one random at a time.

Game has nice pase and doesn't seem too difficult.

Yeah! Gameplay was enjoyable. Pistols shots had satisfying sound effects and good precision making combat prety good and fast pased. Don't know about not being able to die but overal just losing some money was better decision. After all this game jam is about high scores.

One solution for ammo problem could be changing ammo from int to float and make other weapons consume half a bullet of even less per shot. Or if I get rifle my ammo is multipied by lets say 5 and all ammo pickups also become x5.
Or add meele attack as I suggested and meele kills could make enemies also drop ammo. I think thats how it worked out for lattest DOOM games.

Simple game, original art style. Reminds me something like old SEGA game.

I noticed I can just hold slide button to always be avoiding half the obstacles and I jump I'm instantly back to sliding. Seems a litle bit like an exploit.

Somehow reminds me of GTA 2 only without cars and more platforming :) Could see some potential if pushed that way.

Charecter movment feels great and shooting is all right.

Whenever I find something other than basic pistol I almost instantly run out of bullets :( Maybe add meele attack when out of ammo. something like hitting with fists of a knife.

Very creative implementation with mutiple screens.
One downside I see is if I can't keep all workers alive I would just focus on one screen ignoring the core mechanic.

Glad to hear you find it interesting! I agree the idea has potential given more time.


Thanks! Those are good ideas. I should put them on a list.
I considered putting many things but run out of time :(

Had all the issues other mentioned but could be fun game.

Platforming part seems basic and could be improved if you implemented input buffering and coyote time

Yeah, game jams usually favor games playable in browser. Will get to your's soon.

I'm glad you had fun! 

I expect someone will beat your score too. Maybe even reach 1000+ points.

Reminds Doodle Jump but more forgiving. Good work!

I think charecter is falling too slow compared to how it moves in horizontal direction. You might want to increase gravity value for that

I don't know why it was so hard for me to get used to using space to grab instead of jump but I finally made it to the end :)
Maybe add left click to grapple as alternitive? Maybe that could help for the folks like me.

Other than that very well made short game. Would be more fitting for speed running but its still cool.

Simple and clean and really difficult.

Simple game loop but also well polished.

I don't see myself on score board so I guess I didn't make it. Would be cool if after game ends I see my own score somewhere before jumping to main menu.

stopped over 100 prisoners and game just kept going. Not sure what was end condition and closed game...

While it is not a huge twist that insead of me escaping I'm the one trying to prevent escape this still feels original.
Me guarding just one exit point for prisoners works against idea of unlocking more floors as there is no reason to leave exit. But even if I do so prisoners don't seem smart enough to take advantage of that.

Looks really nice!
Platforming felt realy weird though. not sure if it is intentional as it kinda fits general mood and charecter's style.