Hello! The purpose of this post is to rate each other games here is mine!
I would appreciate if you rate it :)
I will rate every game you post!
Hello! The purpose of this post is to rate each other games here is mine!
I would appreciate if you rate it :)
I will rate every game you post!
Yo! Rated your game!
Here is ours: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-10/rate/2236917
Ceike Chat is an app claiming to be the best way to connect to strangers, But when diving deeper. Things become apparent
https://madarono.itch.io/ceikechatco nnecttostrangersnotreally
( tip : position your mouse in the middle of buttons for it to work, this is a bg in webgl )
Solar Diver - In need of one more rating to get to 20! https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-10/rate/2235611
Rated you game, nice work! Please take a look at mine when you have a moment https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-10/rate/2236876
I've added your project to my playlist! Here's mine:
Rate Infinite Onion by isosceles.starch for Brackeys Game Jam 2023.2 - itch.io
Here's mine:
Beneath the Dreaming Sea
Have fun :-)
Here's my game https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-10/rate/2235869
Would appreciate it a lot if you could check it out and share your thoughts!
checked out my game
if you rate i will rate your s of course
Got my rating!, If you want to help ours too: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-10/rate/2235864
Here's our submission:
I'll make sure to rate yours and leave feedback as well!
Saurerstoff and I played your game! It's great, see the comment on your game page for a detailed review. :)
Check out our game Neuro Dive. https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-10/rate/2236943
It's all about exploring the mind of the deceased Dr. Evelyn Mercer to discover what happened and what terrible truth lies behind the big corporation Mind Link.