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A jam submission

UsurpView game page

The crown is yours. Prove yourself.
Submitted by Lio Lim — 3 hours, 25 minutes before the deadline
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Play boss fight

Usurp's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Was the game free from bugs#94.2864.286
Should this entry qualify for the next round?#94.1904.190
Was the game well balanced#113.8573.857
Would you come back to this game again and again#123.4763.476
How fun was the game#133.9053.905

Ranked from 21 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Game Engine Used?

Do you want to be considered for the wildcard if you miss the cut?

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This game made me feel emotions


HOW DID YOU MAKE THAT IN ONE DAY?? Beautiful game as always, art style is great, and the atmosphere is very nice. I wish there was more of an indication of the boss's health though. The attacks patterns were very unique, I quite liked them all!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I played on stream and I'm really impressed by what you put together in such a crunch. You nailed the vibe and all the attack patterns felt fair. Maybe a little quick on the vertical attacks, but there was plenty of health for the player. I'm not sure I could have beaten it without remapping inputs to a gamepad though. Great work.

Argh, darn you, Keltfire! I will have to return to try and beat your time!


Mechanics felt awesome, and as always your art style is absolutely gorgeous! My first attempt I beat the boss in 2 minutes but that didn't feel good enough, so I tried again and managed to beat him in 1:34! Lots of really nice touches with polish, including being invincible during the dash, walking over the boss doesn't damage you just his attacks, etc. All around very impressive!


Congratulations on submitting!

Amazing effects and art as usual. Had to find the instructions about clicking on the underlined words.

As I mention on the stream, ( 1:21:55) couldn't always tell if I was hitting the boss or not. Congratulations on pull this amazing work in such a short time!

PS: is this a yeti? Or a Norse berserker? With those symbols on the boss going towards the latter


Ayy I would say the latter as well haha

The boss flashes and there is an SFX every time you hit them but I think it might have been a bit laggy for you, I'll try optimising my next game more! Thanks for playing!


Nonono you are fine! You are 100% correct, played it now off stream, and it all went smoothly!
I was happy to also get to listen to the finger snap! So satisfying! (My laptop had taken flight and I couldn't make it out lol)


Took me sometime to figure out how to start the boss fight.  Kept looking for something to interact with.  Had to come back here and read ICY's post before finding the link.  But I got it!

The time on the stomp attack was a little quick.  I know the point was to get you to dash out quickly.  But 95% of the time, that was the one that got me.  The lasers felt like there was a good time to reposition.  Just felt slightly unbalanced in that regard.

Past that, it was really solid all the way around.  Visually, it was top tier as always.  The water shader, the particle effects.  Really nice job.


Thanks for the feedback! I should have really added a better warning animation for the stomp, the smoke particles didn't turn out as obvious as I had hoped :") And sorry for the main menu HAHA


ONE DAY ? That is way to good for one day ! Love it, you did the pause to indicate what the next attack was going to be and you did the big juice when we hit the boss, that felt so good ! Really great job, this is probably my favorite !


Thanks for the high praise! I really love your style so I'm glad you like it!


Adorable design


Really impressive for just one day! Boss telegraphs are fair and the different attacks look and sound wonderful. Great work!


Great boss fight, very unique feeling with the artwork, music, and sounds.  


I managed to get half the life off the boss and it was a really fun experience with awesome movement and attacks. I think making the prove yourself button flash would help with starting the game and adding pressing enter or space too. Really great visuals and gameplay and that you made it in one day is incredible


Love your suggestions! I'll consider adding them once the jam is over


Great boss! very impressive for only a day


Art style is great!  Also really good job making a fight that's tough but fair.  The attack telegraphs are all super smooth.  Controls are taking me a little time to adjust to, but they seem pretty standard for a lot of games in GDKO.  Excellent job!


Thanks for the feedback! I used Hollow Knight's control scheme with a few hidden alternatives, but yea I agree there's room for improvement there!


Art style is AMAZING! I wish I did this sort of style for my game. Just before I carry on with rating and playing... How do I start  the boss fight? haha

Am I missing something?

Developer (2 edits)

oops, click on "prove yourself" to begin! Thanks for pointing that out, and thanks for the kind words <3


Thanks! Great game! I love the sound effects, the effortless click of the fingers, the juice of getting hit! Overall great looking and easy to pick up and play