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My Last 3 Brain CellsView game page

Can the brain cells defeat their own inner demons?
Submitted by HazMatt — 20 hours, 9 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Was the game free from bugs#44.4764.476
Was the game well balanced#163.1903.190
Should this entry qualify for the next round?#173.7143.714
Would you come back to this game again and again#173.0953.095
How fun was the game#183.3813.381

Ranked from 21 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Game Engine Used?
GameMaker Studio 2

Do you want to be considered for the wildcard if you miss the cut?

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The fluidity here was awesome. I really like how satisfying it felt to glide on the rails and bounce off the springs. I think this boss was really fun to fight. Good job!


Great time on stream with this one. Left most of my feedback there. It was an action-packed and fluid boss fight. I liked the build up to it and the option to skip straight to the fight for people returning. I would lock the reticle to a set distance from the player character when using a mouse like you do with the gamepad, and maybe reconsider some of the button mapping, but overall, great entry!


Thanks for playing! I locked the reticle for mouse at first but I kept accidentally clicking outside of the window when I was testing it haha. I also liked your thoughts on better deflect controls for gamepad. Maybe a left or right bumper option in the future would be better. This was my first ever boss fight so it's been a good learning experience.


I think it came out great!


Really nice entry! The movement sliding along each bar felt very cool and intense. I also like the addition of the deflection shield, that adds another layer of gameplay that adds to the overall experience quite a bit.


Great to see you expanding the game universe!

at the start I thought this was going to be an endless runner, it was a nice twist going back and forth in the level with all the traps and bouncy brain mechanics :D

only managed to highlight a bit during stream as my computer was toasted

Great attention with detail and seeing again the lovable characters

on stream: 2:00:00


This was a lot of fun!  It was an awful lot all at once though.  Took some time to get used to just the movement and shooting.  To have the lava, blades, and the switching mechanic all at the start was a bit much.  As a suggestion, maybe have "phases" for the boss fights and introduce new elements as the health goes down?  Just my opinion, of course.  Audio and visuals were spot on as usual.  And I love that Red is using Blue as the gun.  Nice job.


yeah I think that's spot on suggestion wise. If I did it again I'd have new mechanics and layers for the music unlock at 2/3 and 1/3 health. Thanks for playing!!


Very well done, I especially liked the way it almost felt like a rhythm game with all the sound effects harmoniously synchronized.


Dang its so cool to see the progress from round one! there's so much polish and nice touches like the cutscene in the beginning and the music syncing with the sound effects. plus all the art is on point and the gameplay is great while a little but confusing at the start.


Thanks! I did some tutorials since round 2 so I was feeling fancy with lighting haha


Loved the cut scenes ! And the sounds being in sync with the music, that's really cool ! Like a few people already said, it was a lot to get used to and I didn't really know what was happening at first x) Maybe you could add a little item somewhere that indicate what the boss is going to do next ? gravity or shooting. Also the player is moving to fast, even in slowmo I could never see where I was going and ended up in the lava at every jump (but I am not really good at video game in general so maybe it's just me x)) But at the end even if it was really challenging it was still really fun ! And I love that you are working on the same game since the begining ! Can't wait to see what is going to happen next ! Good job !


Thanks for the feedback! I've never made a boss fight before so I definitely went a little overboard with the chaotic elements haha

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Nice to see how you progress each round! :) Good job


Challenging fight! But I got hold of it after a few tries. And the cutscene was great too!


Really good boss but pretty challenging though. theres a lot to manage all at once from the very beginning.


yeah if I could do it again I'd add things one at a time haha. Thanks for the feedback!


Really love how the gameplay is synced to the music. The health bars are pretty well balanced in that both the boss and I were around the same health throughout.  As a suggestion, I think it might be helpful to introduce new mechanics (such as sawblades, bullets, and the gravity switch) one by one to prevent overwhelming the player at the start. A great boss fight overall!


those are great suggestions! Next time I'll do it in stages


Really fun cutscene that sets up the boss encounter nicely. I had no difficulties beating it on my first play though and enjoyed a second run after I actually read the description and found out there was a deflector shield, which was super useful. The little floor saws hit me more times than the boss, but I supposed that's just a skill issue on my part. Great work!


Wow, a tough boss battle, but was very fun. I forgot about the shield the first few deaths, I definitely needed that to win. I had to get moderately good at all the abilities.


I realized I missed clarifying in the details, but shooting happens in time to music so it works a lot better if you hold left mouse button!  Same goes for the deflector shield.  Hold it down in short bursts.  It's clearly a lot harder than I expected, but this should help!


The story is a really nice way to build up to the boss battle and the movement of the player is really good too. It's also super cool that your character has a gun


I couldn't beat it (but that's not a problem as I gave up too easily haha). I really love the storytelling and effects of the guys transformation! Unique idea for a level too! Was impossible to dodge his super fast attacks for me, but over all a really good submission!


yeah difficulty is hard to gauge haha. Did you use the deflector shield? I'm not sure if it was clear that the player could bounce attacks back


oh no i didn't see that part, sorry


really nice! the boss concept is awesome and executed pretty well! but i did not manage to beat it sadly i tried it like 30 times but it is just really hard! I like that you added controller support because that made the game easier but still really hard lol (bet endmark can beat this in under 3 tries though)


Oh no! I should've had other people play test it I guess lol. I had the programmers advantage of having played every element a ton of times so I thought it was pretty manageable.