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one-eyed Pete vs The KrakenView game page

A boss fight against The Kraken
Submitted by GameFavorites — 1 day, 4 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Was the game free from bugs#84.3434.450
Should this entry qualify for the next round?#143.9044.000
How fun was the game#143.7083.800
Was the game well balanced#143.3183.400
Would you come back to this game again and again#153.1723.250

Ranked from 20 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Game Engine Used?
Construct 3

Do you want to be considered for the wildcard if you miss the cut?

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One-Eyed Pete returns again! I love the misdirection in the beginning. Had a great time playing on stream. It took me a bit to remember the cannonball gave me a double jump, but I think that's a brilliant dual-use of the mechanic. Great work. My only suggestion would be to give a rating at the end. You could base it off of how much health was left and how many coins the player collected, then it gives more incentive to repeat a play.


Thanks for streaming, that's a great idea about having a rating at the end of the kraken fight and making it about health and coins




Thanks for streaming, will definitely check it out :)


Very clever use of mechanics from your previous rounds, the use of the cannonball double-jump also as an attack especially! I really liked the surprise after defeating that initial octopus too, such an intense moment that really got me in the mood for a boss fight!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I'm so happy I went into this one blind seeing the comments would have ruined the surprise. Also even more happier that you continued with the same universe. The mechanic using the cannonball's was amazing after being hit by them through all these other rounds. Delighted to have played this on stream: 1:00:40

your game design was an absolute pleasure to experience! Of the best games of this round in my opinion!


Thanks for your feedback and for doing the streaming. Glad you got to experience the surprise reveal of the kraken and it's good watching you play my game as well as the other so many really cool games this round


Yours has to be one of my favourites! Congratulations again! Sorry for all the weird stuff happening on the stream hehe


Not even the Sixth Sense film prepared me for the plot twist that would take place in the moment I managed to hit that tiny octopus. Great Job! I had a lot of fun playing this


The twist of the boss actually being giant was really cool. I think having the bosses eyes look at you was a nice addition as well. My main complaint is that it seems luck can screw you over sometimes, when all the cannonballs bounce off into the water.


Thanks for your excellent feedback. In hindsight I should have reduced the movement of the tentacle to stop that from happening so often, my bad. Will change that for sure, thanks for letting me know about it, really appreciated


Loved the boss reveal! I'm not that great at boss fights, so I struggled quite a bit with this, especially hitting the boss with the cannonball in the first part. I did enjoy it though, and I've loved seeing the progression of the game through the rounds!


One of the things I was hoping to achieve was a really cool boss reveal, but unfortunately I didn't quite hit the mark. However, I must say that your boss reveal was absolutely amazing and he was incredibly intimidating. I'm actually quite jealous! Overall, I had a lot of fun playing and even had to come back for a second time in order to defeat the boss.

On a minor note, I noticed a difference in the reaction of the cannonball hitting the arm when playing your game on two different computers. On one computer, the cannonball slowly fell to the ground, whereas on the other computer, it flew halfway across the screen. This difference changed my strategy while playing the game. Perhaps this is due to a framerate issue?


Thanks for the fantastic feedback, really appreciate it. I will have to look into that issue with the cannonball, should be fun to see what caused that to happen


Really fun twist at the start, and really intuitive and clever way to damage the boss as well. I feel that the cannonballs are too slow, especially after rebounding, causing them to linger very long on the screen and cause some near impossible patterns (though I might just be bad haha). Didn't manage to finish it, but it was a great fight nonetheless.


Thanks for the really useful feedback :)


That was awesome! I really enjoyed playing and was able to win with all coins! Great Job
Little feedback: First time it was fun how kraken appears, but after 4-5 deaths it seemed little slow! Anyway this is one of the best entries i have seen so far!


Thanks for the great feedback, really appreciate it. I totally agree, I should have made a checkpoint after the kraken had risen, I don't know how I didn't think of that, should be easy to fix. Glad you persisted and made it to the end with all coins too :)


I like the variety in attacks for the boss! I wish you could grab canonballs out the air as I wasn't very good at avoiding them haha, nice continuation with the canonball jump though!


I really enjoy the humor in this game! Each instalment so far has had something that made me laugh. The boss fight was very well done, and I look forward to what comes next for Pete. Great work!


Great work! The fight was fun and the kraken's entry was epic!


I had a lot of fun with this :) 

Good Job!


Another well done chapter in this saga, can't wait to see the next one. Took me a lot of dead Pete's but I managed to get get the kraken. Fun and well done.


Took me a few tries to figure out how to damage the Kraken.  But man, the animation of him appearing was just awesome.  Love to see how this is progressing each round.  Nice work.


Super fun boss fight, and the part where the giant kraken head pops up is straight up iconic!  Loved this.


nice job! the boss was really fun and after a couple tries i beat it hitless and got all the coins :D