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Results Page 2

53 entries were submitted between 2021-11-14 19:00:00 and 2021-11-21 23:59:59. 658 ratings were given to 53 entries (100.0%) between 2021-11-21 23:59:59 and 2021-12-03 23:59:59. The average number of ratings per game was 12.4 and the median was 11.

Mega Turtle XIV: The Reckoning

by Duncan Gallagher, SleepyUFO, MMG, MackyWacky, Dillanhoyosmusic

Ranked 21st in User Interface with 12 ratings (Score: 2.917)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Use of Theme#24.3334.333
Level Design#33.9173.917
Itch Page#53.4173.417
Original Audio#63.5003.500
Game Design#63.7503.750
3D Art#103.4173.417
Techincal Accomplishment#163.0003.000
Use of Audio#163.1673.167
Commercial Viability#163.1673.167
User Interface#212.9172.917
Art Direction#253.1673.167
2D Art#441.4171.417

Santa's Gift Leaving!

by Aqua Magneto

Ranked 21st in User Interface with 24 ratings (Score: 2.917)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
3D Art#83.5003.500
Itch Page#133.0833.083
Level Design#183.2923.292
Art Direction#203.4173.417
User Interface#212.9172.917
Use of Audio#222.9582.958
Techincal Accomplishment#222.8332.833
Use of Theme#233.2923.292
Game Design#263.0423.042
Original Audio#302.2922.292
Commercial Viability#312.6672.667
2D Art#421.5831.583

Grid Decks!

by Forever AFK

Ranked 23rd in User Interface with 11 ratings (Score: 2.909)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Game Design#213.1823.182
Commercial Viability#232.9092.909
User Interface#232.9092.909
2D Art#252.6362.636
Itch Page#272.4552.455
Techincal Accomplishment#312.6362.636
Level Design#372.5452.545
3D Art#421.2731.273
Art Direction#432.3642.364
Use of Theme#452.2732.273
Use of Audio#471.3641.364
Original Audio#481.2731.273

Macey's Maze

by viktor.suranyi

Ranked 24th in User Interface with 19 ratings (Score: 2.895)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Use of Theme#113.7373.737
Use of Audio#123.4213.421
3D Art#152.6842.684
Level Design#163.3163.316
Art Direction#193.4213.421
Original Audio#202.7372.737
Techincal Accomplishment#212.8422.842
2D Art#222.6842.684
Itch Page#242.6842.684
User Interface#242.8952.895
Game Design#273.0003.000
Commercial Viability#372.4742.474
CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Itch Page#63.4114.000
3D Art#73.6244.250
Use of Audio#133.3053.875
Techincal Accomplishment#153.0913.625
Original Audio#172.8783.375
Commercial Viability#183.0913.625
Level Design#233.0913.625
Art Direction#243.1983.750
User Interface#252.8783.375
2D Art#351.8122.125
Use of Theme#352.7723.250
Game Design#412.5583.000


by QuakenDev

Ranked 26th in User Interface with 14 ratings (Score: 2.786)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
2D Art#242.6432.643
Use of Theme#243.2863.286
User Interface#262.7862.786
Art Direction#322.8572.857
Itch Page#322.1432.143
Commercial Viability#332.6432.643
Game Design#342.7142.714
Level Design#442.2142.214
Techincal Accomplishment#472.0002.000
3D Art#491.0001.000
Original Audio#511.2141.214
Use of Audio#511.2141.214


by Juan%Percent

Ranked 27th in User Interface with 8 ratings (Score: 2.772)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Use of Theme#153.6244.250
3D Art#251.9192.250
User Interface#272.7723.250
Itch Page#302.2392.625
2D Art#351.8122.125
Game Design#362.6653.125
Level Design#382.4522.875
Use of Audio#421.7062.000
Techincal Accomplishment#432.2392.625
Commercial Viability#442.2392.625
Original Audio#461.3861.625
Art Direction#521.9192.250

Captive Centrifuge

by yeeticides

Ranked 28th in User Interface with 10 ratings (Score: 2.765)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Level Design#93.4323.600
3D Art#142.7652.900
Game Design#223.1463.300
Use of Theme#283.1463.300
Techincal Accomplishment#282.6702.800
User Interface#282.7652.900
Itch Page#332.0982.200
Commercial Viability#342.5742.700
Art Direction#352.7652.900
2D Art#401.6211.700
Use of Audio#402.0982.200
Original Audio#421.7161.800

Cursed Loop

by NaN

Ranked 29th in User Interface with 7 ratings (Score: 2.735)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Game Design#173.3054.143
2D Art#172.9633.714
Commercial Viability#212.9633.714
Techincal Accomplishment#242.7353.429
User Interface#292.7353.429
Art Direction#302.9633.714
Level Design#312.7353.429
Use of Theme#332.8493.571
Original Audio#342.0512.571
Use of Audio#382.2792.857
3D Art#381.3681.714
Itch Page#501.4811.857


by H4rmey

Ranked 30th in User Interface with 11 ratings (Score: 2.727)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Use of Theme#84.0914.091
Level Design#113.3643.364
Game Design#193.2733.273
Original Audio#242.5452.545
2D Art#282.4552.455
Itch Page#292.2732.273
User Interface#302.7272.727
Techincal Accomplishment#312.6362.636
Commercial Viability#352.5452.545
Use of Audio#362.3642.364
Art Direction#372.6362.636
3D Art#431.1821.182


by MarzipanNumpty

Ranked 31st in User Interface with 17 ratings (Score: 2.706)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Game Design#203.2353.235
2D Art#212.7062.706
Itch Page#232.7062.706
Use of Theme#253.2353.235
Level Design#282.8242.824
Techincal Accomplishment#302.6472.647
User Interface#312.7062.706
Commercial Viability#362.5292.529
3D Art#391.3531.353
Art Direction#412.4712.471
Original Audio#451.4121.412
Use of Audio#481.3531.353

A Monk's Tale

by Atalyx Games

Ranked 32nd in User Interface with 16 ratings (Score: 2.688)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
2D Art#44.3134.313
Level Design#63.6883.688
Techincal Accomplishment#63.5633.563
Art Direction#74.0634.063
Original Audio#73.4383.438
Game Design#83.6883.688
Use of Audio#113.4383.438
Use of Theme#133.6883.688
Commercial Viability#133.3753.375
Itch Page#163.0003.000
User Interface#322.6882.688
3D Art#331.5001.500

Help Meowt!

by Sarah B, JamesSmaleDev, Jess, alexjgate

Ranked 33rd in User Interface with 10 ratings (Score: 2.670)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
3D Art#34.0054.200
Itch Page#83.3373.500
Art Direction#133.6233.800
Use of Audio#203.0513.200
Commercial Viability#282.7652.900
Level Design#292.7652.900
Original Audio#332.0982.200
User Interface#332.6702.800
2D Art#381.7161.800
Techincal Accomplishment#402.4792.600
Use of Theme#422.3842.500
Game Design#452.4792.600

Finding Home

by Ethano ChaChano

Ranked 34th in User Interface with 15 ratings (Score: 2.667)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
3D Art#53.7333.733
Art Direction#153.6003.600
Use of Theme#193.4673.467
Level Design#243.0673.067
Game Design#332.8002.800
User Interface#342.6672.667
Techincal Accomplishment#362.6002.600
Itch Page#361.8671.867
2D Art#371.8001.800
Commercial Viability#392.4002.400
Original Audio#471.3331.333
Use of Audio#491.3331.333

Epic Adventure Game

by Zhemo17

Ranked 35th in User Interface with 11 ratings (Score: 2.636)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Itch Page#103.2733.273
3D Art#123.1823.182
Art Direction#233.2733.273
2D Art#341.8181.818
Level Design#342.6362.636
User Interface#352.6362.636
Techincal Accomplishment#382.5452.545
Use of Audio#392.2732.273
Game Design#402.6362.636
Original Audio#401.9091.909
Commercial Viability#412.3642.364
Use of Theme#432.3642.364

Lock and Key

by MyNamesLex

Ranked 36th in User Interface with 11 ratings (Score: 2.545)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
3D Art#192.4552.455
Itch Page#202.7272.727
Techincal Accomplishment#262.7272.727
Original Audio#322.1822.182
Use of Audio#332.4552.455
User Interface#362.5452.545
Art Direction#432.3642.364
Commercial Viability#432.2732.273
Game Design#442.5452.545
Level Design#452.1822.182
2D Art#481.2731.273
Use of Theme#491.9091.909

Area 52

by Friendly Dolphin

Ranked 37th in User Interface with 7 ratings (Score: 2.507)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
2D Art#172.9633.714
Original Audio#212.7353.429
Techincal Accomplishment#242.7353.429
Game Design#292.9633.714
Use of Audio#302.6213.286
Level Design#312.7353.429
Use of Theme#312.9633.714
User Interface#372.5073.143
Art Direction#382.6213.286
Commercial Viability#402.3933.000
Itch Page#431.7092.143
3D Art#510.9121.143

Slimy Situation

by TonyLuu, edwindizer, babyuchi

Ranked 38th in User Interface with 16 ratings (Score: 2.500)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Use of Theme#143.6253.625
2D Art#153.0633.063
Original Audio#153.1883.188
Use of Audio#232.9382.938
Game Design#253.0633.063
Art Direction#273.0633.063
Level Design#302.7502.750
Itch Page#351.9381.938
Commercial Viability#382.4382.438
User Interface#382.5002.500
3D Art#411.3131.313
Techincal Accomplishment#422.4382.438

Leave Something Behind

by ChiralPixels

Ranked 39th in User Interface with 8 ratings (Score: 2.452)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
2D Art#133.1983.750
Original Audio#232.5583.000
Commercial Viability#262.7723.250
Use of Audio#292.6653.125
Art Direction#312.8783.375
Use of Theme#352.7723.250
Game Design#362.6653.125
User Interface#392.4522.875
Level Design#422.2392.625
Techincal Accomplishment#491.9192.250
3D Art#500.9591.125
Itch Page#521.3861.625

Escape The Invaders!!!

by fastest_mia

Ranked 40th in User Interface with 14 ratings (Score: 2.357)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
2D Art#163.0003.000
Itch Page#222.7142.714
Art Direction#293.0003.000
Commercial Viability#302.7142.714
3D Art#331.5001.500
Use of Audio#352.4292.429
Original Audio#362.0002.000
Techincal Accomplishment#392.5002.500
Use of Theme#402.4292.429
User Interface#402.3572.357
Game Design#462.4292.429
Level Design#482.0002.000