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MyceliusView game page

Infect. Infest. GROW.
Submitted by Noah Dundas — 3 hours, 31 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 45 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
The player grows as they devour objects in the game, which scales upward in both size and difficulty accordingly.

Development Time

96 hours

(Optional) Please credit all assets you've used
See description for full credits

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Amusing concept! Love the thought of a 25 ft tall mushroom in the middle of my neighborhood.


Thank you!


Love the sound fx! Fun idea and interesting upgrades as you go.


Thank you!


The concept is great. In principle, the mushrooms are cool, but the sprites in the game are terrible. The pixel sizes jump in size, and the sprite palette itself is not very beautiful. The animation of the enemies is also not done well. I would have made more animation frames for the enemies. I am ready to praise the implementation of the idea itself. I liked playing, but the visual part suffers. Also, there is no normal UI design.


Thanks, art is definitely not my strong suit lol!


Haha, maybe, but the idea was cool


Hello, fellow mushroom shooter! This game is awesome. I don't even have much critique to offer. It took me a minute to figure out how to eat the structures because the mycelius growing was a little slow but once I figured it out, it made sense. My favorite powerups were the ones that decreased the time of things, like faster firing and faster structure-eating. The health powerups didn't end up helping me a ton because I didn't end up getting much damage. My main critique is that the game ended too soon! I would have liked to keep playing but for the scope of 96 hours, this is really well done!


Hey, thank you for playing, I really appreciate it!


The gameplay loop is actually really fun! The "scale" theme is integrated really nicely too, you start as a tiny fungus and then suddenly tanks are coming for you. Really like the theming too, which is quite reminiscent of PvZ. Oh and Mark played this on the day 2 stream if you missed. Best of luck!


Yes, I saw and it was so exciting! Thank you very much for playing as well!


Really fun arcade game. Hope you develop it further and best of luck with that




Nice music and cool gameplay. Just needs some polish and better player feedback. Everything could happen a lot faster. Maybe certain infected objects could infect the enemies so they fight for you.


Thank you!


The fungul spread is an amazing idea!

The game feels a bit slow at the start but well balanced in the mid-late sections. The music is good too

I would love to see some more upgrades, some polish here and there but other than that this is a great game


Thanks! I'm planning to go back and add some new upgrades once the jam ends


Really cool game! Feedback:

the game takes a little time to start (i mean that the enemies take quite a bit of time to appear, so many people playing might think the game is broken and just leave. its better to get smth happening quick, whether its an intro or gameplay) its not that big of a deal tho!

also im a little confused as to how im supposed to stop the tank from killing me. i tried shooting it but i did nothing. did i do smth wrong or is that a bug?


Hey, thanks for the feedback! Because the tank is so large, if it comes from the top of the top of the screen the health bar won't be in view for a little while, and since it has a lot of health, it can feel like you aren't doing damage if you were in that situation.


I won!! Mycelius for the win!!

Yes the game could use some polish here and there, and some added options as time goes on, but that's stuff for a full release. Everything here is beautifully balanced and engaging - I realised I was trying to min max within 20 seconds...! No issues, just want more.


Thank you so much!!


Mushroom grow.
Eat shoot get better

A Good game.


Thank you!


leaving another comment since i like it so much. in a sea of 'vampire survivor clones' this is an extremely fresh take on the genre and I feel the same way that i felt playing vampire survivors for the first time. This might be an inspiration for a future game for me. keep it up


Thanks again, I'm really glad you enjoyed the game! Believe it or not, I've never actually played Vampire Survivors, but I appreciate the comparison!

This was so much fun!!! I feel like the difficulty scaled really well as the game progressed. Also I really liked all of the upgrade options, it was fun strategizing on which one to pick when the choice came around! Also the game looked visually really nice, 10/10 would play again :)


Thank you! :)


Great game. Wish there was more.


Thank you!

Very fun! Love the MS Paint art!


Thank you!


This game is pretty neat. Great job with completing your game!

The sense of progression in this game feels really good. That's a challenge in a normal game, let alone a jam game where you want players to get to the good stuff quickly, but not so fast that your game is over too fast. You've found the perfect balance. The art is what is is, charming in its MS-paint-esque glory. The little grunts and sound effects, too. It all adds up to feel almost like an old flash game, which is awesome.

I think it could use a bit more polish in places, like hit boxes and maybe making healing/health more valuable. There were a few times when I tried to absorb a building but my reach actually hit a nearby tree instead. And health didn't seem as useful because more damage meant you wouldn't lose health in the first place. That's a classic games problem though. Maybe it'd be more interesting if attackers could damage your overtaken buildings, either mildly damaging you or reducing your size. This would make the healing more relevant while making the shot spread feel more intentional. And then you could introduce an upgrade that reduces the damage your growths take, or similar.

Also, when I first saw the game, I was really hoping you'd be able to extend mycelia towards fallen enemies. That would add a whole new dynamic! But maybe that's a different game ;)

Super cool entry. Keep up the good work and keep making games!


Thank you so much for this feedback! In the initial version, I actually did have plans to make it so you could infest and convert defeated enemies to your side (a bit like the cordyceps fungus) by grasping them with the mycelia, but unfortunately that was a bit beyond my scope for this jam... Maybe after the jam ends I'll go back and incorporate some of these ideas, thank you for your analysis and encouragement!


I like how the mushroom grows and starts spreading around.

Would have love to have a different "boost" depending on which structure you infect, or something that makes the choice of which structure to infect matters.

Great game!


Thank you! There is actually a boost depending on structure: houses grow you double, and the apartment blocks grow you quadruple. I just didn't make that at all clear in the game itself lol... In any case, thanks for playing!


Oh! nice to know. Thanks for clarifying!


Absolute favourite. Had to keep playing until I finished it and I was sad when I did because I wanted to carry on playing :(

Great idea


Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!


Not the prettiest game, but probably the most enjoyable I've played in the jam so far. Something about these games where you outcompete everything around you and slurp them up through a swizzle straw just feels really satisfying. There's not much challenge (so long as you prioritize offense and don't grow too big too fast) but I'm happy to see a game that realizes that driving the premise is more important than challenge in a jam game.

Though of course, any game based around "scale" invites potential problems of optimization. I decided to hang out around 38" height and try to pump up my upgrades as much as possible -- the game eventually slowed to a crawl. The only thing that should have been increasing load at that point would be the increased bullet count, but the slowdown persisted even when not firing and no enemies on screen. Could be drawing all those vines and spores and particles is just too much, or could be there's a memory leak somewhere. I played the .exe, not sure how the browser version performs. Something to keep in mind if you decide to expand the idea in the future.

All in all, I'm glad Mark showcased it. It's a very yummy game, and of all the games he's streamed so far, this was the first that made me want to go install it myself.


Hey, thanks for the deep dive! There are definitely some bugs that I'm aiming to fix up, but I really appreciate that you tried it and liked it!

This is good stuff.

Just wish instead of a victory screen I could've played further.


Thanks, I'm really glad you enjoyed it!

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