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A jam submission

Buggy PC | For GMTK 2022View game page

A game in which random decides to help you or not... In short, get out of the PC
Submitted by Risk Ream — 50 minutes, 42 seconds before the deadline
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Buggy PC | For GMTK 2022's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 22 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
Yes, my game fit the theme one hundred percent!

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the art during the game jam

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We used pre-existing audio

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Very clever take on the theme (especially that there were no actual dice, finally hahah) that looks and plays really clean! I agree that it might have been nice that the bugs would cancel out each other so only one or maybe two would be present at the same time, but it was still a really fun and unique experience!

Great work! :D


Oh, bro, thank you very much! I'm very glad to hear such things <3


Great concept but maybe a little too hard. I only managed to grab the key. I raged (and laughed) a lot ^^


Thanks! I'm glad to hear that :)


I loved the music and I loved the concept, but the controls were a little janky!


Thanks for the feedback! Only I didn't quite understand what kind of controls you mean? Inverted control, or control in general? Even if you don't answer, thanks anyway ^-^


The inverted controls felt fine, it was just the overall game feel. It could have been that you moved just a tad bit too slow, but the controls just felt a tiny bit off. It was still pretty fun though!


Pretty interesting game with a cool take on the "Roll of the Dice". However, I do have some problems with the game. First, the double jump was a bit weird... sometimes the jump is high and sometimes it's very low (I don't know if you can control the double jump and how high it jumps but I'll put this in anyways). Another thing, the game can get really frustrating really quickly. The mouse switch and control switches were ok but really frustrating (This might just be for me, idk). Both of those combined made a short game into a pretty long one.

Overall, pretty cool and hard game


Thank you for your feedback! The game was intended to be difficult and "nasty", but maybe I overdid it :P

Most likely, in the next update I will make something like bonuses that can be used to cancel this or that event! (I'll try to fix the double jump too) :)

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Sadly your game doesn't support Linux and using WINE makes the game glitch out on my machine :( WebGL-Builds(for the Browser) shouldn't be a problem as i can see from the file structure that you used Unity. Adding those will lead to more people testing your game.

From the Screenshots I can tell that I really like the UI Design and the ingame visuals. The story is also a nice thing to have.

(Note: Please do NOT say that your game does support Linux & MacOS if you don't include Linux and MacOS Binaries as these indicators suggest that you have Binaries for that operating system. Even though WINE/Crossover exist they're not preinstalled on all systems, If you've tested the game with WINE and/or Crossover state that in the game's description.)


So sorry about that! I didn't have time to test it on other platforms :( After game jam I will try to add a WebGL/Linux version! Thanks for your feedback!


WebGL should be your primary target platform for game jams as most reviewers in game jams view random submissions filtered with only Web-Versions. Then the other platforms.


Thanks and I 'll take it into account :)


Incredibly creative take on the jam's theme. This game is a blast, well done!


Oh, thanks, dude! I am very glad to hear it :)


Strong potential with a nice opening sequence but it is quite hard. Some visual feedback with what the affect is such as knowing when it will reverse and such to be able to adapt could help with this. Great work! :)


It is a really fun concept. I know others have said this and it can't be changed until after the jam, but the timers being so short make it to gain progress. It also made me a little sick when I would get flipped back and forth over and over. 


Pretty fun game ! It was too hard for me to finish though... maybe with some checkpoints I would have try harder. The music is very chill and made me make a couple more tries to enjoy it! 


Feels like a nice speedrunning game with some updates


Yes, I agree with you! By the way, you are the only one who noticed this :)


Very interesting concept that really got me thinking. The only feedback I have is I think it would have been nicer to space out each event a bit more, it felt like by the time I had realized what event occurred another one had already started. The story was also a nice touch!


Thanks! Unfortunately, until the game jam is over, I can't update the game :( But, yeah, many people have written about the timer, so I'll fix it in the next update :P


Fun and challenging game, plays with your mind somehow. Like the other commenters, I feel like the events come a bit too fast. When figuring one out, the next already starts. Couldn't make it further than the blue beam really... Really good job, only thing is, i don't see any dice in the game and how it would fit the theme, if not for the random events.


Thanks! About theme... Author wrote: "You can interpret this theme however you like.", therefore dice are not required :3


Yeah, i am aware. I was just wondering how it fits the overall theme. Like, your description of how it fits the theme wasn't very descriptive, it sounded rather sarcastic. :)


My brain functioned upside down after playing this game xD.

Very cool concept! It'd be better experience if events  come at slower phases.


Thanks! Next update is coming, which will slow down the timer, and also improve the graphics due to the particle system (I hope) :3

(1 edit) (+1)

Interesting game. Although it's hard to tell in the beginning what's a hazard and what isn't. Also the "Bugs" that start to appear are hard to figure out at first. Keep at it!


Thanks! I'll fix it in the next update! :D


I like the concept, but the problem is that the events happen to fast and there is no indicator on the event. For example, I got to the key part, and the gravity flipped and I landed on a spike and it felt really unfair. Another example is when I was about to making a jump when my controls were inverted and I died. If the cooldown was 20 sec and there was a heads-up on what would happen, the game would be a lot better, but none the less, I liked the game!


Thanks! I'll fix the time of events, but I won't add an indicator 'cause that's the idea!


fair point