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Luca Z

A member registered Mar 08, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thats fair. As a software developer, programming is the part i enjoy most, after planning and designing the systems of course. My first game was in school in c++ with a very simple drawing library. Was fun as well, and definitely learned a lot about solving challenges i wouldn't have had in an engine. 

But once it comes to bigger games or more complex concepts its easier to rely on Unity (or any other engine) to do the heavy lifting of matrix manipulation, rendering, collisions and other performance critical functions, so the developer can focus on the systems that make the game what it is. There can still lots of programming involved, as much as you want, but it's easier to direct it at the challenges of your game. 

But in the end, everyone can make games the way they want and it's quite cool to see so many approaches to how people make games. There is no right way (tho some might be easier to walk lol)

Cool concept and nice visuals. Its basically like guitar hero with dice on a board. I feel that the healing makes it a bit too easy tho. With making a mistake being the only way to "damage", if you stay calm and watch your steps you can play indefinitely (not that i did, lol) but maybe that's the intention? 

Mark (GMTK) also played it in his stream on Wednesday and seemed to really enjoy it, just in case you missed it. 

Overall a great entry, good job.

Cool game. I like the idea of changing weapons with rolling/dodging, but picking them up this way seems like an additional challenge. The evil dice seem to fly over the trees while Rollando walks behind them, not sure if that's intentional but that makes them more visible. A way to score points and compare your runs is missing, but gameplay wise the game is good. Good job.

I didn't see it was a js game, certainly makes 3D harder that way. And i could see how recording music might take longer than generating it, but i guess that way you can get more feeling into it. The repetitiveness of the song is nothing uncommon for jam games, especially in songs with a strong melody.
Anyways, good job for finishing the jam with additional limitations to make it more challenging, lol. Was this by intention or because you don't have practice with other tools?

Thank you for trying it out and your critique.

The game feeling slow i can understand, the reason i didn't implement a skip button was so that the ai component has a chance to challenge for an action as well. I can see, how it would improve the feeling tho. I hate having to wait for dialogue in videogames even if it's voiced, so idk why i implemented it this way lol.

I didn't even notice that i made the scrolling inverted. It felt natural enough to me, but now that you say it.... At least that one is an easy fix.

And i did aim for an "unnoticeable" minimalistic UI design. The challenge popup overlays the story so that it draws the attention, but otherwise i wanted to keep the focus on the text. I guess the felt unresponsiveness didn't make it any better. 

And for sound design/music i simply ran out of time, but thats my bad. For a text based game i thought no sound was better than bad sound, so i didn't wanna rush something lol. 

Thanks again for the constructive critique. I'll see how to improve upon it :)

Yeah exclusive and inclusive borders in random generation are easy bugs to sneak in, happens to the best :) At least it's an easy one to fix. And no problem lol, game is still fun.

Interesting concept. I like the idea of linking the player projectile with his movement. Rolling the dice feels a little bit slow tho. Overall the game is done well, could use a little polishing and maybe not so relaxing music, but something more suited for a battle. But yeah great idea, good job.

Interesting idea with the random projectiles, but the fact they're random without rime or reason leads you to just shoot the whole time, literally "spray and pray". The fact you couldn't even reach most of the platforms didn't make it any better. The artstyle is good, with some tweaking and some sense of strategy it could become a more fun game. Still a good job for getting it done.

I was thinking about this while playing your game, but what if the dice would decide how far the snake goes in a direction? so the player can steer the snake, but not control how far it goes. It might add that little layer of strategy you were looking for and would prevent the typical snake experts from winning the game by covering the whole board lol. Just a thought tho.

Interesting idea. I like the idea of changing winning conditions each level, adds a lot of depth and versatility. The art is good, the music gets repetitive quite fast. The puzzles have are a nice challenge. It might have been easier in 3D to see the dices other faces without having to press space, but this way works as well. Good job.

Nice game, cool take on the theme. I like the art but the music is a bit jarring after a while. Maybe additionally to having those different levels there could be a progressive one where the speed is increasing over time? I feel like it either stays easy or it stays hard on these difficulties. Anyways, good job, well done, with a bit of polish it could be a fun reaction testing game.

Fun game, interesting take on the theme. I hope it gets accepted for the jam in one form or another, considering it wasn't uploaded through itch.io. I like the artstyle, which is basically just giggly eyes on things lol. Having space as roll and not jump is sometimes a little bit confusing, but that might be just me. Great game, good job.

Cool idea and good execution. I like the artstyle and the mechanic that gives you some control over the randomness and risk. Just one question, i made it to level 9 but not once have i seen a 6 being rolled. Is it even possible? But with some post-jam polish it could be a fun little web game, maybe even multiplayer. Good job.

Interesting idle game. Could use some more advanced features and automation, but its a solid start. Good job.

Solid concept, but i can't seem to finish the first level... i put the two on top of it underneath it and in a lot of combinations arounds it.... Does the browser version work as intended? But hey the game works and you can roll the die, good job.

Interesting concept but very short. The jump feels a bit floaty and the effects only trigger once per runthrough, from what i can tell. The graphics are good but there could have been some more levels or harder challenges.

Interesting concept. Didn't know what to do at first, but after the first "teleport" it became quite clear. The start is all easy, but the more they speed up the harder it gets to watch all at once. Nice ramp up in difficulty. Well done.

Cool and interesting concept. I really like the racing-style controls. Could be a fun multiplayer party-game or something of the sort, with a bit more polish and variation. Good job.

Good game, the graphics are definitely dice lol and the art is smooth and simplistic. Its easy to tell tho that you probably didn't get it finished to the degree you planned, but hey, you uploaded something that works, and thats what counts ;) 

Nice concept fun game and challenging puzzles with lots of potential to expand on. The artstyle and the music work well together. The controls could use a bit of work, pressing enter to progress and requiring the mouse for the tools. But overall its well done, good job and good teamwork to make something that looks this polished in a jam.

Nice concept. I like the switching between the die and at least for the last stage, actually managing how to solve the puzzle. Otherwise most of the puzzles were a bit more on the easier side and having the other dice roll basically indefinitely when the first one is gone makes it even easier. The games looks good and with a bit of balancing and some more challenging levels could be a fun puzzle game. Good job.

Really chill and relaxing music and nice art. Gameplay is a bit simple but its a nice concept and well executed. Good job.

Oh you're right, if you actually read the how to play instead of only looking at it, it helps a lot haha. My bad. It might help having the different Combos written somewhere visible during the play tho. And showing damage dealt and healing independently instead of combining them into one number, might help making things a bit clearer. Now i like the concept and the strategizing that can go into it, well done.

Interesting and quite unique mechanic. It's a concept interesting enough to understand quickly, but challenging enough to master. You can also attack yourself if you're not carefull, i am not sure if this is intentional, rendering some sides of the die way more risky than others. I like the simple music and sound design with the minimalistic graphics. Works well together. Add a retry button and you're pretty much good to go. Good job.

Great take on the tower defence genre. Having the paths randomly generate across the board and allowing to reposition your "towers" is a cool idea. I also like how the dice rolls were implemented, tho maybe i would increase the dice for movement or change movement costs per towertype. 1-6 moves between levels hardly seems fair for the swordfighters. With a little bit of polish this could be another fun tower defence browser game. Good job.

Nice twist on a golfing game. I like the strategy that the dice roll adds to a normal golfing game and its good that you found time to do the vector path casting (or whatever its called). I liked it and i can totally feel with the bug fixing seconds after the jam ended, lol. Still a good job.

Looks like a fun concept, even tho i couldn't get past the first boss lol. At some point we just ended up healing ourselves more than hitting each other. I am not certain how the dice influence the gameplay or which ones get evaluated.... I am sure there is logic to it, maybe some more explanation could help. I like the consistent artstyle and music combination. Its a fun little game that could use some post-jam balancing and a bit explanation. Good job.

Cute game, i like the artstyle. Unfortunately it came to a stalemate because 2 of my animals got stuck in trees... doesn't seem intentional lol. Otherwise it's a nice idea, maybe you should allow players more control over their dice? And a 3v1 or 4v2 fight seems to be a bit imbalanced, to the benefit of the player. It does have potential tho, good job, well done.

Connecting the theme of rolling dice with a game of snake seems like an interesting combination. Unfortunately i couldn't find a way to control the snake in any meaningful way. If it wasn't just clicking dice and everything happening but would involve some more strategy it could have been a fun game. Still good job for getting something submitted :)

Fun idea, very short game. I like the art style and the soundeffects (even tho they get repetitive fast) but the level could have been a little longer. I am not sure if being able to jump/roll in the air and stick to vertical surfaces no matter the angle are intentional, but otherwise it was a good job.

Interesting idea, but is there an actual winning condition or visible progression curve? I am not sure if your actions actually matter, like going to bed or the computer seems to have the same chance on the same things, no real way to control your fate. But hey, it all works, good job.

Thank you for playing and for your reply. We've noticed the bug late in development as well, but it only happens rarely and there doesn't seem to be a pattern to it either. It might be some kind of memory issue or something else that slipped in while coding fast rather than clean. We will upload a fixed version after the jam, just because it bothers me to have something buggy. Thank you for your kind words, and understanding our idea :)

Does rolling the dice actually change something about the game? No matter what's rolled i don't feel like the player character is moving faster and he dies on the first hit as well... Apart from that it is a fun idea and fun to play, the dice working would definitely add to the experience. I like the minimalistic design. Good job.

The buttons have good sound effects lol, i spent too much time just hovering in and out, did you make them by flicking your tongue? Nice game, really. At first i thought the mechanic of being sent back to the last level instead of restarting it was bad, but it helps strategizing and gaining more luck. The game plays well together, everything from music to art gives of casino vibes. Good job

Thank you for making this game, i saw that video you talk about a couple years ago and set out to make it, but never actually did. I played a little, the audience sound effects could use some improvement and maybe the presentation as well. Playing it alone against yourself is quite weird, but i can see how it'd be hard to make a challenging ai in this short time.  Hope you keep working on it, good idea to use it for the jam and good job.

Nice game, really enjoyed it. It ramps up quite fast and my tactic of spamming fireballs worked out lol.  The meta-progression might be a bit too powerful, but it helps beating the game fast. The art, music and effects are great as well, with a bit of polish and extra content, this could be a full game. Good Job.

Amazing art. Nice gameplay. The controls are easy enough once you figure out you are in the bottom right of the screen. Since you asked for improvement in the description, maybe make it a bit easier to understand which way is forward? Anyways, the gameplay is good, i felt like i was running out of health quite fast, being chased by enemies, but maybe i just didn't attack them enough. I like the low-fy music. Good job.

Really nice game, plays like a tower defence game without towers, only special effects lol. I enjoyed playing it, the music is good too. I feel like a session is over pretty fast, but that might be by design, my best score was something in the 12k. Fun Game, Good job.

The art is nice. I am not entirely sure if the dice roll mechanic works as it's supposed to... I thought it was about managing what happens on each side, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Maybe that's on me tho. The game is still well done, good job.

Really well done game, good idea and great presentation. I feel like sometimes rolling a 6 is more tiresome than difficult, but that might be by design, we've all played such dice games lol. And to deliver something like this with such a big team in a short time says a lot about the (apparently) great teamwork. Good Job.