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A member registered Jan 13, 2022 · View creator page →

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Beautiful art and an interesting concept. I struggled to get it correct, but at least I got to see the amazing fail screen a lot. The art really evokes a lot of emotions.

I love the character art! The mini-games are also well executed and feel satisfying. Having multiple endings is a nice additional touch that adds replay-ability. Well done, especially for your first jam!

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback! I think one of my (and my teams) biggest strengths is coming up with novel, interesting ideas/concepts for games. The downside is that you can't rely on people already kind of knowing how it works from having played similar games... It's a hard balance to hit, especially during jams, where extensive testing and time for creating tutorials is a rare resource...
Thanks again for playing!

Had some trouble figuring out I have to drag the dice onto the enemy, but once I knew how it worked I had fun. The pixel art is really great and  as a huge fan of rogue-lites I love the "progress board" in-between fights.

Overall an amazing result of a jam! Well done.

Thank you for the kind words! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

A recipe book would've been great, but since there are multiple paths to many of the items, it would've taken quite a while to develop, especially in terms of UI. With more time, we definitely would have added something like that.

We made spears strong early on purpose, to make sure people have enough time to experiment once they discover them. Without spears you survive for around 4 minutes, with spears you get about 8 minutes and with multiple spears you already survive for quite a while. I think we missed the mark a little here, since while 4 minutes are relatively long, it feels very short due to the game being so overwhelming at first.

Thanks again for the feedback!

Thank you for the kind words.

Our thought was that it takes around 4 minutes until you lose if you do absolutely nothing; if you produce spears you get around 6-8 minutes until you lose. So while it FEELS like you need to be really fast, you actually have quite a lot of time even in your first attempt, But from the feedback we're getting it seems like how it feels is more important than how much time you actually have.

We also designed around the idea of multiple plays, i.e. you play, learn, lose, start again with more knowledge, repeat. But it's maybe not realistic to expect people to play a game for that long when reviewing jam submissions.

Again, thanks for your feedback and thanks for playing!

Thanks for the kind comment. Glad you liked it. :)

Thank you for the kind comment!

The game has a really snappy feel to it and is thus super satisfying to play. I also loved the variety of obstacles. Would make for an awesome mobile game! Great job!

Awesome idea and awesome execution. As someone who studied computer vision & graphics, I would love to know how you compare the images. Is it a simple pixel to pixel comparison or did you use something more advanced?

Overall, a great concept with great cohesion, everything fits well together! The time restriction is exactly what this type of game needed to make it fun and engaging.

What an ambitious project! You almost created multiple games. I think the core idea is strong and I'm really impressed with how much you achieved within a jam time-frame. 

I'm always amazed at how people can come up with very simple game mechanics that by themselves create an entire game. I always tend to do the opposite (come up with complex mechanics that add a lot of variety but are harder to learn/understand).  I think these simple concepts that are well executed are very impressive! The little shuffling sound when walking is also a great touch. I loved playing, great job making this game.  (And thanks for having fun with ours!)

I had a good laugh at the ending animation. I also think the core game mechanic is fun and allows for nice level design. I wish there was an option to move with WASD. Overall, great submission, I had fun playing! Thanks for creating the game.

I love games with an original idea. The art-style is also very charming, I love the choices you made with color. One small suggestion I have would be for the forging to happen as soon as the bar is full, not when you stop holding down the mouse button. I think it would improve the game-feel. One thing I also really liked is the small opening animation with the tokens appearing.

Great job overall!

Really nice touch how the scraps/debris floats after you destroy an enemy. It really adds to the "space" feeling.

Extremely charming pixel art. The animations add such a nice touch (I love the little slime guy!) It gives the whole game a very chill vibe, which is an interesting contrast with the "stress" of having to deliver items on time.

Great original idea and as many have already pointed out, super polished and juicy! It's a very intuitive game that doesn't need a tutorial, which is something I usually struggle with (I tend to make games with an initially steep learning curve). Very impressive and inspiring! I had fun playing.

I love love loooove the art and the smithing minigame.  As other's have said, amazingly polished product for a game jam with very satisfying art & game-feel. I wish I could carry two items at once, but maybe that would make the game too easy.

I love how you somehow managed to give the game a very "manual" feel, it really feels like you're working with something real, not just staring at a screen. The way you setup the controls with the cranks and levers is a great way to achieve immersion! Good stuff!

I love the little walking "animation." The little astronaut is really cute. It's fun killing enemies.

I love how you integrated the "loop" into the game art. Really cool idea.

Cool stylistic choices!

Very addictive! Cool concept and nice level design. I especially liked level 8, but eventually gave in...

I really enjoyed the little creatures and their comments. Very funny!

Feels like a mobile game, but not in a bad way. Controls feel crisp and the visuals are very cool. I had fun playing, thanks for making it!

Thanks for the feedback. I think we failed a little at communicating what the gameplay is really about, because we wanted the player to discover it. It's not really about killing the villagers, but about surviving for as long as possible and then escaping. Destroying things early when you are strong makes it easier to survive once you get weaker. It's a mixture between a "kiting" game and almost a kind of speedrun. But this sense of urgency only becomes apparent if you play multiple times and really try to go for a high score. 

Thanks for the feedback. We also added a downloadable Windows version, since some players experience lag in the browser version. (Probably due to the Godot Web export not being the best in terms of performance.)

Thanks for the feedback! Our idea was that killing the villagers and destroying the villagers helps you with surviving longer, because there will be fewer enemies as you get weaker. I think this is sometimes we should've communicated better: The goal is to survive for as long as possible and then escape. That's were I think the fun can be found, optimizing your early game strength to setup the later phase were you are weaker. Maybe we should've sacrificed some "flavor" and instead should've explained the game mechanics more directly.

Shows that a good idea can already go a long way. Great job on coming up with the levels!

It's sooo hard!!! But fun!

Cool music and great aesthetics. Couldn't quite figure out how to get the minions to work, but swinging my sword around was cool!

I love the minimalist soundtrack. Adds a really cool retro vibe.

Really cute art and a creative idea. It was a little too easy for my taste, because it's possible to just "spam" the attack. Would love to see a more difficult version!

Cool idea, shame you lost progress. Still a  cool game! :)

I love the presentation! Really cute graphics.

Cool that you made so many different elements. Well done.

Really cool concept and animations.

Fun concept!

(1 edit)

Very cute and fun to play. :) I love the transition once you reach enough sheep.

Really satisfying!