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A jam submission

Journey QuestView game page

Submitted by Kwabsi (@kwabsel) — 23 hours, 6 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 21 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Godot Version

Wildcards Used

Game Description
Help the Hero fight his way through endless amounts of enemies.

How does your game tie into the theme?
As the game progresses, it will become increasingly unstable and cause glitches. On purpose, I swear.

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Participation Level (GWJ Only)

My game has an export for Linux, Windows, & Mac and/or is playable through HTML5



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Had to play this one for myself after seeing it on Vikfro's stream, and it's just as impressive to play as it was to watch. I only wish I had direct control over my attacks - it's not as fun to swing a sword around when you're not the one swinging. Anyway, this game is absolutely packed with neat touches; the hard drive sounds on the loading screen, the indicators showing where enemies are going to spawn in, and all the different ways the audio and visuals can glitch out. Fantastic stuff!

One last thing: the lines you get just before the boss fight are really heavy, and not in a way I think you intended them. Maybe I'm being too sensitive.


Beautiful. Now I'd like to have all the weapons upgrades at once... :P

Was that slowly moving grass in the first few levels?

I loved the visuals--both the animations and the 3d models were well crafted. I also liked the camera handling. 

I admit that I did not see the description and discovered the game while quickly watching a few scenes of a twitch stream, but initially I did not notice a strong link with the theme. However, as the game went on, it became clear. I liked that you put the effort to build the story and do a lot of variations/glitches. 

The soundtrack was a pleasant background--good choices on that part. 

Thanks for sharing this game. :)


Thanks for the praise - Glad you enjoyed my game!

The grass indeed sways slightly in the "wind". It's barely noticeable, but without it, the grass looked more like green spikes than grass.


This was unexpectedly super-fun (unexpected because the title gave predispositions that this was going to be the most typical adventure-RPG ever, but when I realized it was meant to be ironic, it just made the experience even that more beautifully mind-boggling).

Round-by-round survival fending off enemies to try to make it to the end, but alas, your progression itself "malfunctions" and robs you of the sweet nectar of victory that all gamers crave. Spoiler: the villain wins in this one, but the villain isn't what you'll expect it to be.

On the theme of expectations, also wasn't expecting how robust the combat and upgrade systems were going to be. As a player of supreme cowardice myself, I think it's a terribly underrated game design to let the player become overpowered to destroy enemies at will, and this is one of the few games that provides that nicotine. When I was swirling around eight swords destroying all comers, I felt like Zeus atop Mount Olympus. And when the swords would stop swirling, an emptiness formed in my soul that made me realize what a tyrant I had become.

Journey Quest was a wonderful surprise.


Very fun game and great way of bringing the theme into the game... do wish I could play the non-malfunctioning version though :p

Game did feel a little too easy (assuming I won at the end with failed loading scene...) but understand the difficulty of having malfunction and being able to win at the same time.

Thanks for submitting right up on the top as best submission.


This is the jam winner right here. Well played

I think my only feedback is that you want too long to play your trump card, I think it's wave 9 or 10 that gets really freaky! And maybe if I'm picky the fireball is pretty useless...

But so much to love. The concept, the execution and polish - it's pretty amazing but what got me LITERALLY dancing even on the menu page was... the music! It's just perfect!

Oh another thing that made me smile, the styling of the error messages, it was just too perfect and made me nostalgic!


This was absolutely fantastic! There was plenty of content without sacrificing polish. Impressive especially for a solo effort. 

I like the combat mechanics here. Being unable to manually use your weapons almost makes fighting more about evasion than offense and defense. Controls work well although I had to refresh the page to get the focus working. 

The glitch effects on the audio and visuals were used very tastefully and added to the theming without taking away from the gameplay for the most part. During the boss fight, I had trouble identifying what was decoration and what was an obstacle due to the changing textures, so I think some kind of consistent visual indicator would be useful there. The music and sound choices were solid. 

My biggest critique, not a big one mind you, was that the computer character's dialogue felt too melodramatic for what it was. It felt like meeting someone and then immediately trying to help them through a mental breakdown without having gotten to know them first lmfao. I do appreciate what you were trying to do, but for my taste the story takes itself too seriously. Not a huge issue though given how well the rest of the game works.

Great work!


Thanks for the feedback, glad you liked it!

Yeah, I had massive problems with visual clarity during the boss fight. I wanted to go hard with the visual distortion and collapsing game world thing, but that made the game really difficult to navigate. That's then main reason you can not die at the boss fight (and if you didn't go below 0 HP, I applaud you, because that isn't easy). It's also the main reason why I didn't use enemy projectiles during normal gameplay; some visual modes just make it impossible to dodge those.

As for the dialogue, I hoped to catch the line between sincere and over the top. Like, it's the story of a generic fantasy game failing and breaking down; it's a bit sad and dramatic, but ultimately quite silly. I'm not much of a writer, so maybe the dialogue didn't convey that successfully and just reads as self important. Definitely an area which I can improve.

Submitted (2 edits) (+1)

Really cool game! I love the combination of a generally fun base game, plus the additional layer of gameplay twists. 

That is, the general concept of combat with autonomous weapons, where all you have to do is move around, plus the whacky weapon upgrades--this is a really fun game on its own, it's fun to try different builds and its fun to layer multiple categories of weapons on top of each other.

But then, the additional layer of the malfunctions was quite fun by itself. All the graphical variation was super cool to see, and a lot of the malfunctions made the gameplay more interesting -- although I would say that, by the end of the game, it was probably getting to a point where the malfunctions were more annoying than fun, simply due to the number of them active at once. I think that's completely fine, however--it gives the game a nice arc, and I think that the boss fight does dial back the annoyance a bit, which helps round out the game. (Side note: I was very bad at the boss fight, and ended up with -150 health or something).

Unfortunately I did run into a problem that this game does not run very well on my computer at all. At first I tried the web browser version in fullscreen mode, and it basically just did not work. Next I tried to download the game (Windows version), and it worked even worse -- the game hangs either on the first or second level, and it hangs hard -- it's difficult to even open task manager to kill it. This admittedly was not very fun to deal with. (I also briefly tried to run the Linux version over WSL, but I don't think I have my computer setup for that to actually work lol). Eventually I managed to just play through the game on the web version, and it ran mostly fine -- although it did occasionally lock up briefly, and it seemed like it might break entirely at some point. I did eventually get to the end though, thankfully.

I think this is especially unfortunate because it meant that at some points during the game, when the game performed some kind of intentional malfunction, I couldn't tell whether that was a gameplay mechanic or if the game was about to freeze again (... and therefore force me to start over).

In any case, though, I did have a lot of fun once I managed to find a way to actually play the game. Besides the gameplay, I think the graphics were wonderful (especially will all the variety from the malfunctions), and the sounds seemed quite nice as well.

EDIT: Oh, well, I figured out why the game wasn't working when downloaded. Apparently my graphics card was unplugged. Now that that's fixed, it works fine when downloaded. 😄 It's possible that all the issues I experienced were just my graphics driver having a bad day. In particular, I realized something was up when I started playing a different GWJ game and had similar-ish issues.


Hey Honey Pony, glad you had fun despite the performance issues. I knew about the issues with HTML 5 (which is why I urged people to download the game), but was unaware about the requirements of the exported versions.

I had to change the renderer last minute, because the Mac-Export didn't work with the compatibility renderer. To keep at least the exports consistent, I decided to export every version like that, which means the game requires more graphical performance than it probably should. Not my smartest decision probably - a game that looks like this should run on an onboard graphics chip, even if the graphics card is unplugged.

Thanks a lot for your feedback


Amazing journey! I was so into the game at the beginning that the first error message caught me off guard: I was having fun and I just felt sad that the game was somewhat broken. And then... I just remembered the theme of the jam :P

Congratulations, I really enjoyed this! :D 


Awesome game! I had lots of fun looking forward to the unexpected!


Ok, that was freakin' awesome for a game-jam game. The music was spot-on amazing the whole way through. 


The boss music really kicked it up a notch at just the right time. The interaction with the glitches in between levels got more and more involved and was pretty funny. Even when graphics were "failing" they looked super cool. Once you added the occasional small enemy that could dart at you fast, I felt like the combat was no longer a walk in the park. And then when the enemies started lagging, my anxiety shot up a ton (in a good way).

I wouldn't be surprised if you win the game jam!


Had fun playing, played once with sword/magic, once with sword/bow, both were fun, but sword looks like a must-pick at start? Also tried bow as first pick once which failed miserably.


Sword is definitely not a must-pick at start. I capped out nothing but mage and damage first.