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PanslaughterView game page

Is your refrigerator running? Well then you'd better run faster!
Submitted by gammagoat, Kaishido (@kaishido452), BackAt50Ft (@KyleTheCoder), Deas, Potato Sack Games — 9 minutes, 4 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 22 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Godot Version
4.1 Stable

Wildcards Used
One Moment

Game Description
An action-packed appliance apocalypse!

How does your game tie into the theme?
Smart appliances have malfunctioned, causing an unexplained sentience.


Discord Username
Kaishido, BackAt50Ft, Itscasekun

Participation Level (GWJ Only)

My game has an export for Linux, Windows, & Mac and/or is playable through HTML5



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Missed this one during the rating phase.

Great game glad it was right up there on top.

Biggest complaint was it was too easy and the enemies were too simple, but for the week time frame of the jam, very impressive.


Thanks! And yeah, we wanted to go back and tweak the enemy strength (gamma did such a good job on this and made it very easy to do), but we ran out of time! Very annoying, because we recognized it was just a little too easy.


As if it need be said, those visuals are brilliant! They remind me a little of a Scott Pilgrim game I played ages ago. The sound design is on point, too, but I wish there was a bit more of it.

Plenty of neat touches in this one. The writing is funny, and I got a chuckle out of how benches split in half after you've sat on them. The game softlocked on me during the second boss - neither one of us could hit the other - so I didn't see everything there was to see, but I enjoyed what I saw!


Ahh, that's sad! We thought we had fixed that issue just before submitting, guess it was just that we couldn't repro it consistently. Sorry about that! Glad you enjoyed it!

Submitted (1 edit) (+4)

This game is great! Fantastic graphics and sound, super fun gameplay, normal combat is satisfying and the special attack is a blast to use. The story was funny and a great use of the theme.

There's not much else to say on what's good that hasn't already been said.

I will say I have, perhaps, a little bit of feedback I can give on what was unclear when I played:

1. I never figured out what the microwaves really did, it seemed like they never did any damage to me. Or maybe they were what was stunning me sometimes? But I figured that was the ovens.

2. Is there meant to be a way to dodge the refrigerator attacks? It seems like if there is a fridge close to you, there's really not enough time to react if it decides to attack. This is not really problematic, because the game gives you plenty of health, but if this game was meant to be about dodging I definitely did not figure out how to do it.

So hopefully that feedback is helpful in some way. But this game was pretty great. 😄


If you used a keyboard, the shift key dodges! The dodge is super fun, too, so give it another shot if you want to try it! I wish we'd have had the foresight to include playing tips in the stage title screens.

 The microwaves caused the stun, we had intended to include a microwave beep to show this, but the beep we found sounded too realistic and we'd keep looking toward our own, actual kitchens every tme it played haha. We forgot to go back in with a different sound. Thank you so much for playing and for your feedback!

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

Oh, I was playing on controller. I used the dodge roll a lot, but I couldn't figure out a way to both attack and not be animation-locked shortly enough to be able to dodge out of the way of nearby fridges.

I guess my feeling was that the fridge attack timing was randomized? So I couldn't predict when they would attack, and therefore I wouldn't know when to attack in order to be free to dodge by the time they would attack.


Oh, I see! We definitely want to have the refrigerators telegraph their attacks better in the future. We have some ideas for this and are considering taking it further, so your feedback is incredibly useful. Thank you again!


Hey this looks really great but I'm running into the annoying problems of Godot 4 and HTML5 on Mac just crashing and dying randomly.

I would really love to play a Mac native version. Is this on GitHub or somewhere where I can download and play it?

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

One of the team is trying to get a Mac export for you.. fingers crossed it works!


Yeah, Mac doesn't love Godot 4 html exports. I have an export for it. I don't think we can upload it here, so I'll make a separate project and upload it. It's gonna take me a hot minute though.


Here's a version you can try: This is unchanged from the current version, no fixes or anything for the very few bugs that have been found. Keep in mind I have disabled comments and unlisted it, so you should come back here to give it a rating. :)


Awesome, thanks so much I've managed to play through a few waves now.

The good:

Its beautiful - the graphics are really well matched to the game style and that goes for the animations too.

It works - like it all feels solid and robust, did not encounter any bugs in gameplay

The cutscenes - are full of humour and break up the action nicely

The bosses - were suitably bossy

The bench - sitting to recharge was a nice way to use that wildcard

The bad (or at least, the less good):

The key mapping - seemed a bit off to me (very subjective) I didn't feel the weapon keys were well placed kept forgetting where the special attack was in the middle of battles

The movement - I did not like that I couldn't hold a move key down and that I seemed to need to alternate between moving and attacking - did I miss something?

The ugly:

Crashes on Mac in browser cos Godot 4 has very poor Mac support for HTML5 - this is not your fault and the team very quickly got a Mac download up and it worked great!


For the movement, do you mean that you didn't like that you couldn't move and attack at the same time, or that the character wasn't moving without repeatedly tapping a button? The movement should've worked by holding a key down. Did you by chance have a controller plugged into the computer and used the keyboard instead? I wonder if that caused an input conflict


I thought both.. but maybe it was the attack and move and I was too trigger happy with the attack!


We decided to go with attacking halts movement, as we'd need a bespoke set of animations for that because sliding around while swinging looked dumb. We had initially planned on jumping around (and a possible jump attack), but ran out of time to implement it. As for the controls themselves, I personally haven't played a lot of beat 'em ups on PC and copied the key layout from Castle Crashers a bit, although the controller inputs feel pretty natural to me. Will definitely keep that in mind for the future! Thank you for playing and for the feedback!


Move stoppage when attacking is very common, due to not generally having a good way to have the legs animate while attacking without having an extra set of animations for it. Time constraints were such that we cut those and went with stopping. 😅 Great feedback overall though, thanks for playing!


oh I totally get the animation constraints. Why do you think my character is a white cube!


I'd been hearing about this one, so came in with high expectations, and all I can say is: *wow*. Didn't expect to be forcibly transformed into my six-year-old self sitting in front of an NES the first time I must've played a beat 'em up and was absolutely amazed as to what video games were. You're now dead to me, Street of Rage—I've experienced Panslaughter and cannot go back.

I mean, it would almost be impossible to go down the list and comment on everything that was done right here: art, programming, animations, UI, sound, progression, boss battles, and so on, and so forth. Every area is nailed to the desired aesthetic and feel.

Made mincemeat of L. Goode and Sam Song, and was so satisfying. What a fun experience to open up my morning. #ReleaseTheCartridgeVersion


Even though our games end up pretty cool usually, I don't think we've ever received such a powerful comment. Thank you so much. Bringing tears to my eyes. That's the exact type of feeling we were going for. We really miss going to arcades.


Oh man! A blast to the past!

I love it when I see these! <3


We had so much fun making it! Thanks for playing!


Really solid entry, I enjoyed it a lot!

The SFXs and VFXs work well for the type of game, and the characters are really funny and themed. The game is not too punishing, and the health bar is long enough to reach the level boss even for bad players like me ^^. I also liked how each boss has its own behaviour! Maybe shortening the level length by removing one or two battles (and fixing the health bar accordingly) would have made the game more focused on the bosses, which are the element that adds variety in the game.

Regardless, that was really good, a true polished game! Congratulations and thanks for the submission :)


Thank you so much for playing! I opted for slightly longer levels because i wasnt sure if people would play through each one. I had so many other enemies in mind if we had another week to implement them. Glad you enjoyed it!


Great work as always from you guys! The artwork was charming and the combat felt pretty good.

My biggest issue was with the audio. The music was solid, but the lack of ability to turn the sounds down in-game was disappointing. When hitting multiple enemies at once, the sounds would multiply together and be incredibly loud. I tried to change the levels after beating the game the first time but raising the music volume slider caused the audio to peak constantly during gameplay. 

Other than that, you all have once again put out an incredibly polished product here. 


Thank you for the feedback! Not making the settings accessible in the pause menu was definitely an oversight! I'll make sure for next jam and going forward we include that as a non-negotiable. Glad you enjoyed the game!


You might also want to slap a limiter on the master bus as well just in case. It's always the first thing I do both while making games and making music.

(1 edit) (+3)

Very polished game! Graphics and sound were excellent, and seemingly bug free. Also quite fun, but I found the difficulty was lacking on the boss fights. I did like the funny dialogue in between stages.By the third level, the regular combat on the street had become a bit boring and tedious. 

The refridgerator enemies were easily the only ones that actually did much damage because their ranged attack was not easily dodged due to being continuously locked into a "punching" animation; would be much more fun if you could break animation and dodge any time. The oven enemies either need more range or faster movement for their melee attack to be useful at hitting you, and I'm actually not really sure what the flying microwaves actually do. Overall with basic combat, my suggestion is to have less, but more powerful, enemies and allow dodging at all times. Oh and also, the special attack is not very useful because hitting with your regular attack has a very wide range, and it takes too long to fill up the special attack.

Excellent game overall though. You earned a high rating from me.

(copy/pasted to game page too)


Thank you for playing and for the feedback! The flying microwaves stun you, leaving you wide open to attacks. Sounds like you managed to kill them before they got their attack off.


Nice, something new and fresh, a beat-em-um side-scroller. Great work!


Thank you for playing!


Fun theme, and fairly engaging gameplay. My favorite thing about the game is the attention to small details to put me in an immersive retro arcade experience, like for example the bunch of stuff you put in the combat animations of both the player character and the enemies.

Great job!

Developer (1 edit)

Thank you so much! This was a labor of love from my whole team, and we tried to pay homage to the classic beat 'em ups in any way we could conceivably fit into the jam window. Our artist is an absolute machine. Thank you for playing!


Awesome job! The overall presentation is great! Hitting enemies has a great impact to it and feels satisfying. I like that the boss names are all goofy puns, although I'm still trying to figure out what "L. Good" means lol.


LG's slogan is Life's Good! Thank you for playing!