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A member registered Jan 14, 2023 · View creator page →

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Very fun game, didn't get a chance to play before the results came out, well deserved ranking. Really like the shader/art work with the pages, excellent voice reading, and the well fitting SFX and music.

The loading times seemed a bit strange though, what is it loading?

Very nice art, SFX, and music really gave it a nice feel. Gameplay was fun to start but felt a old after a while, maybe waves or time limit would have helped seemed to just go on and on.

But overall nice submission.

Very ambient graphics and sound. Maybe a little too dark though very hard to see what was around. Unfortunately the game become unresponsive for me in the forest :(

Maybe I will give it another shot after the jam.

Little nice polished game. Really liked the art and the music. Went from being terrible to fun to a little boring at the end. But overall it was good, thanks for submitting.

Nice little platformer, especially for your first submission. Some obvious improvements include death animations, music, more varied sound effects, and longer game, but overall simple and fun.

Was looking forward to this from the title screen, unfortunately the game appeared broken and as others mentioned when I did full screen there were a bunch of white boxes all over the place. A NSFW or language warning  would have been nice...

If you can get this fixed up and maybe make it downloadable would like to give this another shot.

Wow did not expect a game where the goal is to hunt down and kill children...

I do like the campfire screen at the beginning and how you incorporate the upgrades into the story. Unfortunately the gameplay itself is not great - primary because the characters/towers can be off screen making it impossible to complete the mission. The artwork is a little simplistic but does the job and the music/SFX good have been better.

Thanks for submitting though, get it up.

Interesting take on the theme. I like the simple art but wish there were some SFX and music to go with it. The gameplay was challenging and with out a jump indicator very tough to know where I was going to go. Would have been nice if it had more side to side to start to make you feel you were accomplishing something to start and let you get into the game. But has your first submission this is pretty good - thanks for submitting hope you keep it up.

yeah, if you are writing to multicolored texture this would be tricky (I always had solid color BG), maybe a shader could help. Yes the simplest but most work is to place newline characters where wrapping should occur - agree if there is some pre-written code that would help.

Thanks for playing and glad you enjoyed it. The only limitation will be the computer as too many units are added for it handle.

The game starts off great leveling up and getting companions to assist you on the way. With great music and SFX the simple yet affective arts does the job. Unfortunately, quickly you realize that your companions really don't help and the monsters just keep multiplying and slowing down the computer to a point where the game stops being fun :(

Maybe I am playing it wrong but with those fast enemies, I don't know any other way to play besides running away and swinging the axe to keep the speedy enemies from killing you. If it was balanced a little better or the engine could handle the massive number of enemies this one could have been great - that being said, it was a lot of fun played for 30 minutes dying 4 times, so thanks for submitting and if it is updated would love to try again.

Fun puzzle platformer game. I was going to say this was not a rage game... until the final level, that was challenging.

But seriously, it was good level of difficulty and really enjoyed the different units specialties.

Nice artwork and the music fit well, some SFX would have been a nice touch.

Overall very good game, thanks for submitting.

Fun way to mix football (soccer for US) and fantasy.

The character were good, really liked the big rats with clubs.

Music could have played a little longer and the aiming seemed a little off, but overall great fun.

I really liked the idea of testing the audio in the settings - might just steal that idea (if I am not too lazy).

Thanks for submitting.

Great game. Very polished and great artwork/sfx/music. The story element was a lot of fun... I really thought those squirrels would hurt me :)

I played though multiple times just to read the different texts, very well done.

If I had to critique, the music stops playing and game feels quiet and would have loved the game to have been a little longer.

Great job on this one.

Interesting approach to standard fighting/battle game with the curved torus world. The story telling aspect was interesting and gave it a nice folklore feel, would have been nice if the characters didn't jump down to the next line. You can do this by filling in the full text and then changing the color of the text.

The artwork, sfx, and music was good. I found the combat a little difficult - made it through the maze but died shortly after.

Nice submission.

Thanks for playing, agreed I would have liked to add a time control to the battle, fast forward in particular.

Interest take on the theme. After reading the description was hoping was something a little more than just two minigames though, not many secrets to discover. The artwork and the music was pretty good and enjoyed the bigfoot game. Unfortunately the Quetzalcoatl game was too difficult and the hitbox problems made very frustrating, especially when you freeze the game when you die to see how far away your ship was for the enemy/shots.  Unlike others I enjoyed the ramp up in difficulty and if the hitbox was fixed I would have really liked it. The healing of the enemy was original and the additional fireballs really made you feal the enemy getting tougher. Unfortunately the hitbox problems just kept popping up, would really like to replay this if that got fixed.

Thanks for submitting, impressive for first submission, keep them coming.

Very excellent game. Great graphics/sound/music/controls. Difficulty was hard but not too hard, although the one spot where you had to jump, reset, then double jump was very tough.

Only minor complaint was the theme seemed a little stretched, but  overall think this is the best one I have so far.

Thanks for submitted very impressive for only being second submission, nice teamwork.

Thanks for playing and glad you liked the characters, originally was planning for more but less diverse , but once I created the ninja animations - I decided to make more varied ones and think it paid off. Music credits go to Andreas & JoJo of TSEC - I don't think I ever dare to make my own music, tried before and stopped...

Glad you noticed the names/positions, funny fact I had east and west on the wrong side half way through my programming before I realized I had switched them, the variables names are still wrong ;)

Very fun little puzzle game and love the dark take on the theme. 

Very polished gameplay, good simple art, great music and sound effects, difficulty built up well, but could have made it a little more challenging at the end, but overall great submission really enjoyed it, thanks for submitting.

Thanks for playing and glad you liked the silly back and forth

I really enjoyed the beginning story and made it up to the mountain and then I could not proceed...

I was able to look around on the top of the mountain and would crouch with 'c' and use 'q' to whistle, but unfortunately could not move, as the WASD keys didn't work. Seems I am the only person with this problem and after reading the comments was really looking forward to playing through again, so I restarted but had the same problem :(

Thanks for submitting, I really wish I didn't have this problem...

Thanks for playing an glad you liked it, had to look up TABS, looks fun though. Haven't played TF2 (team fortress 2, I assume) played the original one a tiny bit, played more Doom/Quake/HL/counterstrike/Unreal Tournament, but glad you liked the silly back and forth.

Always happy to inspire others, good luck, looking forward to playing your next submissions.

Glad you liked it, I love trying to find a way to incorporate the theme and all the wildcards together and this idea just bubbled up.

Thanks for playing and glad you liked the game, yes I was going for a classic/retro look, maybe even predating DOS... Commadore maybe :p

Thanks for the suggestion, I was thinking about adding fast-forward button but didn't get time to add it, I also did do a time rewinding in my Chapter 3 game so have experience doing that but have to be careful with the recording and saving all the necessary information.

Thanks again

Interesting take on the theme, the strategy resource balancing games are good having it related to building a shrine is a nice touch.

Like the text/story elements and liked the graphics when there were there too bad you didn't have more time to add more.

Some music and sound effects would have been nice too.

Thanks for submitting, and good job for your first, keep them coming.

Great strategy/tactics game.

The artwork is great as and the music has that Nintendo feel that fits right in. Controls were good once I realized they were on the bottom of the screen - had to scroll down to see them at first. 

Only critiques are after the AI moves it would be nice to return the screen back you available characters and wish there was another battle :)

Fun little toy. Interested to see what you planned for the ending. Liked the artwork and the fun little stories for each knight.

(1 edit)

Thanks for the very detailed feedback and glad you enjoyed it and played it through to the end, a lot to respond here.

Regarding the movement/firing mechanic - these were primarily chosen because this game is designed to be a mobile game, this also explains why lightning button can be pressed with an alternative finger.

I do like the idea of a progression bar, will be  a little tricky because the enemies wait until the last sub wave was destroyed.

Regarding the lack of story and not being a "Chapter", well the easter egg references this - again I switched my efforts to working on mobile games, hope is to release an actual game this year.

Thanks again for playing

Was excited to play this game when I read the description, unfortunately the controls and difficulty of switching back and forth from laser to shield was too much.

The sporadic sound was also unpleasant.

I did like the animations and artwork just wish the game played a little better.

Thanks for submitting though keep it up.

Really liked the idea of a puzzle with the void closing in.

Managed to beat all the levels and agree with others on switching 4 and 5.

A difficulty setting to control the speed of the void would have been good, think you are going to lose too many people with that setting

Agree music and sound would have really helped this game.

Thanks for submitting it was  good puzzle

(1 edit)

Thank you for the detailed response and really appreciate the feedback.

Agree with the missing sound effect for killing the enemies... not sure how I missed that actually.

Regarding the movement, this is intended to be brought over to the mobile where mouse does not exist so did not think about it, but agree that having a keyboard button to switch follow on/off and another to activate the flash would be good additions for web.

Edit: Glad to see others are using these jams to improve their skills as well, makes me feel better when I focus on learning opposed to polish.

Thanks for playing and glad the colors pulled you in, hope you enjoyed it despite the difficulty and yes it is designed for mobile, hopefully coming this year...

Happy to see someone commenting on the title ;)

Well had to try this as we had the same name....

Really liked the artwork especially the special effects (assuming shaders). I did expect there to be more bullets though.... not quite bullet hell and the controlling the ship was very challenging.

Was able to beat the boss at the end!

Thanks for submitting 

Interesting take on the theme and was excited to play, but then run problem where dialog would pop up again and again...

Wow ambitious to make a multi player game, unfortunately need others to play...

Interesting take on the theme and as very nice UI (expected with rtleone - although some rough edges here and there - square boxes and images overlapping / note: not complaining just surprised)

The controls and the gameplay left me wanting a little more, running around clicking on all the items after selling one did not fill me with Endjoy - glad there was only three days. I liked the audio narrative but as other mentioned it interfered a little with other sounds and made you want to sit and listen which let the void catch you.

Overall thanks for submitting it was fun.

(1 edit)

Great graphics, sound, and atmosphere, and interest take on the theme, sadly failed to complete after three attempts hopefully can came back to play again.

Overall excellent game:  especially for your first submission and never would have guessed you had limited programming experience, keep it up.

Edit: Couldn't find the easter egg :(

Glad you liked it, at least I hope you did ;)

Very nice artwork in this game.

The controls were a little hard to get used to but did give the feeling of being a spirit.

Short and sweet, thanks for submitting it was fun!