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A member registered Jan 14, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing and glad it was refreshingly different. Yes I would have loved to do more but had limited time this jam week.

Very interesting take on the theme. Really enjoyed exploring and talking to the characters, impressive for the short time period of a jam. Glad to say I was able to escape :) Keep the submissions coming

Thanks for playing and glad you enjoyed it. Yes others have suggested this and agree some directional indicator would have been nice and if I had allotted time better would have done it.

Very impressive for your first submission and nice take on the theme. It was a little confusing at first even with the instructions and for some reason space just let you run through mission objectives so guess that bug will need to be fixed, but again very nice for first submission, keep them coming.

Very fun take on the theme. The graphics were a tad simple but the gameplay/sound/music (especially how it changes to the beginning of the wave)/ the shooting effects were great. I played this one several times and felt like I was making process slowly but the difficulty/cost ramp up seemed a little too steep. Is this endless or can you beat it?

Thanks for submitting - really enjoyed it.

Thanks for playing and hope being unique is a good thing...

Yeah, probably could do something to help with direction - didn't start early enough to adjust the game was rushing to get all the sins in

Thanks for playing and glad you enjoyed it. Yes, if I had more time to play test and polish it I would made it more user friendly. Were you able to complete the game?

Really like the 3rd person 3D view, controls were a little hard to get used to and the first saws were tough but got through. Unfortunately it looks like the game is incomplete and didn't hear any sound/music which would have added to the experience. Thanks for submitting 

Thanks for playing Ricky and glad you enjoyed it. Yeah I play tested on my headphones so did not realize until afterwards that sound should have been beefed up. I assume that was done on the greed (one with the coins)? I let the physics run that process and think the coins weighed too much (or player is too little) will fix later. BTW: my hope is to make this into a VR release, just got the Meta Quest and have have been playing around with godot dev for it, so might jump over to the godot XR jams. No jam submission this week?

Thanks for playing and the kind words. Strange about the hidden menu, what were you playing this on?

Very interesting take on the theme.

Really like the melting/freezing mechanic. Had a problem with multiple instances at one point so had to refresh but only happened once.

Thanks for submitting.

Wow! Love this game. Great idea, good artwork, nice music and sound.

The game keeps adding new elements and evolving with the fun boss fight and extra fun twist ending.

Only critic is the menu is a little clunky and polish would put this this to the next level - but understand time constraints.

Best one I have played so far, Thanks for submitting

Thanks for playing. I plan to role this out to the mobile so will need to make either buttons or touch motions to control the player.

Yeah the jump mechanic needs a little tweaking, the hope is to have a fast passed feel but needing to control the player both for jumps and the reaper

Very interesting take on the theme. I like the turn based combat approach.

Art and UI is a little simple but effective, liked the sound and music - really gave the game a good feel.

The enemies had some navigation problems at times but for the most part seemed to work.

Thanks for submitting would be interested in playing more levels

Thanks for playing and glad you liked the visuals - big credit goes to and his/her shader:

Agree with your comment on controls and physics problems, spent way too much time just getting it to kind of work - this will be a mobile game so hard to design computer game for that - will need to be button/movement based.

Appreciate the feedback final product will incorporate the suggestions.

Thanks again

Wish I had a controller for this one. Really hard to control with the keyboard. I like the take on the theme to force the user to control two characters but again very difficult with the keyboard.

Made it to wave 3 but could not keep my controls in order, hopefully can try again later,

Thanks for submitting, very unique

As others have mentioned, the durability of the towers is fresh take on the TD genre, unfortunately I could not tell which tower needed repairs and once you realize you just need several resource tower and repair them and the attack towers constantly the game was too easy and got boring.

Really like the different resources and durability aspect but need to find a good way to balance the micro management and entertainment - maybe units that run around and repair, upgraded towers do new things, new enemies.

To be clear I am not expected all the above in a jam thinking future, I completely understand the time constraints - always my main problem and your game is pretty good for a jam - thanks for submitting.

Nice submission especially for your first.

The graphics were simple and straightforward as were the controls, only complaint is the interaction was seemed laggy - having a progress bar or animation would have helped explain the time it takes.

Once I got used to the interaction time the game was fun, maybe a little more a challenge would have been welcomed.

Music would have been nice as would more levels.

But overall, it was a good submission - keep them coming

Fun take on the theme, very easy to get pulled into another try.

Graphics/sound/music  were great and controls were simple and effective.

Thanks for submitting

Very interesting take on the theme with the dice game mechanics.

The graphics and sound were simple but effective and the tutorial was straight forward, did have some trouble with UI with understanding what the item/dice would do, sometimes when hovering it would explain other times it would not.

The difficulty felt good although I beat it on my first try I was close to death a couple of times, I will say once you eliminate the first enemy from a group the battle was very easy, need something to balance that out - don't have suggestions unfortunately.

Thanks for submitting it was fun

Fun racing game. Really liked the visuals and the controls once I got used to them were smooth and responsive, although the immediate breaking felt too similar to driving a Telsa :) (i.e. left the gas and the car stops)

 Would have been great to even have a little bit of sound (I know time is the number enemy of good games in these jams)

Thanks for submitting would love to see the final product

Thanks for playing and glad you liked it. Sounds like the missed the crank on the table in the room passed the room on the left door

Like the idea and with more polish and some additions such as the enemies get closer and attack you, or you can move through the tress stuff like that and this could be a lot of fun especially if you built on as the levels progressed, understand time constraints though

Thanks for submitting it was fun

Thanks for playing and glad you enjoyed it.

Yeah I wanted to keep it pretty simple and had limited time with actual level design, I did try to make background scary background noises as you went from light to dark

Very interesting take on the theme.

I did not read which wildcards you used so was only half expecting the through the teeth one.

The interface was simple yet effective (thank god for copy/paste) and the text in the game was very enjoyable, only "complaint" is it felt too much like work

Joking aside, really enjoyed the submission.

Thanks for playing and  the detailed feedback.

I did want to have different options for how the towers target the enemies - was even thinking of letting you control a tower.

Main restriction during attacking wave is you cannot have you build as the pathfinding can get very intense in 3D world.

I will take this feedback into account as I continue the mobile development, thanks again

Thanks for playing and appreciate the feedback - agree need to work on the interface and would have added the keyboard hotkeys but time was limited

Fun take on the theme.

I was able to make it to level 7 and will come back to try to complete the rest.

The graphics, sound, and music were all very nice and liked the fading through the factory as the start of the level.

The gameplay itself was simple but fun.

Two quick notes, some introduction to the game would have been nice - although once I saw the instructions it was straightforward. When I restarted the level name got stuck and the objective did not show up. Fixed itself on beating the level.

Thanks for submitting,

Tough game - Definitely a fresh take on the theme. The controls were a little challenging and was not sure when the 'E' spell would work or not.

As others have mentioned having healing of time between waves would be nice.

Thanks for submitting

Thanks for playing and glad you liked the music.

I will continue to work on the controls and the tutorial for the mobile release

Interesting take on the theme and the first trivia game I have seen during a jam.

Thanks for submitting

Thanks for playing, yeah understand the controls were tricky - will be working on that for the mobile release.

Very fun game.

Really like the scroller brawler take on the theme.

The graphics/music/sound were very nice and pulled me right in.

The game was well polished and the different stages were fresh.

The third stage I felt was actually easier with the wizards not shooting down but overall it was well balanced and a lot of fun.

Minor complaint: the kicking control at times felt unresponsive maybe a keyboard issues?

Thanks for submitting - really good one.

Thanks for playing and thanks for the suggestions. Agree with the fading comment and will work on the controls.

(1 edit)

Very well done TD game. Polished and balanced - playing on hard I found myself constantly needing to retry stages. The graphics are simple but effective. The different music times were nice, more sound effects could have been nice but understand the limit timeframe.

Not a complaint but was not able to beat the game yet so hope to come back and beat it after the jam.

Thanks for submitting, definitely one of the best ones so far.

Edit: Noted that you cannot resume at a later stage... this is a must to add

Thanks for playing and for the very detailed review.
Most of your pain points were on my todo list but time constraints prevented me from reaching them.

My next item was going to be to let your select which type of defense each tower would be and yes the towers were supposed to ray cast to the nearest enemy in light of sight - sadly the shooting worked for this not the targeting...

I was also going to throw in WASD for movement and E and Q for up and down but again time prevented and my goal for mobile put this down on my list.

I will work on the movement/viewing/lifting-dropping as I roll it out to the mobile.

Sorry to hear about the wall thing, I thought my pathfinding prevent it from blocking, but the outside walls must be preventing that.

Noticed the color similarity when I was watching their death animation... I liked the texture but agree, maybe I just change the tint/hue to keep the pattern.

Thanks again for playing and for all the notes, I will be sure to come back to them as I work on the release.

Wow! incredible submission.

Loved the pixelated 3D  graphics, the double take on the theme - climbing a tower with a tower of books. The controls were fantastically simple and responsive.  I wished I had played though on spicy instead of medium as I would have liked the challenge. The level design was a little repetitive, but the different music scores for each level made it seem fresh.

Very impressive for a week jam can not say it enough thanks for submitting.

Thanks for playing and glad you enjoyed it. The text did tell you to press the "shield' but understand it could be missed, if I had more time would have added to help page and it could been more clear.

Interesting take on the theme. The controls were difficult to get used to, but after working with 3D transformations in my first 3D game I understand and appreciate the complexity of it.

The graphics fit nicely with asteroids as did the sound - music was nice update though.

I was enjoying destroying those asteroids and sudden I died... I was not sure what killed my ship though and I will have to came back for revenge :)

Thanks for submitting.

Thanks for playing and the kind words.

I had not thought about putting the camera controls in a corner like that before - sounds like an intuitive and and eloquent method.

To address your gameplay concerns, maybe I could illustrate the enemies path somehow - thanks again for playing and your suggestions.