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Super Jump GuyView game page

What's wrong with this game!?
Submitted by mellowcool, XtraKarma, coolrex56, melo_toni (@melotonimusic) — 10 minutes, 51 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 20 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Godot Version

Wildcards Used
Mobius Loop

Game Description
What's up with this game!?

How does your game tie into the theme?
The game "malfunctions" before each iteration.


Discord Username
@Coolrex56, @melotoni, @xtra.karma

Participation Level (GWJ Only)

My game has an export for Linux, Windows, & Mac and/or is playable through HTML5



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Great game! Beautiful art and fantastic music! I loved how you managed to squeeze so much game from 1 single level through the different approaches you had each time and how that would take you to slightly different places. Sometimes you worry that that approach can feel a bit forced or lack variety but not so here, it felt quite natural and witty. There is the problem of waiting for the platforms and that you may miss one of those too (didn't happen to me) but all in all, you can see this had a great deal of passion and effort put in, from the player design to the level design to the pleasingly textured backgrounds to the way the game loops with blowing on the cartridge. Just wonderful. Wasn't quite of the time of blowing on cartridges but I still really liked that touch.


Really liked this submission.

There were some minor edits that probably should be made suggested by other below - I will reiterate the moving platform in the "floor is lava" stage.

Liked the art and the music and since I kept my coins after the restart - which was classic BTW - still remembering blowing into cartridges then stacking books/other cartridges what ever you had to press them down to get the old NESs to work...

Again great submission - loved it.


Love the retro art style and feel that's always a trusty lure for us NES kids. Upbeat music as well perfectly compliments the pace.

Given the importance of how jumping was to the game design, I wish the jumping mechanic was iterated on with more detail (particularly reflecting time length sensitivity of input to determine how high / low the player can jump, instead of a static-height high jump). Conversely, felt the "Interact" input was unnecessary and the buttons should've just triggered upon collision (and would've been more satisfying if the sprites were replaced by a "pressed down" graphic instead of freed from the scene).

Was impressed by the level design and felt it moved fairly smoothly (though there were some areas where I wondered if I took the right turns / went in the right directions). 

The spikes have unforgiving hitboxes, especially blended with the visual effects to note "malfunction," and there was that one area where the series of down spikes, up spikes, and deathpits along with the lack of control the player has during the jump mechanic that I found nearly unpassable. 

I think this was compounded by the fact that a sense of purpose wasn't really indicated for the player's journey. Who am I and why am I trying to advance through these levels? What's the purpose of collecting coins? If these questions were more explicitly answered, I think it would provide player motivation to persist through the limiting parts of the core mechanic and try to advance through daunting areas of the level design.

Found the increased malfunctions as part of the game's progression system to be an interesting choice—though personally prefer if the player is rather rewarded for surviving than punished.

Love the style, if not a little too Mario-imitative. Most of all, impressed by the programming fundamentals and art for a bug-free experience. Good job team!


There's a lot of good stuff here but I do have a couple complaints I want to briefly make:

I think the visual effects are probably too intense -- especially with the camera glitch, the game was pretty hard to look at and as far as I know I don't have any specific visual processing disorders or the like. I think this effect should unquestionably have some kind of setting to disable it.

Second, the moving platform sections really broke the flow of the game. I sort of counted for the horizontal platform and my estimation is that, if you miss the platform, you have to wait at least 24 seconds? That seems like a very long time. In fact, for a very long time I was completely stumped at what to do at that section. I kept trying to get the checkpoint or jump on the floor or something, because I simply had no idea to begin with that there was a platform. I think the moving platforms would benefit from some kind of lever system or similar.

OK, so those were my complaints. Now on to the good stuff.

I really like how this game looks. The player character looks great, the world looks great, I love the parallax effect.

If I understood the coin mechanic correctly, I thought it was pretty cool--my thought was that the coins were everpresent in the level, but you were able to reach different ones due to different glitches. This is a fun idea.

I thought there was a good variety of puzzle solving and gameplay differences between the different glitches. I liked how the glitches revealed new sections of the level, and I think the game ending / loop mechanic is fun.

I think the player character has good-feeling movement. Sure, there's no variable jump height, but the jump feels good IMO, and has a somewhat unique feeling.

The music was a lot of fun as well.


Nice idea of taking a simple platformer to the next level. I also enjoed the DnB music :D


Thanks! I've been listening to those PS1 Jungle mixes recently and wanted to give that style a try :3


Little confused on how this game related to the theme of the actual game jam, but as soon as the character said "why isn't my jump  button working" I was totally charmed by the idea of breaking the 4th wall that way. Super fun take on this game jam!


Thanks! We wanted to lean in to the concept of the game itself being what malfunctioned, so hopefully it paid off :)

Pretty decent game, but on the second "malfunction" I got bored with it, tbh, because it was just navigating the same level with a new twist. Would have been better if you designed the level more around the "malfunction", which seems to be what you were going for on the second level. Speaking of the second level, it was quite irritating to be forced to wait on the rising platform multiple times.

Good graphics and sound, controls were fine, but I don't like that you can't control the height of your jump. Excellent theme fit, though it seemed a bit unoriginal to me. Still earned a good rating.


Neat game! The 3rd iteration was a bit much visually with the camera malfunctioning, but the glitches were still a nice touch! Thanks for sharing.


You definitely got my attention with the NES-esque box art. The concept is neat, and I like the idea of moving through the same level multiple times with different impediments. I found some bits frustrating, like the spike traps, but the rest of it was pretty fun!


This felt like a really neat Mario Brothers inspired game. The game mechanics are well thought out, and the controls were very intuitive. Great work!


Nice! This feels like an old school Mario clone. Love the graphics, sound is good, controls are responsive.


Thanks! Our artist really appreciates the kind words!


the game was difficult in a bad way.


skill issue?


no its just needlessly difficult.


is there a specific part which was giving you trouble? the only real obstacle in the game is the spikes, which is just about timing and patience 


I think the actual game might be missing, doesn't seem like there's anything uploaded to the game page. You might want to try reaching out to the Jam moderators in the discord to see if you can upload something now that the submission period has ended.


Hey, thanks for the message! We had a severe bug and removed the game files. We have already completed the support ticket, and the game is back up and ready to play!


Oh nice, glad you were able to get things figured out! This was cool idea! Reminds me of that one old flash game where you were an elephant and the rules of the level kept changing ('This is the only level' maybe? I can't remember the name lol). I like the music too; it was pretty fitting with how weirdly distorted and atmospheric it got at times. 

I think the there are a few places where the moving platforms could maybe be used a little better/smarter. Like the one area (I think on the run through where you can't jump) where you have to wait for the same vertical platform multiple times feels a little bad. 

There were also one or two spots where I didn't even realize there were moving platforms to wait for, since they were off-screen, so I doubled back to look for another path. I know some games don't have the platforms move until you approach them for the first time, but I think even just having a visible track in the background that they follow would at least let the players know that there's something to wait for.

Regardless, great job! I like how the game ultimately resolves with you pulling out the cartridge and blowing on it to reset it.