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A jam submission

10% of a Cat GameView game page

Just get the damn mouse.
Submitted by jafarrolo, Antea Chiariello, Montoya, Libero Masini, Keivan Ameri, Andrea Guerriero (@andreawarrior) — 42 minutes, 42 seconds before the deadline
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10% of a Cat Game's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 19 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Godot Version

Wildcards Used

Game Description
Cat going around the city catching mice, dodging dogs and birds

How does your game tie into the theme?
Player character is a cat


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Participation Level (GWJ Only)

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Fun one! And very on theme! The power ups are a nice way of rewarding the player for knowing the map, although I feel the game doesn't really require you to use any of them. Also, personally I would have preferred having multiple lives per run (side note: TIL cats don't have nine lives everywhere :D) – sometimes losing can come real quick. The absolute highlight for me was the music, tho. Well done!

On that note: Your volume sliders don't work correctly! With good headphones / boxes you can still hear the mice at the lowest setting. Also I'm pretty sure the steps are linear. However, human volume perception is not! There's a `linear_to_db` method in Godot to work around that fact – look it up!


Accidentally pounce'd myself into a car, multiple times. 10/10


That's exactly how I made the banner.


The game looks super fun. The art and music tune you for a hunting/jumping adventure. Unfortunately, I got stuck between colliders on my first attempt:

In this picture, neither I nor the mouse could move.


Seems to be a really common problem, I think I'll take this jam as an experience in paying more attention to possible collision issues. Thanks for the feedback!


Yeah that spot is cursed, some weird pathing from the mice makes them go there and get stuck and if you miss the jump you get stuck. It happened to me during playtesting but we didn't realize how cursed that spot was until after the release.


Hey! the game looks and sounds pretty good, although I never got any mice because of the frequent framerate drops (firefox and chrome). I ran around though, evaded some dogs, and picked up some power ups.

I'd be happy to see this with better perfomance, this could really be a fun one.

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Yeah, I noticed the huge issues with the framerate drops only in the last few hours after I uploaded it on itch, so I didn't have the time to work on it, next time I'll be sure to do it with a bigger time margin.

Anyway it will be one of the first fixes after the voting period.


your game is good i enjoy play it, but i got performance issue (lag) make cat dead from poop bird


I liked this game a lot. The only issues I had were minor bugs like clipping and slowdowns/lag. Great concept! Getting a mouse was satisfying.


Thank you!


Love the music and sound effects you have in this game! Wish the music was also in the title screen where we can adjust the music volume. I feel like I might be short sighted as a cat, as I can hear mouse but I can't seem to see them. Like someone else I was collecting trash bags thinking maybe those are abstract shapes of mouse. (yes I am ashamed of the words I am typing right now ) I find it quite difficult to get around, feels like I am constantly stuck trying to get around an object. But I might just be arcade game challenged as I tends to do poorly when everything is coming to end me lol.  Overall I really like the feel of this game and I can see it being a very enjoyable game once it's more balanced and polished. 

Developer (1 edit)

Good idea for the music in the title screen, we'll fix it in a future release.

Thanks for all the valuable inputs, it clearly needs some more polish but we'll have to see when we have time to do it :D


My main issue to beat the game was to actually find the mice haha

Performance aside I think I'd enjoy it more if the pounce felt faster in comparison to the regular movement speed, nice game overall

Also, that's a great title lol


Yeah we were trying a bunch of things with the pounce, like a windup animation (that was then canceled because the game was too hard with it). There's a bit of cut content in the pounce dynamic, it should've been faster than the run with a predict mechanic, with a secondary strat that included stealth on the still mice, but the stealth was giving us problems and the demo without the mice felt already so fast paced we just abandoned it and left the slightly slower pounce to force players to corner rats.

The invisible mice were object of a great debate on the colour of the sprite. In the end we kinda liked the idea of the mice being invisible flashy assholes and we left it like this.

Thank you for the feedback!


Really fun game! The birds pooping is a very funny hazard. The mice would get stuck on the fences and that's why I was able to grab them lol, not sure if that was intended. Also it felt to me as soon as I heard the dogs growling they would lunge straight at me and I wouldn't be able to avoid them. Maybe more of a delay before attack would be better, or slightly slower dog movement speed? Anyways, great game!


Full disclosure: the rats getting stuck were NOT intended BUT it kinda was an happy accident because cornering them is really difficult otherwise and it gave a bit of relief to player frustration. Idk if we're gonna touch it again after this (and I hope we do) but I think we should change the pounce before we touch that bug lmao.

Yeah the dog are supposed to be coming at you at incredible high speed almost immediately, the idea is to get the player to smash them in the walls through trial and error and find openings to go get the powerups or give up a life to pass them. I kinda liked it like this during testing because it allowed for cautios players to move the dogs to the corners of fences and pass the other way while forcing unknowing players to deal with dogs speeding at them through the streets cause they let them out too quickly.

Ty for the feedback!


Incredible concept! Liked the general concept, the birds and the music! Camera feels a little to fast, made me feel a little dizzy. Awesome for a 10% game ;)

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Thank you very much!

I thought about it after I tried it out for a while, I think I'll try to implement a smoother camera, or it could be something nice to implement as an accessibility option for the next games. Really thank you for the input!

Next cat oriented jam we'll try for the 20% :D


That music! Groovy baby! Amazing, I feel boosted. Your demo makes my day :)


The composer spent the first three days complaining about how he couldn't make it and he didn't know how to do it like this and maybe we should just download some assets... and then it turned out great, now I find myself humming it randomly and I hate him.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Very fun little game! Good job! Its very easy to get laser-focused on chasing a mouse and run into cars and dogs :)

Not sure if its on my end only but the power-up sound effect plays at full volume regardless of the sfx slider setting (web version).


Thank you very much for your time and input!

Regarding the power up sound effect I confirm your feeling, we added them at the end and forgot to add them to the SFX bus


This is cute! I first thought the goal was to collect all of those garbage bags :D


Happened also to my SO the first few times, should've been more clear with the goals, I'll take a note for the next projects. 

Thanks for the feedback! 


This one's a strong contender! The learning curve on the pounce mechanic is helped out by an easy-to-understand navigation control.

I had to play a second time to remember what game I was reviewing, and that's when I noticed the performance issues. Your likely problem is having too many collision boxes. In a vacuum, these are the most computationally expensive object that you can have in your game. The good news is that you only add one at a time.

Try giving Astar a 100x100 set of points to travel to. That thing grows exponentially in terms of computation cost.


thank you really much for the info! I didn't have time to look at it yet and I wanted to start tomorrow by giving a try with the profiler, but first I'll try tuning the A* settings and see if that fixes it. 


I tried looking into giving Astar a 100x100 set of points but it seems I can't find the options. Can you give me some directions?

Also I think I got a few other tweaks that could really improve everything, but they'll have to wait to be tested here :D


Oh no, I'm telling you NOT to do that. Edreldor will be more able to tell you what I'm talking about.


oh ok, I got confused 😂

I'll wait for Edreldor then, in the meantime I'll try to learn how to use the Godot profiler properly


You should reach out to him, he's not watching this conversation.


I will then, thank you!


This was a fun idea and I really liked the art! I found that I got stuck on fences a lot though and ended up being pooped to death. I'm also not sure if it's possible to exit the credits screen once you open it.


Thanks for your comment!

We know sadly of the fence issues, currently working on it to understand why, that and the performance issues.