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A member registered Dec 24, 2022 · View creator page →

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This was awesome! I liked the music, took me back to playing old games!

The only issues I noticed were that I could talk to the sad guy in the forest even before the troll added the steps to them, not sure if that is intentional. Also the settings menu didn’t seem to work.

Also I found navigation a bit weird, I think the best way to put it is that I didn’t feel like I had any sense of direction and where I was in relation to things. for example on the forest level I’d assume clicking left and then right would take me back to where I was so I wasn’t doing it, but it ended up taking me to a new scene. This might just be me though and the way my brain was thinking about the world, as I haven’t played a game like this for a very long time :D

I liked the art and the idea but, like others have said, the swing didn’t really work. I also wasn’t sure where to go, is that starting area the only part that is accessible at the moment? I also wasn’t sure what the intro dialogue meant so didn’t know what the sort of story was.

I thought this has potential! I think it would be cool if it had more of a Greek mythology theme to it as that was what it was based on if you decide to continue working on it after the jam.

Thanks for playing it! Yeah the fuel/food quantity was an error, I changed the value in a label but forgot to actually change the code :D I don’t know if it is working properly in the game but a low food level should make the population growth negative so it will go down over time (very slightly) and high increases it above normal level. I was also thinking of having it affect the unrest level but didn’t get around to putting that in.

Thanks! Yeah that mineral button error was probably a good thing in the end as it may be that you can’t beat it otherwise :D I’m probably going to fix it up a bit so thanks for the advice on what could be improved.

Thanks for playing it! I don’t know if the upgrades are necessary :D I didn’t really get time to flesh them out and balance everything and they might not have any meaningful effect, I wouldn’t be surprised if the only way to win is to do what you did and get loads of minerals from the first planet to buy all the fuel and food you need!

Cool, glad you got it sorted! It was pretty fun and I liked the graphics too! I could see it being really good if you were to add the bits that you said you didn’t have time for. It would have been nice to have had something in game which showed that Enter was what moved the convo on as it wasn’t listed under controls, also if there was something that showed the stat change of the upgrades so I could make a decision on what I thought might best but they are only very minor issues.

Also how did you do the space background? I wanted to add something like that on my game but I’m new to 3D and didn’t have time to even look in to how it would be done :D Is it something in the world environment or is there a specific node to use?

I liked the graphics and sound! I’m not great at these games so I wasn’t able to finish it but I liked that it didn’t feel unfair and that there was the opportunity to save yourself from falling too far, particularly when you catch a heart as your falling down and then regain some height.

I liked the atmosphere of the game and the monitor effect! I agree with others about the randomness being a slight issue as the first playthrough seemed to go well for me but the second playthrough it went really bad and I’m not sure switching would have helped, though I did like the the little touch with the second playthrough helping me! Oh and maybe you did say this and I missed it but it would have helped me if the rules said that aces were high as I went in assuming they were 1 (though that was only an issue the first time I got it :D).

Worth the wait! Really enjoyed it, and it felt quite relaxing also. It’s a very creative idea! One issue I noticed was that I think the hint for the crab said 3 words but it’s actually 4, but it doesn’t really matter I just thought I’d let you know.

I liked the idea of this one, the void was quite quick so I had to be really focused for it :D I was able to do every level except level 4, but I’m not that good at these sorts of games so I’ll take that!

I guess my only annoyance is the controls as only moving one step was annoying and I was basically mashing the keyboard to do it, particularly as there is a limited time. I get why you would need to do it like that with the sort of game it is, but it just felt a bit unresponsive.

I thought this was pretty good and had fun playing it! I got a card that dealt damage for each card in my hand so I was building up to try and wipe the enemy out in one turn, but then all my cards became question marks and I forgot which was which :D I’m guessing that was sanity related?

I guess the only issue is that I wasn’t sure what the two progress bars were, I assume sanity and the void? But I didn’t know which was which. Also the UI could be better as the description text overlapped and could be hard to read.

For a first game ever it’s a really good attempt! I liked the art and the effect of being pulled in to black holes (though for my first few goes I thought the first one was a pick up and didn’t realise that was killing me :D). I think maybe if you couldn’t see anything outside of the visible area that might work better as I knew to avoid the rooms that were just black holes.

I downloaded it for Windows but there doesn’t seem to be an exe file in there to run it? Unless I’m missing something obvious!

This looked like it was going to be good but unfortunately the HTML version wouldn’t load (says it couldn’t find index.html) and the Windows version didn’t seem to work either. The start game button worked but when it started the game there was no text in the page and also no text in the help window. The game window also seemed to be too big so part was hidden behind the taskbar, which I think is where the back button for the settings menu was, so I couldn’t get out of that. I liked the music though and will definitely play it once it is fixed as it seems really interesting!

Thanks! That’s a good idea, I might pretend that it’s meant to be tedious :D

Thanks! Yeah, I agree 100% about the tediousness, it’s not something I would really want to play a lot of myself :D

Thanks! That’s good to know about the button not working on full screen as someone else mentioned it not working so this narrows it down!

This was fun and some good thought in to the design with the hearts reducing for each level of hell! I though the little intro was funny, with the dog with a bump on its head and I liked the gluttony death screen with the chubby cat :D

I thought the first part of the game where you draw pictures of cats was fun and I also really liked the map making part aspect once I started playing it properly! I wasn’t sure if the real game map was laid out in a realistic way - for example if I go left, up, right, down do I end up in the same room? I’m guessing it is but it might have been nice to have an object or something in the starting room so I’d know. Also it threw me off a bit when the time ran out and I got thrown back to the main room as it took me a moment to work out what had happened and if I hadn’t realised I’d have gotten more lost, maybe a little transition would be cool so I knew.

Thanks! Generating pairs is a good idea, if I do any more work on this I’ll have a look at doing that!

Thanks! I left the values for how quickly requests generate until the last minute so it was kind of a guess that I didn’t have time to test :D

I’m not sure if pouncing did anything as the mouse didn’t seem to react to it but I look forward to seeing it once you’ve found more time to work on it!

Took me a little while but I actually managed to feed them all!

I thought it was nicely put together! I don’t think the sound effects worked though as I only had the (really creepy) music.

It looks great and I really like the idea, there's just not a lot to do at the moment. I can see it being a lot of fun if you continue working on it after the jam!

I like the mechanic of having to rotate yourself so you land on your feet, unfortunately I'm terrible at it so Professor Pigeon will have to get away with it this time :D

This was really fun! It took me a few goes to get the kittens on the platform and I was really happy with myself and then they all slipped off the slope :D I thought having the box to stand in for a kitten with the buttons was a clever idea. I wasn't sure if there was meant to be an end screen once you get the kittens home as I didn't get one? It played the happy kitten noise but that was it. (I'm not sure the home is the best place for them anyway as the first time I went inside one of them died :D)

This was a fun idea and I really liked the art! I found that I got stuck on fences a lot though and ended up being pooped to death. I'm also not sure if it's possible to exit the credits screen once you open it.

This is a cool idea! I could see it being pretty fun if it was expanded in to a full game with more levels and mechanics.

Thanks! It's odd the continue button didn't work, I just tried it again myself and it seemed to work for me so it might be to do with the end of day results as I added that very late and they are different for everyone. I did make sure to start with the better companies though just in case something like this happened, so they only get worse :D

I managed to get the gear almost to the end and then it go stuck in that little gap behind the ramp so I had to start again :D I like the win music!

I found picking up the items to be a bit awkward as it seemed I had to be positioned in the exact spot to do it and early on I thought it wasn't possible to pick up the springs because of this but it wasn't too bad once I got the hang of it and it was a good little puzzle!

It's a shame you weren't able to submit it in time but it was pretty fun. I liked the graphics and music!

It took me a few goes to really work out what was happening as I thought the bugs were destroying the track initially (I guess I didn't read the description very well!) but once I worked out they were attacking the train carts I really got in to it! It's a cool take on tower defence games.

Thanks for playing it!

Yeah it isn't obvious that you've been hit and I also noticed myself that standing in front of the enemies heads prevents you seeing the attack animation as well, which really doesn't help!

It should go from day 3 straight in to the boss battle and the player won't be there as it's just the companion fighting, the idea was that you would try to train him to a point where he can kill the boss on his own but there's currently not a lot of feedback to the player as to what is happening in the game.

This was really fun and I like that there's a level editor also!

I like the turn by turn aspect of it but having to keep clicking the button to move forwards sometimes got tedious, especially one one of the tutorial levels where I forgot to switch off the lights on the stations so both trains went through and I had to send them all the way around again :D I thought maybe some sort of auto step thing would be cool that could be turned on if you just want the trains to do multiple turns in a row and that would go quicker than manually clicking.

Thanks for your comments and for beating it!

The player dying wasn't something I had put much thought in to, to be honest, as I only added the ability for the enemies to attack in the last 2 hours of the jam, so I was immortal throughout the rest of development :D

This was really good! The only issue I came across was that I fell between the carriages and missed the horse so I guess I was just falling forever as I could still hear myself whipping.

This was really cool! It would have been good if you could zoom out (thought maybe you could and I just didn't know how). It's a game I would come back and play for fun in the future if there was a bit more to it!

It took me a few tries to work out the controls and how to get more tracks but once I got the hang of the controls I really enjoyed it! I also liked the music, it made me feel like I was going insane but in a good way :D