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ShinvuView game page

NES inspired action adventure
Submitted by CryptRat, Mojoj0jo — 1 day, 22 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
NES Feel#74.5504.550

Ranked from 20 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Had a great time with what I got through (plan to get back to it later, and maybe read the map 'cause my natural compass is the worst, haha
Love the enemy variety on display here, and the difficulty was at just the right amount...though I guess I did play on easy lol. I usually go normal, but it didn't exist, and I don't trust hard in an NES context, lol
Got lost, only found/fought one boss so far, but it's been very solid.

A clear tribute to classic Zelda, right up to the not telling me where to go or what to do at all ^^;;
I do prefer a bit more lead personally, 'cause I kept looping screens and wondering where to go, but that's just my own tastes.
It clearly is made for that sense of pure unaided discovery, and does it well!
Graphically felt very true to its influence, and the maps and enemy layouts were well put together, pretty rude in places, but never completely overwhelming.

The music was good, but pretty shrill. Might be nice if they were toned down a little bit, and a volume slider for it could be helpful.
All in all from what I played so far, very nice!


Thanks, I'm glad you like it!

I definitely need to start implementing volume sliders in my games. 

There's not that much difference between hard and easy modes in the end, easy is not easy while hard is not especially hard either but anyway ;).


This game is hard, so it definitely feels like an NES game, haha, along with the graphics and music, which are good. I think the enemy aggression could be lowered a touch as I found progressing throughout the game a little too a little bit annoying; maybe space them out like in the NES Zelda. Other than that, superb work bro!




Loved it! Each character I unlocked felt like it solved a problem I had  been having with specific different enemies.  I liked cashing in my winnings for upgrades, and the boss music was great as well. Really enjoyed zipping around the map. I love all the sprites and there was even a crab. Great stuff!


Thanks a lot, I'm happy you got to see the crab then as I think it's easy to miss.


This was so good! Love swapping characters to use their powers, and exploring the map and doing the puzzles felt really rewarding. I think I managed to get all the characters and beat the final boss, but I couldn’t figure out that puzzle with the statue, I was so curious! Great job overall 👍


Thanks a lot, congratulations for doing everything and I'm glad you enjoyed it!

There's actually nothing with the statue ;) .


This game is very good, I was lost after killing the first boss which is a shame because I liked it, and I tried to get the key but to no avail. Controls so well precise, sound and effects are very good, the surprise of transforming when you kill the boss I thought was amazing and wish I had seen more.


Thanks, I'm very glad you like it!

Yes, most of the boss are quite hidden but even if it meant people would not see them I thought they had to be given the inspiration ;) .


I love the Zelda take on this game! The gameplay felt very fluent and exciting and I had a blast playing through the game (While obviously not trying to get my ass kicked from every enemy)! Somthing small I would have liked is a way to turn down the music a bit , at sometimes it just felt too loud especially when I was in a boss fight trying to focus on not dying! 

Developer (1 edit) (+1)


You're right I should start implementing volume sliders instead of these all or nothing options.


Im really having fun with this take on Zelda. You fixed the tedious controls of zelda which had no diagonal movement, and that's great!
The feeling of exploration is well tuned and the upgrades from the avatar are satisfying.
I almost jump off my chair when that ungodly elephant woke up. I haven't finished the game yet but I will play it after work. It's great!



I'm glad you like it this way as I also felt diagonal movement was the one thing that could be added without the game becoming something else (and/or breaking the limitations).


Unfortunately I discovered the hard way that the save didn't work.
But i managed to beat it. I had a great time! Thank you

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Damn, I'm really sorry and wasn't aware, I'll need to check if it stopped working at some point or if it actually never worked outside dev mode. EDIT : It looks like it randomly works or doesn't work by the way.

Thanks a lot for playing through the end anyway, glad you enjoyed it!


Fun game, feels like Zelda 1! I beat the elephant and tiger and didn't realise there were more bosses until watching the video -  then went back to beat the others. The art and music were great and had an nes feel. 

I enjoyed exploring the world and seeing the different transformations and secrets (I would never have found the slime!) If I had one complaint, it would be that all the enemies and bosses feel pretty similar, and my strategy never really changed - but its amazing you managed to get so many done in such a short time in the first place!


Thanks, I'm glad you like it! I agree the little variations between the bosses don't really matter when I'm fighting them.


This is incredible! I managed to kill all the bosses (I admit I had to look up your video hahahaha), I found a loophole at the beginning by accident, I managed to get the key and I killed the tiger right away hahahaha it's so much fun!


Ahah, that's actually pretty cool. Thanks for playing!


Nailed the NES feel for this in every regard!

Rat mode is soooo fun! And the first boss was mad challenging. It felt SO great to get that upgrade for defeating the boss. The transformation mechanic was really unique and fun! Turtle mode was cool too but felt a bit too slow to actually use. Maybe if it made me impervious to projectiles... that could be cool! I also tried to go turtle mode to get past the bear traps, but that didn't work sadly. 

I was able to defeat 3 bosses before I got stuck. Really wish I could have found every boss, but I still had a great time playing! The only way I could see myself getting further was grinding 100 coins to buy one extra heart to get the key with 1 heart left... and i really didn't want to grind coins that long. Sadly I lost most of them after the boss kills and I was close to 100!

Here's my gameplay experience, getting lost and wandering around for 8 minutes :P


Thanks a lot!

You're not that far as you managed to notice the hidden bridge to the turtle which I felt might be a hard part, the turtle is the only one who's able do something more mundane than walking on traps.


The NES feel was nicely polished in this game, and I was impressed by the diversity of bosses and enemies and content.

A very fun game that feels like an actual NES game.


Thanks, I'm glad you like it!


Your game has such a big NES Feel! Instantly was reminded of Zelda! Really well made. I personally loved the little, shooting snails :3 Good job!




Lots of Zelda 1 vibes, so in other words, great! I really liked the mana/cooldown bar on attacks, it was something I wanted to add to my own game but couldn't quite figure it out. :)


Thanks, I'm glad you liked the bar because at some point I was really annoyed by not knowing the cooldown and wanted to put something but did not know if the bar would be of any help.


You definitely did it right in my opinion. :)