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Inside my world - CA13TView project page

Submitted by CA13T — 7 days, 14 hours before the deadline
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Inside my world - CA13T's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#6352.0592.176

Ranked from 17 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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There are some really interesting textures here. The ambiences are really atmospheric and there lovely subtle details used. The Steal the Energy track feels a bit detached from the rest of the OST, but overall the use of sound design and layers are very nice, good work!


You created an intriguing atmosphere full of experimentation. Nice work :)


Oh, some really cool textural and pad-driven stuff in here. Very ambient without actually being drenched in effects - kudos! Really digging some of the synth voicings and patches at play here alongside the occasional standard lead and melody dubbing. The guitar work over Deceived was pretty cool, and the accompaniment beneath it was nice and thick.

I like the use of SFX throughout - subtle, never overbearing. The swishing sounds in Underwater Graveyard were cool - they served as a pseudo-rhythm, keeping time over the various pads. Production-wise it all seems pretty tight, too - levelling was pretty good, no need to adjust volume or dip for any clipping.

Good work, this was a fun listen! Some interesting ideas in here for sure. Would recommend doing a minor write-up just to get some information down re: the theme, inspirations, process, etc. :)


Heh heh... It's time for that soundtrack with the cover art box...

Deceived and Discovery felt like two tracks with the same idea and they complemented each other well!

I like the experimentation of the sound in Main menu... it feels like the beginning of some kind of experimental song (The composition itself reminded me very much of Something Damaged from Nine Inch Nails at the beginning, lol)

Leaving home - Heh... I love these sounds of crockery percussion mixed with... is that a bongo? Congo? Or some other percussion?

Steal the energy is a VERY strange composition. I definitely feel emotions and ideas in her... But, to be honest, those seven minutes were... strange

Underwater graveyard is a beautiful finish!

And... in fact, your entire soundtrack feels like one big, interesting, atmospheric, windy ambient. In a sense, this is good, and your soundtrack quite fulfills the tasks of ambient! (But sometimes the ear was additionally strained and went crazy, especially the right ear)


Thank you very much!

I really enjoy reading what you thought about the soundtrack and the tracks themselves!

I’ll say something’s like that in leaving home the percussion is me slightly slapping my acoustic guitar, tapping my water bottle, shanking a chocolate milk powder and rubbing two spoons together. Also steal the energy was not even supposed to be there just being a experiment on using a singular synth to sound like multiple.

Also I am sorry for the ear straining it’s probably something with the mixing cuz idk how to mix yet lol


1. Main Menu - favorite, really surprised
2. Underwater graveyard - very good
3. Deceived - very good too

Top 3 tracks here and I'll save them. Sadly there's almost no info about this work. But not gonna lie, even with decent production, this thing is pretty impressive. Not a 5* to fall off the chair, but it gives me unique vibes, kind of Disco Elysium. Very good job, keep it up.


Really interesting soundtrack. DeceivedDiscovery and Underwater graveyard were cool, but Main menu, Leaving home and Steal the energy were a bit hard to listen to. I felt that the sounds in the beginning of Main menu sounded really dry and I think that putting some effects like Reverb, Delay, EQ and other stuff like that would really help make them sound better and glue them together. While all the tracks use really cool, interesting, experimental sounds I think that they lack some melodic patterns that I could follow and because of that none of the tracks were really memorable. I think it would also help if you actually added a description explaining what the game would be about and where all of the tracks would be used


This soundtrack would go great in a game about a melancholy journey of some sort. Love the guitar. Good work!

What are the sounds at the beginning of "Main menu" supposed to be? Very interesting.


Thank you very much!

The sounds in the beginning is me blowing inside a small pipe, passing my hand on a pillow and tapping a water bottle.


Very unique blend of atmosphere and percussive elements. Seems like you just go for it and I respect that! Great work and i'd love to hear some more of your stuff in the future. Good luck!


Thank you very much! I am actually just starting with percussive elements which is actually very difficult considering I started as a ambient composer.


Very cool soundscapes! The mixing on this is really creative, and I can hear the vision for what you were going for. Reminds me of bands like The Books or Grouper. I wish we had more info about the connection to the theme because I'd love to know more about the game this is for!

Developer (1 edit)

It’s really nice to see how you’ve enjoyed my tracks! It’s actually very surprising to me because I am just a teenager in my bedroom making beeps and boops in my computer lol

Btw I think I only had inspiration from artists like Joel schoch! So it’s really nice to see someone finding resemblence in something that was not even in my mind.


I love what you're trying to go for here. There are some tracks with really rich moments in the chord progressions for sure. The instrumentation is very pleasant and chill to listen to in the tracks Deceived, Discover, and Underwater Graveyard but the other 3 tracks are unfortunately a bit exausting to listen to. My ears aren't able to follow any sort of pattern or melody and that kind of experimental composition would be jarring and distracting in most types of games. I also think Steal the Energy doesn't fit the style of the other pieces here. Overall I commend you for composing these fun tracks (and having 6 of them)! I think the atmospheric tones you were going for gelled greatly with the theme of this jam. I also wish you would have come up with some sort of story for this imaginary game you're composing for.


Thank you! I’m sorry to hear that the tracks are tiring or even out of place but it makes sense because I have genuine no idea on what i was doing but I’m glad you enjoyed my tracks!


Your work is really experimental! I love the use of real percussion sounds like the tapping in Main Menu. I really want to know your inspiration and the meaning behind these songs, especially with Leaving Home being such a dark track!


i always try to be experimental being it in tracks that go on albums or simple studies it just gives me joy and I have a lot of fun doing it so that’s what I like having fun making music!

Leaving is a track that I wanted to try and convey the emotion the character has while leaving it’s home to start its journey on the subcontinent mind which is inspired by my own experiences leaving Brazil which felt sad and dark but soon it passes, the anxiety still there but with a future ahead.

Btw the tapping sounds is me tapping my water bottle which is made of metal and lightly slapping my acoustic guitar! Another fun fact! Leaving home is the second track that I made (1st being STEAL THE ENERGY) so it is the first to have the leitmotif in basically all the tracks! (The end of the song [The piano part])


These were all really atmospheric but they weren't exactly great to listen to. Some of them just felt like sound effects happening near me.


I am sorry to hear that :(


I think with some more melodies or melodic ideas your use of ambiance could be enhanced a lot!