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The Life And Death Of Kid Punk (OST Composing Jam #7 Submission)View project page

My submission for the OST Composing Jam #7
Submitted by supermumbo — 7 days, 42 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#2193.6503.650

Ranked from 20 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

YouTube Video Link:

For my submission, I chose to follow the text theme. I interpreted the theme as "You're inside MY world", so I wanted to create a sort of unique boss theme. Most of the piece is in 5/4 to provide an uneasy rhythm, until switching to 4/4 for the final part for a tonal shift. As the piece progresses, I have distinct sections that represent battle phases, I kind of imagined the progression like the player is pushing Kid Punk harder and harder, where he pretends to not care until he starts to get really frustrated and gets serious. I made the final part sound like his nobility is starting to crack under pressure, having a tantrum. In terms of instrumentation, I wanted to reflect the descent into anger by going deeper and deeper down the generations of consoles, going from some SNES samples and modern instruments/synths, to DS samples, to N64 samples, to GBA samples, and finally to 8-Bit. I hope you enjoy it!

Please get permission from me if you want to use this track in a project, you can contact me at


Inside my world

How does it fit the theme?
My conceptual boss is called Kid Punk, who I characterize as a sort of snarky, privileged type who always has to get his way. It's his world, and you're just living in it (hope that makes sense for the theme!)

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Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY-NC)

Any non-commercial project

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what a freaking awesome journey that was! Super entertaining submission and love the descent in generations, it really added a ton of spice to the whole track. Amazing job!


As someone who also did a retro style soundtrack, great work!

I definitely struggle when it comes to percussion like what most boss/battle music like yours has. But everything flows nicely together to create that tension. 



First of all: cool video!

Second: cool cover art!

Thirdly... it was chiptune madness, which in 4 minutes accommodated several "themes" that flow seamlessly into each other... cool!


WOW this goes so hard! I especially liked the chaotic feeling of the whole track (cool time signatures btw). Great work :)


Sounds like an undertale fan, i ghess i dont have a lot to say, the only thing I can say is that this is awesome lol


Sounds like if Undertale had a N64 Version. Very cool and nostalgic soundfond. Nice use of odd time meter and also changing it for a more dramatic change (also the soundfond changing from N64 to GB). Like if the boss was overthrown and only a lose reselmblence of its former dangerous form. Very nice and subtile storytelling.


This is such a unique track! I gasped when I heard the Pokemon Emerald soundfont bass, brass and strings - at least it sounds pretty much exactly like it. The pan is sometimes weird, makes your head tilt to one side, I'm not a fan of it. But aside of it, very cool submission. Too bad it's only one track.


This goes super hard! It has so much character and is so catchy. Comp is great and sounds are well balanced. Very rad, super cool.


I love how varied this piece is, and that variation does a great job of characterizing Kid Punk as well. While I can definitely see some Undertale inspiration at play, this track draws on that inspiration while still maintaining its own unique identity, which i can also appreciate.


I don't like chiptune as much, but it's nice tune. Fav part is when he gets serious, i like it. Also I looked at the thumbnail and I know already that we have a Undertale fan out there :3


My favorite part was the DS samples part because it just sounded so "DS" and I thought it sounded really neat like that.


Awesome chiptunes! I like the bit in your description about his tantrum in the latter half, I think that comes through with those kinda whiny arpeggios. Definitely getting the Undertale vibes I think you were going for. Good work!