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A jam submission

in my own world (ostcomposingjam) - mariView project page

this is my submission to ost composing jam
Submitted by mari (@mkultravictimz) — 1 day, 2 hours before the deadline
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in my own world (ostcomposingjam) - mari's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#5482.8102.810

Ranked from 21 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

i imagined a game but only water levels so i used a lot of reverb and delay.

i used ableton for the first two songs and musescore for the third one


Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
it seems water-y so i think i did a good job

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Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY)

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Good... it was both "broken" and cute... I like it!


Really nice chords in wwwave! I think adding one more layer to each piece about halfway through would really go a long way, but your current ideas are awesome! Great job!


The arpeggios and pads in "Fondo" combine to create a cool dream-like vibe with a sense of movement. Simple, but it works well.

"Title Track" had a warm synth chords which provided some dynamicism thanks to the synth's envelope which had a slow but strong attack followed by a decrescendoing sustain. The synth lead provided a simple minimalist melody that works well in the context of an ambient piece.

"wwwave" has a beautiful piano motiff and I like the tension created by the dissonant chords. 


Love it!

Fondo is awesome! You have achieved very interesting sounds there.

wwwave has got some cool chords♥

Well done!!!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Great Job! I really like enjoyed "Fondo" I just wish there was a bit more variation. Great job!


i liked the piano section for the 3rd song, it really sells the calm and quiet atmosphere

Your songs are very simplistic but they work so well for the tone of what youre going for.

I also do want to know if the girl in the cover art is from an anime or not. 


hey! thank you so much for your comment. the girl from the cover is rei ayanami from evangelion! 


No wonder why she looked familiar...

that's cool


That arp synth thing in fondo was really pretty! I hope you return to these songs in the future and expand on them, because what you have right now is really great!


I think sometimes the reverb got a little too loud but these were quite nice.


Fondo is interesting, but the lack of time definitely resulted in a lack of development for the OST. I can tell that if you had more time, it would feel a lot more complete.

Use Google Calendar!

Also - Next time, I want Yuugi on the cover. =p


I would have liked to hear the ideas expanded upon a bit throughout the three tracks; I think there's a good foundation here and I would have liked to hear some melodies and some more fleshed out instrumentation. I like the chord progression that you use on wwwave, and I think that you overall captured the feeling of swimming through water though


Day 1 of Rating Submissions with Few Ratings to Hopefully Get Some In Return

Your goal of making a game of only water levels definitely succeeded. I struggled a bit with the generally slow tempo and the lack of melodic or rhythmic hooks, but that does fit in with water, it's perceived stillness and omnidirectivity. The lo-fi, straight midi sound style production is an acquired taste, bit certainly has its own Charme.


Definitely getting the watery vibes here, especially in “fondo”. The glassy vibes in that one reminded me of Saint-Saëns’ “Aquarium” from Carnival of the Animals, although it ended a bit abruptly. Would have been nice to hear it fade away. Nice work on these overall, but I also would’ve loved to hear a bit more contrasting material within each track.