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The Eclipse

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i might just not be a fan of the genre, but this feels really messy. the mixing isn't great on a lot of these tracks.  the hand-played (i'm assuming) keyboard always seems to be the most upfront in every mix, with the other instruments far behind it, making it sound like each song is just a keyboard solo performance. your playing isn't bad by any means, in fact it's really really good, i think this soundtrack just suffers the most from the mixing. love the experimentation with the genre though, if you perfect the mixing you could really be on to something here. the story is also pretty interesting.

i love the song writing on this ost! joy of past flowers is so fun and charming, and the title track is a really good upbeat tune. my only complaint is that the opening track feels like it doesn't belong in this ost and actually feels really out of place. on it's own it's beautiful, but the tonal whiplash between that song and the next is a bit much.

also i'm a really big fan of the story you've developed here

pretty cool stuff here! within the ost itself it feels like there's a well structured world being built and it's very hard to make that feeling within just music alone, so great job!

this ost is such a vibe! definitely reminds me water and the sea, so i'd say you achieved your goal. love how atmospheric this soundtrack is, with some parts even reminding me of terraria. awesome stuff right here.

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really like the sound selection on this project, makes everything feel super cohesive. track 3 was also really sick. love the switch up in the second track as well

wow this was really good, perfect blend of horror yet emotional melody writing that is memorable. the whole concept of laren is honestly really sick and this ost fits it perfectly. Reprieve and Goodbye Laren were my favorites

bro there are some hidden gems in the ost, that first track is so magical and i love the guitar work on it. the second track is a fun little experimental track and bro that third track is amazing, i love how the pace never truly slows down. seriously great job. 

oo a vocal theme, sick! while i think the singing needs a little work (no offense cause you can already sing better than me), there are some really cool ideas in this project that i can greatly appreciate.

some really quality ambient tracks here! this is probably the most experiemental submission i've rated yet, pretty sick all in all.

thanks for the kind words! i do agree that this project as a whole is severely lacking bass elements. if i'm being honest i just haven't reached that stage in music production yet where i can confidently implement bass into my mixes without it sounding muddy, will definitely work on that. thanks again!

you have no clue how much that means to me when you say this stands out amongst the rest. i've always tried to separate myself from the sounds i'm inspired by and to hear that i'm doing good at that is awesome. tysm!

straight from the intro i could tell this was gonna be good, and it absolutely was. the guitar work on this project is great, love how it works with the other instruments in the mix, especially in the first track where it's playing with that piano-like synth. the second track is also just such a vibe, wish we could've seen more from this ost!

dude i love how you split this track into separate parts, super unique and made the track really interesting. 

revisting this for loyal companion, that ending is so gosh darn crisp

really solid work here. like everyone else is saying, the toby fox influence isn't actually a bad thing here, as you've managed to create your own identity without just sounding like toby fox. the first track was my favorite and a great start to this ost. 

super pretty music, i loved the steel drums! some minecraft vibes here too, great job!

oh wow, stuck in time is really beautiful, the synth work on the song is great. the guitars are also a nice touch. i like the second track but i think it might've needed more time worked on, especially the mixing of it. still, it's a really cool song and i love how you were ambitious with the length of it. great entry!

i really like how chill this soundtrack is. my only complaint is the seemingly lack of diversity between the first 3 tracks, as they all kinda blended together for me. doesn't mean they're bad, just means they needed more of their own identities (IMO). great job though, still very high quality work.

the musical whiplash between the first two tracks is insane but i love it. overall this soundtrack is really, really funky. such a vibe! bustling brain felt like it was straight out of a persona soundtrack (which means it's extremely groovy). battle against a traumatic opponent was a really cool tone shift that i think works very well in this ost, as without the song this ost would lack diversity throughout it all. let go is also a really good song to use as a sendoff, love it's placement. a suggestion i have is to work on sound selection. there were a lot of parts in these songs where i felt a soundfont or midi you used kinda messed with the vibe. the songwriting is absolutely there, though. great job.

this is great! super immersive stuff that i could easily see me getting hooked onto with more listens. 

i really enjoy the atmosphere you've built in these tracks. they all feel cohesive and a part of the same world. the music creates some really good imagery too, so props to you!

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the instrumentation on this project is really, really good. i feel engulfed in warmth and it's amazing. a long road ahead was my favorite, the drums were so crisp when they came in. big death cab for cutie vibes in some parts of this soundtrack.

pretty cool! wish there was more substance here to listen to, but so far the main theme does resemble what you described the story to be, so i'd say that's good.

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oh my gosh i almost want to give this a perfect score for the story alone, it's so captivating. but instead i'm giving this a perfect score for the music cause holy cow this is amazing. the first track is a beautiful introduction into the realm this story takes place in, and the build up at the end is outstanding. track two is so well done and continues the story perfectly. track three is a gorgeous but tragic tale that captures the god's guilt of the village very well. track four poses an intimidating foe with pieces of the previous track still present, mixed wonderfully into the new sounds present. and then the final track, number five, is so easy to imagine at the end of a long, story driven game. i just imagine our two mindwalkers standing on a horizon, looking out into the distance as everything is purified. truly an amazing soundtrack, this is perfect.

you caught me lmao. also sorry for the random self promotion but you should check out my song "A Guide To Finding a Purpose" - The Eclipse. It uses a tyler joseph sample that i found one day that was really touching (the one where he's talking about kitchen sink(

Newfound Power was such a special track for me when i was making it. Really happy someone else liked it enough to add it to their playlist. i’m planning to release that one on streaming services soon so lmk if you’re interested!

thank you for the kind words! newfound malice definitely got the most work from me and i loved making it, glad you enjoyed it!

probably, and honestly that’s fine. it makes every submission unique and special

i like the classical feel of the first track, but the tone of the piano falls really flat on it's own. i appreciate the idea of cavern, but i wish the melody was more apparent within the track. i think octoking is a good vibe overall and fits well in the project. thank you for everything is a sweet track, so it's over the first for me but still suffers from the same flat tone the piano carries. that being said, i did enjoy a majority of this project, as i think the ideas are there, they just need to be executed better.

0/10 was promised a shrimp rap :( 

really good vibe going on here. could easily imaging venturing a large mosh, admiring the environment around me. i think the second track slightly drags on but it's still enjoyable.

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woah this is so pretty. the intro to A Distant Memory had me really hooked and gave me Pink Floyd vibes (Shine On You Crazy Diamond to be specific). this is really cool and the tracks fit the meanings you described for them pretty well. the way the percussion enters the first track is also really neat. A Dream is really encapsulating. i'm a sucker for arpeggios and the ones in that song are lovely. overall there's some great orchestral work on this project and proof of magical songwriting, great job.

i really liked this song! the buildup is executed really well, and it's really mesmerizing to listen to. i do wish the connection to the theme this song attempts to build was a lot more thought out. 

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this is insane and would not be surprised if this got first place. the levels of creativity in this project are seriously astounding, and the way you two incorporate so many sounds into these tracks is great. the songs perfectly fit what they're intended for, especially /dev/null, as it does give me the edge that most puzzle sections in games give me. serious props to this project. my only only only complaint is that the jump that In My World has feels too loud and it seriously scared me on first listen, although the idea of it was extremely well-written, and the resolution of it was the cherry on top. the game concept is also really intriguing and would love to see it come to life.

This is really pretty, great job at building this soundscape. the piano is so capturing and the sounds that surround it really bring you in. i love this a lot. 

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wow this is beautiful. i really have no complaints. i do wish the songs tied slightly more into the theme but other than that this is stunning, amazing job. the third track was easily my favorite it's so touching.

Really cool, the grand scheme of this song was actually really intriguing. I think it could've definitely been executed a bit better though. 

neat! love the dream-like feel of the entire project.