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A jam submission

夢泡影(Muhouei)View project page

Original sound track made for the OST Composing Jam #7
Submitted by XXMMMMM — 16 hours, 5 minutes before the deadline
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夢泡影(Muhouei)'s page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#1403.8423.842

Ranked from 19 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Muhouei is an imaginary original character theme sound track, and an attempt at creating the sounds of the Japanese Mikagura sacred ritual music.

Created using FL studio.
The track was structured to contain 3 parts with slightly different emotions to cover the depth of the imaginary character, the keywords were: dreamy, sorrow, and playful(or naughty).

Message from the artist


Inside my world
Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
I started by imagining the story behind the themes, to which then I decided to write the track in the direction of a character theme music.

I perceived the picture theme to be a Japanese Miko (from the clothing) inside a dream like world with floating bubbles etc.
and the bubble silhouette that seems to be of a mother figure lead me to thoughts about why that might be and this gave me the inspiration to reflect a dark backstory (e.g. loss of a dear one) within my theme music for the Miko.

My imagined story was of a young Miko that was deep within her dream world inside a bubble, perhaps she's trapped inside or she has super powers to manipulate dreams using bubbles.

Link(s) of the submission on streaming services

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Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY)

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I like the bell-like instrument you used as well as the other instrument choices you made. I really enjoyed your approach to the theme and how you handled each element. This was such a good composition, thanks for sharing!


wow, i think this is super underrated! loved your approach to the theme and you produced such an interesting and beautiful arrangement. for some feedback, perhaps there could be another element or two to balance out the stereo field, which sometimes skews towards the right with the percussion.

i'm now really curious to explore more music in this style, thank you for sharing your work!


This deserves more rate fr I love the overall composition. I can truly feel the emotions being conveyed through the voicing and the beautiful instruments you chose to use here.

VeRy BasED!!



Beautiful Asian vibe and composition style. 100% fitting the theme, nice!


Yay! Man that definitely managed to capture the Asian sound of his soundtrack! The composition is very diverse and.... I LOVE THE PERCUSSION. I love it)


Loved the vibe :D


amazing work here! i love the instruments (i forgot whag they were called) at around 1:30. doing exclusively a character theme sounds more different than any other submissions (at least the ones i've listened to so far). good job!


Very Well Made!


I love your use of the Japanese instruments! The whole idea is cohesive and I approve of your original approach towards the theme. Nice going!


I think this is the most faithful entry I've come across; the choice of instrumentation and arrangement is so wonderfully and thoughtfully put together. Emotionally it kind of keeps me on my toes - I'm not quite sure what feeling to lock into, but that kind of ambiguousness can be a boon when done correctly. Easy to forcibly instil happiness and sadness, but striking the balance between can be difficult to do well. 

The ending sequence is a neat little touch and, in all honesty, I would've liked to hear it expanded upon a little bit. Could even work as a separate entry altogether, but I digress. Very well done - this is nothing short of exquisite. Thematically on point and arranged to perfection. As Starsickle said - I would've loved to hear more! Best of luck in the competition. :)


I'm honoured to hear your opinion on my work, especially about the ambiguity of the emotions. I was trying my best to convey the sadness through a layer of veil, as if it's hidden within the dreamy bubbles but also trying to reach out to something. I wasn't too sure if I had successfully captured this complexity within my arrangement, but hearing your thoughts definitely provides good confidence for assuring so. 

I'm all up for collaborations! Very grateful of your appreciations and I wish the best for your work in the competition too. :)


You did a great job! I hope more folk come along and give this a listen soon, it definitely deserves some more attention!

Thank you very much, I appreciate that. We'll see how it goes! 


I jumped into this one because of the image, and I'm not ashamed or regretful.

Not knowing the vagaries of the musical style, I actually really like this. I'm a bit sad you didn't submit more, as the story of a Miko deserves a kind of time and place to more understand their hopes and fears, anxieties, and such.

However, the strict cadence, variety of instruments I'd expect in a folk ensemble - it's there, and I like it.

Good job!


Thanks! My friend who drew the cover art would be happy to hear.

I take quite long to write and I wasn't quite sure how much I could write in about one week, so I chose to focus in completing one track for this submission. I might extend this idea into a complete album later on.

Much appreciated!