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My Friend, The Ocean SpiritView project page

A Deemo and Studio Ghibli inspired game soundtrack about a child who's best friend is a benevolent spirit.
Submitted by Fallen Muse (@muse_fallen) — 2 hours, 6 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#963.9503.950

Ranked from 20 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

The music and game idea inspired by the theme image, and was influenced by the music and moods of Deemo and Studio Ghibli. You play as a child who lives in a harbor town, who's best friend is a benevolent spirit.

DAW used: FL Studio

0:00 Track 1 - Harbor Town

Morning in a harbor town is always exciting. The air is cool, the sun is shining, and the sea breeze carries the ocean's scent as the town awakens.

1:23 Track 2 - The Ocean Spirit (Bubbles!)

Everyday I like to run down to the beach to meet my friend. No one realizes that the legends of the harbor are true, but I do! The spirit is very kind, and I play in the ocean with them all the time. I like seeing all the fish and the bubbles!

3:07 Track 3 - Dash to the Docks

My friend likes to play games. Today we decided to have a race! First one to the docks wins!

4:19 Track 4 - Until Tomorrow (The Bubble Waltz)

I have to go home before my dad starts to wonder where I am, I don't want him to worry, so I say goodbye to my friend. I'm not said though, because I know I will see them again tomorrow!


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Yes (Game Jams)

For game jams only

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This is a really fun and sweet sounding soundtrack! The bubble tracks indeed sound very bubbly- great choice of instruments there. Dash to the Docks is also quite upbeat and catchy which is perfect for a racing theme. I like the idea you had for your game and you definitely represented it well with your soundtrack! 


Harbor Town: Great opening to set the scene. The piano work is very well-performed. Oooh I love the B section at 0:40 especially the roll with those colorful chord extensions. Town by ocean vibes are clear in this track!

The Ocean Spirit: The delayed mallets and the deep ambience give a really nice calm ocean ambient vibe. I like the personification of the ocean spirit through the high piano melody that slowly comes in as if the spirit is shy at first but then is ready to play.

Dash to the Docks: The drums and fast piano melody make for a fun level in your game and have me in the mood for a race! The use of 7ths is another creative way to convey the sense of racing which is used in a lot of Mario Kart track songs - nice!

Until Tomorrow: The bouncy mallets once again evoke the image of spending time with the spirit like from your second track, but the descending harmony helps convey the sense that time is running out or the day is coming to an end.

Overall: Before I even read your description, I could sense your inspiration from Totoro and/or Ponyo right away by the title and the first moments of you soundtrack! I really like the variety you’ve included here. I think that Harbor Town is my favorite - it’s clear to me that piano is your instrument of choice and the results are great here! Nicely done - thank you for sharing!


I really like your 2nd and 4th bubble-themed tracks, I am a sucker for ocean melodies and the bouncy underwater ambient vibe is the most evocative of a consistent theme for me. The third song definitely sounds in line with a racing theme, almost like a frantic course theme in Mario Kart. Great job!


Very solid submission. You've achieved the different moments that history asked for!

Nice idea to simulate waves in Harbor Town.

I really liked the little surprises at 0:41 (Harbor Town) and 3:42 (Dash to the Docks



Sweet OST, very bubbly with some variety. Mix is decent the thing I would look for is probably the Piano playing especially in Harbor Town is sounds like it was MIDI programmed with all the high velocity to all the notes, you probably need to play with that to make it sound a bit more humane.  Good job !


Harbor Town is a completely insane, dynamic and fun game on... piano? Awesome!

The Ocean Spirit (Bubbles!) - Nice echoing, mesmerizing ocean effects and... BUBBLES!

Dash to the Docks - I'm feeling the dynamics, a little grace and OOHHH I'M GOING VERY FAST.

Until Tomorrow - Sounds sad( I feel a "drowning" nostalgia for something...

Overall - it was a short and full of emotions adventure.... I enjoyed it!

Thank you)


Nice soundtrack overall, sometimes a tiny bit too much reverb, but good ideas presented well. Cool work!


Dash to the docks was quite fun! I think something that would elevate your music a lot is to play with dynamics or velocity a lot more with your melodies since everything stays at a pretty consistent volume.


Very good soundtrack, I loved it! The song "The Ocean Spirit" and "Dash to the Docks" were my favorites, but the entire soundtrack itself sounds great!


Loved "Dash to the Docks"! Really energetic.

I think the tracks could use one or two instruments. Like I'm hearing some low brass for "Harbor Town" for example. But overall a very lovely listen!


oooo I like that idea! Thanks for the feedback!


I saw Deemo mentioned and clicked immediately :D It's a beautiful OST that really captures the essence of the narrative you described! I feel like Dash to the Docks would be especially fun to play if it were in Deemo :3


Ah, a fellow chad deemo enjoyer (As soon as I saw the image I immediately thought of Walking by the Sea lol).
Thanks for listening!


Super playful piano writing in harbor town. I really enjoyed the under water feel of the ocean spirit. Great work


Thank you!


Some quality arranging in this! Whimsical and playful piano playing in the first section, into a very different and even a little ominous second section. I appreciate the bubble inspiration here - feel like short, resonant tones are just the go-to for that kind of imagery.

Section three is more of the same as section one with a different flavor. You're a natural with some of those chord progression and lead lines woven atop. The bass interlude was a nice change of pace to help round out this part before closing with the down-tempo, almost tired-sounding outro. Some really good ideas in here, great work. :)


Thanks for listening!