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Latent LeftoversView game page

Play through 9 different scenario's to take over the position of arch wizard!
Submitted by yarally1, DerEchteGhanzzz — 2 days, 23 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Artistic Style#15.0005.000

Ranked from 1 rating. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

Judge feedback is anonymous.

  • The game has interesting mechanics and I can see how well inspirations were mixed with a twist of your own. The controls are a bit junky with click on item to turn specifically has to be at the bottom of the item. At the beginning it could be more forgiving as mistakes caused a lot.

Did you include your Game Design Document as a Google Drive link?
Yes, as DL files and also in the description as a link to the Google docs

Seriously... did you include your Game Design Document?

Is your game set to Public so we can see it?

Tell us about your game!
Latent Leftovers is a Tetris-like arcade game about a failed wizard living in the shadow of his brother. Just outside of the impressive wizard tower, he tries to make a living for himself by brewing potions from the leftover reagents thrown out of the window. Fortunately, help comes in the shape of a mischievous benefactor who recognises your potential.

There are 9 different scenario's to play through. The game can be a bit challenging so I included a "skip level" button in consideration of your time. There is an actual ending so I hope you will go through the dialogue and look at the ending as well.

The controls are A and D to move, LMB and RMB to rotate reagents and R to reset a level.

Thank you!

Extra Notes
Second time joining, last time resulted in an actual Steam release. Thanks for the motivation!

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Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

not bad, would be nice to have a removal mechanic and something that could speed the drop of reagents into the cauldron, otherwise a fun relaxing game with a lot of scrappy spirit!  Liked the medieval vibes with the strings, and I thought the underdog plot was a great touch.


A "scrappy" little Tetris game with lots of heart!

  • Great pixel art with plenty of charm
  • Really fun take on the Tetris formula, fun to move the cauldron instead of the ingredients
  • The gentle guitar track is nice
  • Rotating the pieces is a little finicky
  • Cool story that is a unique interpretation of the theme!

Overall, a fun and unique puzzler :D

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for your feedback! I've tried to improve the rotation a bit by increasing the hitbox and centralizing the rotation pivot. So I hope that it feels more responsive after the game jam :)


This is great!  There's a lot of great creative things happening here that I love. Moving the cauldron back and forth instead of moving the ingredients is neat. Trying to make specific recipes is also a fun twist on Tetris. Congrats on making a clever enjoyable game!


Thanks! I appreciate it a lot!


Very clever take on tetris and the theme! Mixing the leftovers scraps of your brother, while in his literal shadow, I love it. Home cooked music adds a lot of soul, combined with the cute artstyle. Well done!


The game is well made, the intro is very fun, and the general concept of beeing in the shadow of your brother is a nice interpretation of the theme, GG !


I must say it was hard for me even at the first level.... :D. But quite a funny idea to catch leftovers and make potions from them. When the music started I was automatically teleported to the Witcher world in some tavern ;). Sometimes I would immediately know where I can put some item and like in classic Tetris, I would recommend adding to speed up falling the ingredient (like casting heavy gravity on it :D.)


Thanks! My buddy did the music on his guitar, so he'll be really happy with that compliment :D. Speeding up is something we thought about, but a crucial difference with Tetris is that there can be multiple reagents above the cauldron at the same time. Managing all together is part of the challenge.


Tetris But wizard.

me like. 


Very cool concept! I really like the approach with tetris.  

Just a few things I noticed:

- A small sound before I switch to the conversation with the shady benefactor.  To tell me I'm at the end of a  level. 

- Some times I would click on a leaf and it would not flip. Not sure if that was a bug, but just wanted to point it out. 

Overall, I loved the game mechanics (I would see it as a mobile, that crap is hard!). I had a little hard time understanding the tutorial at first, but on the second run it was okay. It was pretty clear. 

Very good game, cool story and mechanics! 


Thanks for the kind feedback! I think I will increase the collider size of the reagents, to better register clicks around the edges. Hadn’t considered that yet :)


Very fun, the mandrake level was difficult but I finally over came it.  I gave up on the level where you're given the full dragon teeth.  At that point my brain couldn't handle creating the listed recipes by balancing space and random ingredients.  I think it could be made easier by just simplifying the recipes a little bit.  In stead of requiring exactly 10 specific items for the dragon potion, only require 8 specifics and 2 fillers like the apple juice potion.  that way players can correct mistakes and handle random ingredients more easily.  All in all I spent >30 minutes playing and had a lot of fun!  I love the "using the leftovers" idea, and it's a great way of explaining the odd shapes that you have to work with!  In the end I found myself "bouncing" away lots of ingredients because they weren't the right type to make the special potions.  I'm not sure if that was intended or a misplay on my part.  One simple change would be to show a faint grid aligned with the item sprites, so it's easier to tell their exact shape, I was confused on a few to start with (like the full purple flower).

I love the art, love the story, very fun and challenging!


Thanks! We really appreciate your feedback. The idea of showing a faint grid is actually someting that might work and I hadn't thought about that. Thanks for playing :D


Great game! I love the story and the art, its very polished :D I also really enjoyed the game loop! A few things, the highlighting of the objects is a bit off centre during the tutorial and I find it very had to rotate the objects since they are moving. Im on a laptop right now so maybe its better with a mouse instead of a trackpad but I would still add a rotation key :) Otherwise great work! 

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks! I haven't considered trackpad users at all hahah. Using keys for rotation might be a bit difficult since there can be multiple reagents in the air at the same time; but it is something to think about. I also wanted to look at the box placements in the tutorial, but unfortunately that is a bit too complicated to fix in the final hours :/