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A jam submission

The Blue ShadowsView game page

Submitted by Deez Noodles, Ayamila, Lemon — 8 hours, 2 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Artistic Style#15.0005.000

Ranked from 1 rating. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

Judge feedback is anonymous.

  • Absolutely incredible music and art! I felt that the gameplay felt a little clunky, but I liked the inclusion of hint icons. The lock picking was a cool mechanic, a nice change from simply interacting the an object. I am very impressed at the thought that went into the story and lore.

Did you include your Game Design Document as a Google Drive link?

Seriously... did you include your Game Design Document?

Is your game set to Public so we can see it?

Tell us about your game!
The Blue Shadows is a 2D stealth game where you play with one of two brothers that recently acquired a power from a blue crystal.

The game has a stealth and a lockpick (similar to skyrim) mechanic

Walk - A and D
Go up and down stairs - S and W
Hide - shift
Interact - F
Reset stage - T
Return to hideout - H

Turn pick - A and D
Apply tension - SPACE
release lock - shift

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An interesting and ambitious attempt at a stealth game.

Unfortunately my experience was plagued by a number of bugs. Finishing the first level I was met by a placeholder image saying it was the ending cutscene placeholder. I refreshed and tried to continue and wen tot the next mission but then when I hid in a couch I just got stuck and couldn't get out and had to reset again. The options menu was also totally scrambled and I couldn't see anything properly so I couldn't really figure out the controls except pure brute force and trial and error.

With the exception of the previously mentioned bugs the game plays fine. Moving around and hiding was pretty cool and the lock picking mechanic was really well done minus the weird graphical glitch when you rotate the pin. The story cutscenes were all nice and helped set the scene well. Though it was a lot of exposition heavily front loaded before even getting to play the game.

The audio was fine, music and SFX matched the game well with no obvious misses or glitched audio.

It's a shame I was plagued by so many bugs because I would have liked to finish the available content. Maybe if it gets fixed after the jam I'll give it a second shot :)


Thank you very much for the feedback. I saw that I made a mistake in the to allow posts instead of comments.

The placeholder image was a indentation error, I was very sleppy when I wrote that part of the code haha. The "stuck when you hide" is a bug that I didn't know until now, I have an idea on how to fix it already. About the options menu, it's bugged after I changed the viewport size because the game was really small when playing on itch. All these bugs will be fixed after the game jam and I would love to have a second opnion from you after the bug fixes.

Again, thank you very much for playing our game!


Thank you for the feedback and for taking the time to play our game. We appreciate you! :)


The art and music is amazing. Really love the story! Nice game!


Thank you! I'm glad you liked it ^^


Thank you :)


Great game and great visuals however the sound was a bit crackling and distorted on my end and if u fix that I am sure it be a better game :D. Also great work on not forcing a player into Fullscreen mode and having it optimized enough for Webgl.


Thank you very much for the feedback. We'll take a look on what made the sound distort.

We had some problems on the start as we didn't want to force the fullscreen, so I needed to change the viewport quickly, this created a little UI bug in the pause menu that will be fixed after the game jam, haha.

Submitted (1 edit) (+3)

I will say I was a bit confused when the final cutscene played. I did an unlock puzzle, but I feel like it ended immediately, and I didnt have to explore much of the house at all.

The cutscenes and story were cool and looked nice, but I ended up a bit lost. We also never returned to the intel menu, so I am curious if there were other event to hear about.

Interesting concept!

EDIT: You have to reload the page and then load progress to continue after the level ends! This was not immediately obvious to me. I enjoyed the remainder of the houses after coming back :D


Hi! Thx for the feedback! Glad you enjoyed it!
Yeah the sudden end through the cutscene was not planned ahah, we will fix it as soon as the jam ends. Also the first house was meant more as an introduction to the mechanics, that's why it might have felt like you skipped sth there. But I'm glad you were able to find the fix!


Really cool art and music! Looks fun to play and I'm interested to see more. Unfortunately I did get the ending cutscene right after the 1st house so thought that was all there was to play, until I read the description.

I think it would be cool to break up the story exposition into a few segments. Maybe do the first half of it, then play the first house, then explain more gradually as you go along? Otherwise it's quite a long opening cutscene. I think splitting it up would add to the sense of mystery!


Thanks for the feedback. I liked the idea of explaining gradually. Maybe show the fragments of the story after the thefts.


I liked being able to hide in/behind objects.  The environments were nicely detailed as well.  It's got the makings of a good stealth game.  I'm also a big fan of the unlock minigame, very satisfying.


Thank you very much for enjoying our game, the idea was to have more minigames (like decipher a safe's combination using the sound), but we didn't have time to make more.


Thx for the feedback! Glad you liked it ^^


This was a lot of fun to play! The story is fantastic and it sets up the game really well. The artwork is really beautiful. It's going to be really cool once you have the full story fleshed out and some of the bugs ironed out. Only major bug to report was the whole premature end cutscene issue. Those indentations will get you when you least expect them ;)


Thank you for playing the game and for the feedback!

The idea is to fix the bugs as soon as the game jam finishes, as I already know how to fix them.


Thank you so much for taking the time to play our game! I'm glad it was a pleasant experience for you! :)

Bugs shall be fixed, ty so much for the feedback! 


The art of the intro cutscene was really good, it did a good job at introducing the game. The gameplay was nice but I think the places to hide could be made a bit clearer, sometimes I'd enter a room thinking there would be a place to hid but there wouldn't be and I'd get caught. I think some music in the theft sections would also help set the mood a little more. Pretty cool overall though, well done!


Thank you very much, I really appreciate. I have already an idea on how to make the places where you can hide more visible. I think of using an outline on the objects that you can hide behind. The music for the theft sections already exist, but for some reason it didn't play. I will take a look on the code so I can fix after the game jam.

Thanks for the feedback!


Thank you! I'm glad you liked the intro cutscene as well! And thx for the feedback! We definitely plan to flesh out the lacking parts after the jam ends, so this is helpful ^^ 


Thank you for taking the time to play our game! :)

There should be music. It seems to be a bit quiet for some reason but to be fair, we were in a hurry! We will fix these things and much more after the Jam ends.

In the meantime, you can listen to the tracks that I've made for the game so far on YouTube.


Crazy Intro Story scene.
The Music is charming too.

I liked it a lot!

Your game mechanics felt like a lot of fun.
I was really excited to try to hide and find the crystals.
Was a rly fun experience!

Keep up the good work!


Thank you so much, I love your horror puzzle game too! Super cool and creative, and the art! *chef's kiss*


Thank you!! Appreciate that you played our game too and liked it ^^


The story & music are great. The art was what attracted me at first. Well done.
I love the gameplay but it's a little on the short side.

In house #2, I was able to jump into the void from the house roof. :P


Thank you very much for playing the game.

P.S: I forgot to put a collision there haha


Ty for playing our game and for taking the time to comment! ^^ 

I'm glad you enjoyed it. We'll do our best to fix the eternal void haha!


The cutscenes, music, and pixel art are on point! The fix you posted in the description worked great and I was able to make it through the levels with a couple tries. The skills the thief has are a fun way to spice up the format, and the impending doom of trying to pick the lock as I watch someone walking toward me put a good emphasis on necessity to be quick and quiet. The additional cutscene in the GDD shows there's a lot of thought behind where you want to take the story of this game, excited to see more from y'all.


Thank you so much for taking the time to play and rate our game! I'm happy to hear that it was a joyful experience! :)


Awesome Game! 


Thank you! :)