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A jam submission

Sunfall (Game jam version)View game page

A story-driven puzzle game set in a world where the sun has disappeared from the sky.
Submitted by Unicornly, tvardero, Sketching101, Kri (@kri_boats), RicNorris, snoopdloop — 13 hours, 15 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Artistic Style#15.0005.000

Ranked from 1 rating. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

Judge feedback is anonymous.

  • Love this! It was so good and awesome to play, I hope you continue working on this. Sadly I had to cock a bit as there was a huge focus on shadows, some more alchemy to work on puzzle would have been a good touch. The story was amazing and the art was so enjoyable. I really liked the story and hints as well.

Did you include your Game Design Document as a Google Drive link?

Seriously... did you include your Game Design Document?

Is your game set to Public so we can see it?

Tell us about your game!
Explore the town and use your lantern to solve puzzles and collect "star fragments". Move using WASD, E to interact, and Tab to use your lantern (once unlocked). Pushable items can be pushed by moving against them in the correct direction. Use mouse or space to advance dialogue. Also supports controller + full keyboard.

Extra Notes
Has some issues in Safari and on Mac; may only run in Windows (sorry). All art is original and was created during this jam, for this game specifically.
Also, this was our first game jam for most of the team members! Thanks for bringing us together and helping us learn new skills!

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Submitted (2 edits) (+1)

;_; I really wanted to play this game but i'm on mac
please also put that warning into the page description. (Edit: its there. I didnt see it.)I tried it several times before coming here and seeing that my computer is the culprit

That being said I really vibe with the design. Nothing more I can say about this though


Yes, sorry about that! It should run on Safari in Mac but you'd need to run it with no sound. We're hoping to fix it after the judging ends for the jam!

It does currently have a note about it on the page itself, but it's under the "compatibility" section. I'm a bit nervous about updating it during the judging but after that I'll be sure to update it!


ahhh I did not see the compatibility section. Sry for this then. I will try tomorrow on safari 


Wow, this was really nice. I love the artwork. The music is cozy and it's even changing between the light and dark. Dropping the lantern when trying to use it where it can't be was a really nice touch. Great attention to detail.

The speed of using the lantern was no issue for me in this short demo but I can see how it would be annoyingly slow in a longer game.


Lovely game! The art style looks great and works well, especially the high contrast between past and present. The mechanic also feels like there would be loads of potential going forward.

A bit of small nitpicks from me that using the lantern feels a bit slow, and using that over and over feels a bit punishing at times. But other than that, good job and well done!


Thanks, definitely a common piece of feedback so I think we will implement that! We added the transition pretty late in development so I think that's why we didn't notice how slow it was!


I love the hand drawn black and white art style. Music and sound design is really solid all around. A+ for creativity and design. Would love to see more!


Nice Game


Heya! I really like the atmosphere of the game.  Really gave me flashbacks on playing Chrono Trigger and taking the scenes of mysticism and adventure!


Really nice game! The art and the animations are great and the performance is good too! good job!


This wax very cute! I really like the art; it game me undertale vibes and overall felt cozy.
I think I accidentally missed the first start fragment after crossing the bridge, so when I found it last I got the text box about finding more fragments but then heard another text box going underneath it with what I assume was more story/ending details.

Very fun though! I liked the story!


Thanks! Ah yes, that did come up during play testing but I wasn't sure the best way to deal with it. We may just put a fragment right outside the lab exit to guarantee people see/collect it, and make that the first fragment instead!


Really enjoyed playing this, I wanted to know more about the story and what happened to the town! Really nice art style too, I could play a lot more.

Small bug (but nothing bad) if you use the lantern after the first gate, you get the dialogue for the star across the bridge but you can't see anything, confused me for a second before I used the lantern. Overall really good job though, congrats!


Ah, thank you! Thought we'd done a fix for that one but it must have not quite covered that edge case :)

Submitted (1 edit) (+3)

Neat game!  Love the transition between realms.  The art style, while simple, really works well with this type of game.  Also love the small details you put for the lantern not working in certain places.  The transition does feel a little long though for times when you keep switching back and forth.  Good work, overall!


Thank you so much!


great character design! cool game, congrats on finishing the jam!


Thanks for the comment!! I'm glad you enjoyed the game, the team put a lot of effort into it :)

Developer (3 edits) (+3)

As of now there are following reported issues:

  • Club can be exploited to farm star shards and that ends the game much early (we have 5 shard limit for demo).
  • There are some sound issues reported on Safary (Mac). Try use Chrome.
  • Lantern could glitch and stop working in top-level corner of wagon puzzle room. Usually lantern checks collision on the other side, this is what probably blocks the lantern usage.

We have plan to rest a little for now. Reported bugs are minor so far and are not pri.
We have a desire to continue the project for next 2-3 month to give it some complete state.


super cool!! the music change in the light/dark versions of the world is easily my favorite part, but I also really love the artstyle. also I like how many different ways the central mechanic is used to solve puzzles and get star fragments! noticing the start fragments around the world and trying to think of ways to get to them was very fun. I did get stuck in the top-left of the light version of the wagon room: I got the star fragment in the dark world then went to the light world, but couldn't use the lantern to get back again. but overall a really enjoyable game so far, especially for your first game jam!


Thank you! Ooh didn't manage to catch that bug/softlock in our testing, will add to the list!


Thank you so much for the kind words! We're hoping to continue working on it so seeing that people have been enjoying what is there fills me with joy!


A really interesting and promising game which made me want to explore the world and the story more (very impressive considering everything was made in just 2 weeks). I kept asking myself what is this world and what happened to it? how did magic come to this world, where is everyone else? etc... Little details like the protagonist dropping the lantern in areas that should not be accessible, the shift in music when switching from light and dark, animated portraits right above the dialog box are what really immersed me. I would love to see a full release.   


Thank you so much, what a lovely first comment to receive on our first game!


Thanks for playing the game, I'm glad you enjoyed it :)