If you have any questions regarding this jam, please feel free to ask here! Will try to respond ASAP.
no, for this jam we’re looking for specifically the experiences of a road trip (cars/vans, roads, gas stations, questionable road food, stuck in a small vehicle together, flat tires, etc)
a train trip would offer completely different dynamics and experiences, which while very interesting does not fit what we’re looking for sadly
final fantasy xv does a section where you they go on a brief train trip, so entries could have that too, but the main focus should be the road trip
We're currently working on a road trip game that's still in the early stages of development. Would it be acceptable to use this game jam as motivation to complete a demo / prototype ? Based on the FAQ, it seems fine, but we want to be fully transparent about what was created during the jam versus what was done beforehand.
Interesting question… so, for this jam we’re looking for the experiences of a road trip (questionable road food, stuck in a small vehicle together, travelling from place to place, meeting new people/food/cultures)
So I don’t see why you couldn’t have an ufo in space, as long as the story has the characteristics of a road trip! Could totally have the characters go on trip around an alien planet or something like that. I’m fascinated by this concept now omg
Hey this is my very first game jam, I'm trying to branch out of my comfort zone of becoming a game dev and thought I should challenge myself and saw this, I'm super excited about this, although I have a question, does walking/running count for road trip or does it have to be in car or something? just getting into the specifics before I start prepping. as an example, could I have like 60% on car and %40 on foot or does it all have to be one. sorry if this questions comes across as stupid or is already stated in the description of the challenge. :)
Hit “Join jam” on the jam page. That’s it! You’re signed up
Make a game
When you’re ready to submit, follow these instructions: https://myfirstgamejam.tumblr.com/post/641207538943164416/how-to-submit-your-game-you-may-think-that-you-can
Hello, I have a question. Is it okay if the road trip takes place in a bus? Like, doesn't that make it a collective road trip, with the passengers and driver involved in the experience? If so, then I would like to ask:
1) Do the passengers and driver(s) have to know each other for this to classify as a collective road trip?
2) If the passengers and driver(s) don't know each other, would the environment still have to be made more social and positive to make it feel like a collective road trip? (like, would the passengers have to sing together sometimes, or would the player have to get to know his neighbors, stuff like that)
3) I get that these are tricky questions to answer as a bus doesn't exactly classify as a private vehicle that the player or their friends would own, but if the standard, conventional passenger bus is not qualified as one of the vehicles allowed to be used in this game jam, is a smaller, more private minibus or van allowed instead?
Sorry for the late response, I’m graduating today and had to check with my co-host lol
If the bus drive has the experiences of a road trip, it should be ok. E.g: stopping for meals and gas, staying at hotels, sightseeing, etc. I think the difference between a road trip and a regular bus travel in your case would be more important.
They don’t have to know each other from the get-go. Getting to know (or hate) strangers during the trip is ok.
The interactions don’t have to be positive. If you want everyone in the vehicle to hate each other’s guts/ actively plan for their murders/not care about each other, that’s okay. The social aspect can be as negative as you want, not all road trips are fun times for everyone.
Minibus and van are ok, my own game has a van as it vehicle.
Hey so my game that I still need to submit is in progress and while the road trip does include a car (a talking friendly one at that) the main focus on the road trip isint the driving part but the desinations along the way and the interesting things that you can do while on road trips and the locations are heavily inspired by common vacation destinations (especially if posssible, tourist trap ones, such as a las vegas inspired, area 51 gas station inspired , and multiverses largest popcorn ball stuff, to give some actual examples)
I really love how it's coming along but I am a bit worried since its more focused on the things that make up the journey of a road trip than the road trip itself it might not be quite what the games looking to do, I could probably add a car driving minigame in between levels but that would be kind of difficult given I'm working with a sort of half 2d half 3d art style! thanks for your time!!!!
thank you so much! I have a few test builds out already that are already playable (with a few levels) so I'm gonna submit it and just keep updating then if that's okay! I really hope you guys end up enjoying it this is my first game jam and I've gotten pretty ambitious :) This is so much fun I'm definitely doing game jams in the future ^_^ and thank you SO MUCH for the swift response WOW that was fast! thank you for your time!!!!
Hey there, Meiri! So this question doesn't really regard the gamplay of my submission for the Road Trip Jam, but rather the software itself.
So on my submission page (The link is here: The Sleepless Drive by br8blue), a user complained that Windows Defender actually flags my game as malware.
I actually looked into this error for a bit and found a lot of information regarding this problem. According to many sources, creating executable files using PyInstaller (a program I used to compile my Python files into a .exe file) makes Windows Defender think that the software is malicious (which in my case it clearly isn't).
As of now I am still trying to get it whitelisted by Microsoft, but that may take a while.
I just wanted to let you know because I felt that it was something important for you to acknowledge, and I hope you understand. (I don't want my game taken down! 😅)
Wow, that was a fast response!
But anyways, the problem doesn't actually prevent people from playing it since there are two ways to bypass it
1) Turn off Windows Defender
2) Just ignore the error. Windows give you the option to proceed anyways, so it's fine.
My personal idea is that (if it's fine with you) I create a new topic under the community page of this Jam. I could use it to help anyone with issues they have with playing my game, because I spent a decent amount of time creating my own original music and coding it, so I want to make sure that everyone can enjoy my game without much hassle!
I've submitted a game, and now I want to make an opposite version of the game that is the eye replaces the truck and everything is the opposite colour and way.
Do I just include it as a link in my original game or can I submit it as an entirely different game to this jam as it'll be the sequel of the game.
Hi, I have been working on my first game called "Drive" Its still in development and i do post the game on itch, but its not a good game right now, can i use this jam to complete the game and publish it here since my game matches this jam's tone?
And also can i keep updating the game after submitting it?
Kindly check my profile if i match the rules, I will update the name no worries